WLS 037 – BAM!

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

episode-tileWelcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 37.  This episode we’ll talk about Brite Strike flashlights, the Heizer PAR1, Rothco Solar Chargers, Bulletproof daypacks, Derma plate carriers and EZ2C targets.

Tonight we mourn the loss of Aaron… for this episode!  He’s not dedicated to the show or you, our fans.  We apologize in advance for his absence and I make a personal pledge to you that I will make him pay for his betrayal.  Jeremy knows what I’m talking about.

Since Aaron is gone, I’ve written our panelists lies tonight and I think Aaron is better at it.  Enough about Aaron, we do have a great panel of loyal and dedicated folks, tonight we are joined by…

Our panel tonight

We are joined by

  • Savage1r – A YouTuber who makes videos about shooting, philosophy, and do it yourself projects. Savage is a really good guy and does a lot for We Like Shooting.  We love him… as a friend.  DOING IT BETTER:
  • Lil Chantilly – Lil is Active Duty Navy, womens shooting advocate, NRA Women content partner, long range shooter and gun blogger, at Heelsandhandguns.com.  As you may have noticed, Lil is the glue that holds us together and the voice of reason for this show.  Lil, please never leave us again.  Oh god, please. DOING IT BETTER: Uploaded a TON of scope various scope tracking videos.  This link will take you to all the videos.
  • Aaron – A Law enforcement marketing specialist and the media contact for We Like Shooting will be traveling to florida next week and buying dolphin rape insurance  DOING IT BETTER putting to gether items for the bangbox, also reading up on state laws for CCW on the way to florida
  • Jeremy – Former Marine, instructor, rifle champ and the owner of River’s Edge Tactical in Ohio. Jeremy likes big butts and he can not lie.  DOING IT BETTER Was dying Sunday so I didn’t do shit
  • Nick – A precision rifle and barrel maker and writer of hard tongue twisters: Nick looks like a chia pet.  Why is your hairline so strong? DOING IT BETTER Tried to shoot the challenge, had a case blowout.
  • Shawn – I’m Shawn, I’m an instructor, reviewer, competitor. and all I wanna do is zoom zoom zoom in the boom boom DOING IT BETTER:  Carbine 2 training with KTG, Shooting for fun with Ryan
  • Our special guest tonight is a combat vet, national guard, military contractor and star of stage and screen.  Between work, National Guard, family and his Youtube channel he ain’t got no time fo’ that.  He was Onced chased out of Bahrain by a PT boat packing a PKM while on a Jetski!  Please welcome back Peyton from Guns of the 111th.

This is our drinking game.

  • Shawn – interesting, Actually, absolutely, fantastic, basically, nice
  • Anybody – WEAPON, Hi-Point.
  • Jeremy – I hate dolphins!
  • Nick – Hershey highway
  • savage1r – ya know, basically
  • Lil – Oh My Goodness! (Usually brought on by something Aaron says.)
  • Peyton – Anytime you see my bulldog in frame when I’m on the main screen.

and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

We announced our patron project and we’ve seen huge support from you!  Thank you so much for believing in what we are doing!

We’re raising money to give back to our audience and make the show better. If you like the show please consider contributing. 50 cents, a dollar, a nickel, a penny (aaron), whatever you can do.  It only amounts to a few bucks per month but there are all kinds of rewards and we will constantly be adding to the list.  Patches, shirts, swag boxes – SO. MUCH. STUFF.

If you enjoy the show and want to help, please visit https://welikeshooting.com/pledge and see what we put together.

It’s time for…

Going ballistic (news stories, gun control, etc.)

Put out a call to the audience, if they know of a story we should discuss, send it to us!

A-arons Odds news of the week

Shooting challenge

Whose gun?

If fictional characters were to use modern publicly available firearms, what would they use? Pick ONE or two.  Guest please pick one and put your choice on that line.

This week: Twilight

  • Edward Cullen – savage1r – Glitter painted hi-point .380 because he’s a sparkly, useless turd of a vampire
  • Jacob Black-Duel Glock 41’s. Never seen the movie or read the book’s. But that’s what a Mother Fing wherewolf with any gusto would use.
  • Charlie Swan Jeremy- WTF is this bullshit, M-28 Davy Crockett
  • Alice Cullen – Lil -Remington 5R with an Accuracy International Chassis System.
  • Billy Black – NickLynch – Atl-Atl cuz he’s an Indian.

Wrap up

Gun related link of the week


Companies love to give our audience discounts.

Go check out https://welikeshooting.com/discounts/ to see discounts from DEZ Tactical Arms, Rivers Edge Tactical, Kenaz Tactical Group, Jess Pens and Overwatch Holsters!


Thanks to everyone else that has commented on our social media and our show website. If you would like to correspond with us please

What shows to listen to on FRN

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Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.

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