WLS Double Tap 162 – Freestyle Walk



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This episode of We Like Shooting –  Double Tap is brought to you by Black Rhino Concealment Neo Mag and Rubber Dummies.

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Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 162 Where we answer your questions, talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.


Our cast for tonight is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, and Jermey

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Nick T

Looking for the best .45 pistol for a suppressor. What are your suggestions?

Matthew S

This question is for Shawn.

Are you planning to upgrade your SKS? If so, what upgrades? If not, why not?!

As a type 56 owner, I will tell you a few key ones that are very nice. They make drop in spring loaded titanium sks firing pins. I reccomend that for the drop safe factor. There are two recoil buffers, an insert for the receiver cover and an H type insert for the receiver. I suggest at least getting the H type as it saves the rear of the receiver from contact from the bolt. The receiver cover insert buffers the spring and doesn’t do much in my opinion.

These last upgrades will only make you jealous given the facist laws in place in your state…There is an extended magazine catch you can install which makes swapping out 20rd tapco detachable duckbill mags very easy (as long as the bolt carier is back since the guide rails run through the magazine lips), and while installing the extended catch you can buff the sear surfaces for a smoother trigger! Lastly, they made a 75rd (78rd if you try) drum mag for the sks which runs like a champ if you don’t over wind the follower spring. Maybe freedom loving Jeremy can hold it for you for when you come over to play.

There are optic mounts available for her also, a gas tube rail or a replacement receiver cover with a rail ontop.

Jack B

What’s the difference between a single stage and a 2 stage trigger? Explain it like I’m as dumb as savage1r, but you actually like me. Can you tell the difference when you work the trigger? What are the pros and cons and when would you want each type?

Tyler A

Looking a+t upgrading one of my AR-15s and keeping the current parts for future use. In what order would you recommend parts get upgraded and with what? I’m thinking of replacing (in no particular order) bcg, charging handle, trigger, adjustable stocks/braces, etc. I’m not looking to upgrade optics at this time. Thanks for your input! #wlsislife

Jack B

What are the Pros of a striker fired trigger? Most of the time when I hear anyone review a striker fired pistol they say something to effect of “The trigger aint bad for a striker fired”. If reviewers have to qualify it with “for a striker fired”, why do they even exist? Are there people out there who prefer the feel of the striker to the hammer? I’ve never shot a striker fired pistol that I liked.

Matt G

Hey fellas,

I’m looking to pick up a 10mm to use as a bear-stopper while bowhunting in grizzly country. I was curious if you might have any suggestions or advice on particular brands or models to stay away from in 10mm. I do prefer a smaller gripped pistol, and reliability is the most important feature. Also, weight is a consideration as the pistol is just a paperweight until I need it(hopefully never will). extra weight tends to get left at camp. With that in mind would a sig or 1911 be recommended(ie. cz dan wesson 1911, sig p220 elite, sig 1911 tacops), or should I just stick with the gorilla gripped monstrosity that is the glock 20? Other suggestions? As I understand it, 10mm tends to jam a bit more if the feed ramps are too short. Is this correct?

Thanks for the shows, guys. I listen to them as I bop down the road in the semi, and they really brighten my day.



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