Colt Police Positive Special


As I sit here thinking of what to type for this review, I only have one thing that keeps recurring in my mind.

What have you seen?

This question, about a revolver that was given to me by my mother’s mother, given to her by a deceased boyfriend some 20 years before I was even born. It’s guns like this that I wish could talk. A 1956 Police Positive Special and most likely a duty weapon at some point in its life, it must have had a wild ride.

That being said let’s get down to business.

This was the handgun that I learned how to shoot handguns with. An old family friend took me shooting at the range frequently after my dad died. Being some 40 years my senior, a Coast Guard and Police Pistol Instructor, this was not a man I was going to take lightly as he showed me the ins and outs of firing a handgun. Going from his tutelage onward I learned, I studied, and I practiced. I have become the shooter that I am today, a damn good one. (I did see him eke a little pride the day I told him that I had become a pistol instructor)

Accurate … plain and simple. Almost 60 years and the old girl still shoots true. It has a  fixed rear sight (grooved frame) and fixed front sight blade that can’t be knocked off line without catastrophic damage to the gun itself, so there’s that.  Easy to use and easy to see. Sights line up well even if the rear is very shallow leaving little room for error.

Grip s… these damn grips. I love shooting this gun but in reaching 6’7″ as a grown man, my giant man hands just don’t fit well on the grips. I end up with a pinky with no place to go. I really wish they were a bit heftier.

The recoil isn’t too bad. Has what I would consider a standard .38 Special kick to it. Nothing to worry about. Just a nice little snap.

Trigger pull in double action is long, as is most trigger pull on a double action. Single action is right around 6 pounds if I had to guess. The hammer releases without any feeling of it in the trigger. So if you’re looking to feel the release in your finger, it’s not going to happen. It definitely will be a surprise when the round cracks off.

Weight’s about normal for a medium-frame revolver. Something you can wear on your hip and not lose your pants, but not so light it breaks your wrist when firing.

All in all, I love this gun. I think it could compete with any modern .38 and hold its own.

Good for novice shooters and advanced alike, though I wouldn’t recommend it for beginners, even if they can handle it. Only because I recommend .22s for first-timers.