We Like Shooting 548 – Hick Hop

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Welcome to the We Like Shooting Show, episode 548

Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, Savage1R, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn Herrin.

 Tonight we’re going to talk about: 

Gear Chat 

All news stories are brought to you by Pew Report! https://pew.report (code: WLSTRIAL for a free month!) 

  1. Aaron – More adventures in SWvill
  2. Shawn – Foxtrot Mike Ranch Rifle – Initial Impressions
    1. Diving board scope mounts
  3. Jerambe –  
  4. Savage1r – 
  5. Nick – AR Pistol!!!111!!!!
  6. Guest – 

Gun Fights!



Battle Over Credit Card Merchant Code Being Fought In Several States

  • The dispute revolves around the categorization of firearm-related transactions and the associated merchant codes used by credit card companies.
  • Merchants argue that credit card companies have improperly labeled firearm transactions, leading to adverse consequences such as higher processing fees and increased regulatory scrutiny.
  • Some states are considering legislation to address this issue, aiming to establish fair and accurate merchant codes for firearm transactions.
  • Gun rights advocates believe that the current merchant code practices unfairly target legal firearm transactions and negatively impact businesses in the firearms industry.

#Aaron’s Alley

AI Generated voice of the dead to support gun control 

Going Ballistic

All news stories are brought to you by Pew Report! https://pew.report (code: WLSTRIAL for a free month!)

Summarize / Editorialize / Go to the cast for comments  

Jeremy  Reads 

 Five stars from your mom: 

This is not a cleaning service

Five stars from Robert S: 

I love the podcast and can’t wait for the new episodes to find out what is happening in your lives But I have to listen to it with my wife not in the car because she doesn’t like it.

Five Stars from Sexual Snake Bite: 

A 5 Squirrel Rating for the Show.

Greetings Cast, Cult and listeners.

I’ve been following along for what feels like a decade. Something like that…FUCK if Iknow… i know I had a head full of hair when i first started listening. Not so much anymore…. it’s worth it. Mostly….mostly….

I also have become immune to AIDS and herpes due to my constant weekly exposure at controled, regular intervals.

Meet the cast; and their respective descriptions. (Insert description here and relate them to cheese, cause that is the mission, specifically.)

– ParmeShawn cheese is old and smells really bad. it only tastes good when paired with something bland for contrast. The good thing about it is that it has a long shelf life and has lots of good stories to tell. But, like a walmart shipping service, needs to work on it’s delivery a bit. But we should ask ourselves: where would we be without it…?

– Nick nacho cheese lynch, cause that shit runs, but at the same time goes with everything. Sitting there in silent glory, probably with a baller ass sweater on getting ready to say and or do something legendary. That chill ass frog in the back… and stuff. What’s not to like.

(JEREMY) – Ranch Dressing. It’s like bleu cheese right? Whatever.

(MG MOSES) – Gorgonzola, the smelliest and most ancient cheese aka machine gun homeless. Has no honor to speak of. But – But! he did shoot a gun that one time. I wish for good fortune upon you and your people. I know what it’s like when you can’t tell anymore whether you’re lucky or unlucky in life. Just keep living it. Fuck it.

– Savage is like that cheese in the back of the fridge that i would feel bad throwing out, but I know I probably should. But I just put it in the microwave untill it turns to something useful and or goes ballistic. If it grows hair, destroy it. And something about reddit.

Looking forward to more juSt az guud times.