We Like Shooting 553 – Fart in a Tornado

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Welcome to the We Like Shooting Show, episode 553

Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, Savage1R, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn Herrin.

Gear Chat 

All news stories are brought to you by Pew Report! https://pew.report (code: WLSTRIAL for a free month!) 

  1. Aaron – Suppressed upper
  2. Shawn – Cole-Tac multicam rainbow day pack – code: wls10
    1. Flatline fiber co baseline bag – code: wlsislife
  3. Nick – Coms setup

Gun Fights!



Is Savage bringing back the 99?

#Aaron’s Alley


Going Ballistic

All news stories are brought to you by Pew Report! https://pew.report (code: WLSTRIAL for a free month!)

Summarize / Editorialize / Go to the cast for comments  

Jeremy  Reads 

Five Stars from Mr. McDoogencrunch: 

What can I say that hasn’t already been said…

about ear pussies. Most times, the show just hits…

me right in the ear pussy. Eargasms abound. Plentiful…Noxious.

Word dicks, slapping like a drumstick on the snare drum. Pop pop pop. The knowledge shared vibrates like the bass’s low B string, Earpussy. Earpussy.

Keep spreading the word. The signal is growing because of us regular guys. Thank y’all for the time invested.

One Star from Tony: 

When you have that one friend that tries too hard to be funny, Who doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut and who is typically under educated in every argument but swears he is right. For this we thank you Aaron

Five Stars from Zac

Jpoz is the Kanye of WLS: change my mind

Join the National Association for Gun Rights and get involved in your local community. Tell your friends about the podcast and don’t forget to join the Posse. 

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