Magpul Battery Assist Device (B.A.D. Lever)


Magpul Battery Assist Device (B.A.D. Lever)

This is a sweet little baby, let me tell you. For $30, this box shows up in the mail with just a little black metal thing, a metal backing block, and a little bolt. That’s it? That’s all I get for $30? You read the directions and affix said little bent metal stick to the bolt catch on your AR-style rifle.

Then you pick up your rifle and pull back the charging handle and, alas, you don’t need to take your hand off the pistol grip to engage the bolt catch. Then with your hand on the pistol grip and trigger finger still in the trigger guard you push on that little bent metal lever and, voilĂ , the bolt gets sent home.

It’s at this point you realize the beauty of this little bent metal stick.

You can fully operate the bolt catch of your AR without removing your hand off the grip. That’s a beautiful thing when you need to reload in a hurry.

I have put one on each of my ARs and recommended these to several friends. I wish I would’ve had one of these in the Marines.

If you’re familiar with the AR platform think of how awkward it is to work the bolt catch in a stressful situation, e.g. taking fire. Now your reloading time is cut down severely and your finger almost never leaves the trigger itself. That is the most beautiful thing about this.

Go get a Magpul B.A.D. Lever, get one now.