Making it all the way from El Salvadore to my hot little hands, the Condor TRT (Tactical Rescue Tomahawk) is an interesting tool to behold. The sheath is a functional blade protector, comes with a 360 degree belt loop swivel, and is made out of soft black leather with a snap-to cover.

It’s simplicity in design and strength of material make for a robust and aggressive tool. The handle of the TRT is tube stock, 1/4″ thick, which makes for a hefty grip. It’s wrapped in paracord that is secured by holes drilled into the tube. Save for the blade edge, the metal is coated with epoxy black powder. Holding the TRT in your hand, the weight seems fairly evenly distributed throughout the entire length.

My personal preference would be to have a light handle, made out of some kind of high strength, yet light composite material and have the weight of the weapon in the head of the blade, but such a design would be subject to stress fractures whereas there appears to be no way to even dent the TRT, let alone break or bend it.

The blade comes surprisingly well polished and sharpened, so well in fact you can use it as a mirror or even a signal on a bright day. Every part of the axe head screams utility, the under part of the blade face is sharpened as well and tapers to a hook in the inside surface nearest the handle.

Following the head to the reverse side we find a very thick, very serrated pick. For puncturing a hard surface, like a car door, a home door (heck, any door) or wall, this pick would have no problem breaching and being used as a wedge to pry.

Coming in at a mere 2.03lbs, you wouldn’t think an axe like this would be much of an encumbrance, but if you were to take it on a hiking or camping trip where you had to carry it on your hip the entire time, I can see that 2.03lbs being a bit more of an inconvenience. Once strapped on, the weight of the handle causes the axe to swing like a pendulum if you’re walking, running or jumping. Wearing shorts or light pants would not be suggested as you are likely to have that thick piece of metal tube stock bang up against your knee. If I had my ‘druthers, I would like to see the sheath be either fixed or rigged in such a way that it could be attached to M.O.L.L.E. straps or made into a kydex rig for quick access. When attempting to pull the axe from the sheath, the paracord can catch the soft leather and cause it to bend and catch so you have to reposition your grip or manipulate the sheath to free the axe.
The TRT looks to be built exactly for the task intended, to be a tool used by fireman or first responder to breach a building or vehicle and smash whatever is needed to get to the objective. The small size makes it much more maneuverable than a standard size fire axe and the heft adds to the power of the swing. Though I wouldn’t recommend wearing it on a belt for an extended hike, it would make a perfect trunk tool for emergencies or camping and ranch needs. Needless to say, if the Zombie Apocalypse were to happen tomorrow, this would be the tool of choice for all your cranial evacuation exercises.
All in all, the Condor TRT is a very utilitarian and neigh indestructible tool, at an average $60 price tag, it’s one hell of an axe for the money.