NRA Under Fire 001 – WLS

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

This information is easily findable on the internet, all we’ve done is organize it into a timeline and share our opinions.


-Ackerman McQueen and NRA sign deal beginning professional relationship


-Wayne LaPierre becomes NRA CEO and VP of Executive Board


-(April 7)Earliest provided date Wayne LaPierre spends money on clothing through AckMac


-NRA drops retirement program for new employees

-Falls $4.5m short of retirement funding goals


-(November) Wayne LaPierre charges $10k to AckMac for travel


-(May) NRA hires Josh Powell as Chief of Staff

-(May-August) Wayne LaPierre bills AckMac $12,804.84 in rent for Megan Allen


-(Feb 12) Final provided date Wayne LaPierre spends money on clothing through AckMac totals $274,695.03 over 13 years or average of $21,130.39/year

-Josh Powell becomes executive director of general operations

-NRA launches Carry Guard


-(May 7) Oliver North becomes President of NRA after Pete Brownell steps down

-(May) NRA files suit against Lockton after being dropped

-(Sep 13) Judge removes William Brewer from Lockton after misconduct

-(November 15) NRA and Lockton file joint motion to dismiss, and settle out of court

-NRA falls $13.3m short of retirement funding goals


-(Feb 25) North asks General Counsel for Brewer invoices and is told no

-(Feb 26) North, Childress, and Meadows ask LaPierre for access to Brewer invoices and are denied

March 2019

-(March) NRA receives invoice for $19.26M from Brewer for services over previous 12 months

-(March 22) North, Childress, and Meadows ask Audit Committee for outside audit of Brewer invoices – get no response

-(March 31) North contacts LaPierre and requests outside audit of Brewer invoices and is denied

April 2019

-(April 8) North again contacts LaPierre and requests outside audit of Brewer and is again denied

-(April 12) NRA files suit against AckMac using Brewer – BOD are not informed

-(April 17) New Yorker magazine publishes article, alleges misuse of funds and mismanagement

-(April 18) North sends document to Frazer (Secretary and General Counsel) and Cotton (Chairman of Audit Committee) encouraging to reexamine deal with Brewer requests that Audit Committee examine and discuss doc on 28th or BOD on 28th

-(April 22) Ack Mac send letter requesting receipts and documentation for $267,460.53 in travel expenses including previously mentioned travel and apartment

-(April 22) Ack Mac sends letter requesting receipts and documentation for previously mentioned clothing expenses

-(April 22) NRA Board Council Steve Hart takes Ack Mac letters to Audit Committee, is swiftly fired by LaPierre who did not consult board

-(April 25) Oliver North forms Crisis Management Committee to investigate accusations and find outside investigator to review issues with Ack Mac and Brewer

-(April 27) NRA Members are informed at General Meeting that North will not be nominated for second term

-(April 27) Kraut/Prince submit resolution for vote of no confidence in LaPierre, vote fails

-(April 29) LaPierre is re-elected unopposed along with Meadows (pres) Cotton (1st VP) and Lee (2nd VP)