WLS Double Tap 227 – The Orphanage

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Welcome to Double Tap, Episode 227, your hosts tonight are Jeremy Pozderac, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch, My name is Shawn Herrin, welcome to the show!


#WackyWeapons (where we weigh the pros and cons of types of weapons) 

Kettering Bug






Aiden S: 

Does Mr. Nick still drive an Audi? If so what model and why? I know he’s something of a mechanic but I’d figure it would be difficult to work on. Just curious what year and model If that particular one is known for being DIY friendly and abundant parts.


James A: 

Do yall listen to conservative types like Matt Walsh or Stephen Crowder? I do a little and save for them and a small handful of liberal people who have podcasts I dont really see that divide. I mean yes online I see it in the comment sections and reddit but this is where all the crazies live. I hear the okayness with a country splitting it really disturbs me these pundits and celebrities are talking about that. That being said I dont hear it outside of those places. Thats why Im curious if you take in those pundits or any sort of political stuff. Im just really hoping that this is all the crazies and not the majority.


Alex W. 

I just moved from urban Utah to a camper trailer on the edge of town in Bozeman MT. I figure if I’m defending myself inside my dwelling, it’s going to be from 5 feet away with my handgun. If I’m using my rifle, I’m going to be trying to hit something at a distance outside. I have a 16 inch AR with a scope on it but I still need a light for it. Do you have any recommendations for a good rifle light that can reach a long way?


Andy P: 

I am looking at getting into shooting clays(skeet/trap) and I need help picking out a shotgun. I don’t want to look like a douche bag and use any of my tactical shotguns. So, I was looking at either a Benelli m2 or a Beretta 1301, but I really don’t know what to look for. What would you all recommend and why? I do not want Savage’s opinion on this topic, because I don’t want a Turkish shotgun. Thanks!!!


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