We Like Shooting 554 – Venmoo

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Welcome to the We Like Shooting Show, episode 554

Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, Savage1R, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn Herrin.

 Tonight we’re going to talk about: 

Gear Chat 

All news stories are brought to you by Pew Report! https://pew.report (code: WLSTRIAL for a free month!)


  1. Shawn – Correction to Baofengs from last week.
    1. Non removable antenna, part 95 compliant. Certain FRS channels are restricted to 0.5w and other 2w.
    1. Nosler 30K suppressor
  2. Jerambe –  Machine guns….

Gun Fights!



Relaunching Remington Arms.


Nutrient Survival / National Association for Gun Rights

#Aaron’s Alley

ATF Says Bartering the same as selling and needs a NICS check

Going Ballistic

All news stories are brought to you by Pew Report! https://pew.report (code: WLSTRIAL for a free month!)

Summarize / Editorialize / Go to the cast for comments  

Jeremy  Reads 

Five Stars from YourFavoriteDetroiter: (Read in you best mobster impression )

Hey so I’m looking for something… something in particular, you know those 3d doohickies they use to squirt stuff and make shit? Where you get them squirt documents from I think I could use that for something in my bed room that also squirts is you catching what im putting down.

Five Stars from ashleigh h:

probably the best podcast ive ever listened to.

Five Stars from Dr ScaryGuy: 

If they’re sellouts, it’s not obvious like with many other content creators. (1) They’re still poor and stupid. (2) They give their honest opinions through the lens of their own retardation – and no self-respecting company would allow that if they were paying for “good” reviews.(3) They haven’t kicked Aaron off yet, and he’s seriously bad for business, logic, and erections. (4) they seriously give good info – if their sponsor sends them a gun that breaks, they don’t lie about it or sugar coat it. (5) they didn’t keep that one awful chick around just because she was a glorified boothbabe and was probably better for their ratings. So if you want bad content coming from washed up boothbabes, go look for some other UnFunny podcast. If you want a decent show to listen to, stick around.

Wrap up 

Join the National Association for Gun Rights and get involved in your local community. Tell your friends about the podcast and don’t forget to join the Posse. 

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