Crossbreed SuperTuck Deluxe Concealed Holster



From the Website:

Our most popular holster and THE most comfortable and concealable holster available.

The SuperTuck is our most popular rig and is adjustable for ride depth AND cant, it’s our most stable and comfortable rig and offers the following features as well.

1) All SuperTuck holsters now come with our new SteelClip clip. Spring steel with a corrosion proof, chip proof coating along with a proprietary design makes our SteelClips the best clip on the market. Bulletproof construction and a decorative design that won’t give you away, only from CrossBreed.

2) 3/4 length full sight channel for clearance with ALL front sights.

3) Premium-grade leather for the backing! (Horsehide also available at extra cost.)

4) Steel mounting hardware for the clip attachments.

5) Mounting spacers behind the clips to allow easier tucking.

Retrofit kits are also available for anyone with the older model SuperTuck.

Our SuperTuck Deluxe is THE most comfortable and concealable holster available, there
might be prettier ones, but NONE will out-perform the SuperTuck!

Each holster fits all barrel lengths of a particular series of firearms. For example, everything from an officer’s to a 5-inch 1911, or a Mini Glock, compact or full-size Glock.