WLS Double Tap 009 – Awkward discharges

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 9, Tonight we’ll roast some negligent discharges, we’ll answer your questions on Dear WLS, we’ll talk about NOT GUNS, and revisit past gear on gear chat revisited!

Our panel tonight, the machine gun moses Aaron Krieger, Assistant to the regional manager, Nick Lynch, Jeremy Pozderac from River’s Edge Tactical and my name is Shawn Herrin

Welcome to the show everyone.  

Black Rhino Concealment AD! WLSMOFO 10% off

Listen to the show


Sick Burn

Dear WLS

Gear Chat Revisited

Not Guns

Florida Man





Bonus Burn BANANAS https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxMQ6fexi_jFWk5YWHZaY25QTlU


# Dear WLS


Shaun G

Are in is called the” machine gun moses” why because I don’t think of machine guns when I think of him. Isn’t it more appropriate to call him ” the disciple of diabetes “?


Adam  AF

For each of the panelists: other than the training courses you’ve already attended, what would be your ideal training course to attend and what three-gun “loadout” would you take? For example, I would like to attend Safety Solutions Academy and I would take my sig sauer p320, mossberg 590, and rock river lar 15. Thanks keep up the awesome work guys!


Marc F

Hey J-Rome-Bee,

I’m looking in to suppressing my 1911. Is there anything I need to do, other than get a threaded barrel and a can? It’s a 5″ Para.

Thanks for the help.


Phillip E

What are your favorite pizza toppings?


Bryan S

Hey! It’s me again, you could always have me on the show to ask newbie questions. That aside, I’m going to be purchasing my first handgun this year. Assuming I get my concealed carry, what gun would be a decent purchase without breaking the bank.


Rob P

Hey guys, love the show. I’ve been listening for about three years now. I am about to start my first AR build and I want to have the option to suppress it. Is there a specific type of barrel that I need, or can a suppressor be attached to any barrel for an AR?


Wesley C

If you shoulder a pistol brace it magically, momentarily becomes a stock. So if I permanently attach a wrist strap to a stock, is it now a brace???


Joshua N

Deer dubbyah ellis, what are each of your personal 4 rules of gun safety?



Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls



  1. California NY

Many of the guns they offer are California and NY complaint.





Url for mention on podcast and linking banner: http://www.nighthawkcustom.com/welikeshooting


Nighthawk Predator 2 Retail $3895.00


# Not Guns
THIS WEEKS TOPIC: What is the most awkward situation you have ever had on a date?


# Gear Chat Revisited:

  • NickLynch –
  • Savage1r –
  • Jerambe-  Armi Olmi
  • Aaron – Ontario Knife Company
  • Shawn – Multiple Impact Bullets from Advanced ballistic concepts





# Snap Caps, What do you know Pre-recorded segment where we ask random questions (also make Youtube Videos)

# ShenaniGUNs  (with youtube video)


Out of the 1000’s of responses we received for last weeks question Matthew Lavelle correctly answered the following question about the video  “G2 R.I.P. Ammo Test and Review This was a pretty easy one this week, what did Savage shoot from his freezer that his wife left in there?

1: Vacuum Sealed Tomatoes

2: Soggy Vegetables of Various Sorts

3: Rancid Breast Milk

Extra Credit: Holy Fuck Was That Some Terrifying Ricochet!

Okay lets try an easy one people, we are going to make it super easy. To enter this week all you have to do is watch our WLS vide, “Cover or Concealment, your front door” What ammo does the door protect against and what ammo does your door only provide concealment? Submit your answer via Welikeshooting.com/trivia

Wrap up



You can do one or both, either way your contributions are greatly appreciated!



Find us on ALL the social media and our website


Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group (ask the guest about their state) and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255


We’re here live every week on Monday and Weds. and on demand every damn day. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!
Thanks for listening, and No awkward boners.