Fantastic Plastic: Round Two TNArms Co’s Gen IV Initial Impressions

 TNArms Co Lower Review

After posting my first initial impressions video and writeup, I was contacted by the folks at TNArms Co, who wanted to take another shot. The lower I had originally been working with was a Gen III model, which they are no longer producing or selling. I gladly accepted, and they swapped the lowers. That immediately won some points in my book. While I still wasn’t sure about the product, it was at least nice to see that the company would make any problems right.

From the moment the new Gen IV lower showed up, I could tell there was a difference. The lower feels a little beefier than the previous model. It still has flex, but it feels like the walls around the FCG are a little more rigid, or maybe just thicker. The issues I’d seen in the previous lower with some rough grinding marks, and improperly cut pockets was resolved. The finish still has a bit of swirl to it, but it’s leaps and bounds better than the previous model. While Gen III had flashing everywhere, the Gen IV only has a little here and there. An acceptable amount, as far as I’m concerned. When I assembled the lower, it went together just fine, and a function check shows that everything is working. Snapping an upper onto the lower is a little difficult, the area that the rear lug sits in is still tight, but a good squeeze will seat it in place.

The TNArms Co Gen IV has made me do a complete 180. While I was unimpressed and a little wary of the Gen III, I’m actually quite excited to get out and send some lead down range with the new Gen IV. If TNArms is still striving to make the best polymer AR lower, it would seem they’re on the right track.
