WLS 222 – Be The Wolf

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This episode of the We Like Shooting show is brought to you by Second Call DefenseManticore ArmsDEZ Tactical Arms, the Sonoran Desert InstituteJC Arms and Ammunition and Patriot Patch Company!

Check out our Shootout challenge! Targets, rules and swag available here!

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 222 – tonight we’ll talk about FEG pistol, Hogue grips, M&P 2.0 Compact, One Life Defense and more!

Our Guest is Varg Freeborn from One Life Defense

Varg Freeborn is a violence educator, fitness coach and lethal force firearms instructor widely known for his unique background in the violent criminal underworld.

You can find more about Varg Freeborn here


Our cast for episode 222 is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, Savage1r, Nick Lynch!

Second Call Defense

If you carry or use a gun to protect yourself an/or your family then you need Second Call Defense. They handle what comes after the trigger is pulled. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get Second Call Defense today!

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Manticore Arms

Reality based accessories that solve problems! Manticore Arms makes parts for your fighting rifles, whether it’s an AK, AR-15, AUG, Tavor, CZ Scorpion Evo or even something else!

Get 10% off at Manticore Arms with code WLS10!

Gear Chat

Brought to you by DEZ Tactical Arms

Where we talk about the stuff we have, the stuff that we want and the stuff that we need!

DEZ Tactical Arms

Rifles and accessories for the AR-15 lover! Whether you need a full rifle or just parts to build one DEZ has your back. High quality, match grade and most parts are made in house.

Get 10% off at DEZ Tactical Arms with code WLSPATRON!

JC Arms and Ammunition

The absolute best ammo we’ve shot! Match grade primers, match grade powder, virgin brass and top quality projectiles, at range ammo prices. You have got to see it to believe it!

Get $5 off at JC Arms and Ammunition with code WLS5OFF!

Going Ballistic with Savage1r

Brought to you by JC Arms & Ammunition

Savage1r goes over the news of the day relating to guns, rights and more!

Fuckstick McFucklestein shoots up a church in texas, killing over half of congregants. Killer had received bad conduct discharge from the military for domestic abuse and was still able to pass and background check. Fortunately, am armed citizen was nearby and was able to engage the killer, possibly being the one who gave the shot that killed him. Breaking: Air force did not submit criminal history to FBI per the law.


Learn how to be a gunsmith in the comfort of your own home. Distance learning that gives you tools and a gun in a box to build as you learn! Whether you want to get more acquianted with your AR-15 or want an associates degree, SDI is the place for you.

Mention We Like Shooting!

iTunes Reviews

Please leave us reviews in iTunes! It makes all the difference!

Great listen for the gun enthusiast

by WickedDigger101 on Oct 24, 2017

RATING: ★★★★★

Awesome show. If you like guns and a funny group of guys with ambiguous unspoken tensions between them you’ll love this show. I’€™ve learned so much about guns, gear, and being secure in my masculinity since I’ve started listening. 5 stars!!


Aaron’s Interruptions

by dingdong doo on Oct 24, 2017

RATING: ★★★★★

I had a friend who interrupted all the time, now I know this would probably piss people off, but god damn, what he says is funny. Lol. I am glad he does it. Keep it up!.



by Not Shawns Liver on Oct 24, 2017

RATING: ★★★★★

If I were Shawns Liver, I would buy a gun, get second call defense, because I am  pretty sure Shawn is trying to kill me, and I need to defend myself.


Ravage the savage

by Germy P.  on Oct 24, 2017

RATING: ★★★★★

You guys talk about Savage smoking weed all the time, is that legal for a gun owner to do? I mean I know his guns are real shitty, so they might not actually count as real guns, but I was just wondering.



by Funyns on Oct 24, 2017

RATING: ★★★★★

I hear you talking about Nicks Check all the time… how does he check it? Is that why he seems out of it all the time, just so busy doing all the checks?


Lone Range Errr.

by Kimo Hot Saby on Oct 24, 2017

RATING: ★★★★★

When is the range going to get done? Or is this just like Desert Techs Rifles, you hear about it for years, and when it finally shows up, it is more a RDB then an MDR.  

Patriot Patch Company

The absolute best in patches and 2A shirts!

Get 15% off using code WLS!



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We’re here live every week on Monday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!