WLS 515 – Mothers Milk

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

Join us tonight as we talk about the Your Rights, P-IX, KUSA, Your Mama jokes and more on episode 515 of the We Like Shooting Show. 


Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, Savage1R, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn Herrin.


Gear Chat 


  1. Aaron – Recover Tactical P-IX+ PFA Pistol Carbine Conversion
  2. Shawn – Segway Reticle Leveler – Tactical
    1. Dry Fire Mag
    2. Coyote Rifle
      1. Stock and folder
      2. Stock Sock & TQ
      3. Suppressor
      4. Length of barrel
      5. Optic
      6. Light?
  3. Nick – KUSA Folding Wood Stock

Soviet Wood Folding Stock

Gun Fights!

If you’d like to get in on the gunfight, go over to reddit.com/r/welikeshooting and find the post titled Gun Fights Poll Episode ___ stickied to the top of the page. Vote for the person you thought provided the best argument and they’ll win a bonus point next week. Leave a comment telling us what answer you would’ve chosen. If you have a question for gun fights, send me a PM on Reddit or Instagram, or send an email to nick@welikeshooting.com.


#Aaron’s Alley

  1. Gun Broker Question, why are there so many 22lr revolvers? 

Going Ballistic

  • Watch 4 Boxes Diner for detailed breakdown. Don’t sweat the Federal Oregon judge 122 page(s worth of bullshit) ruling for the magazine ban. Former ATF attorney and anti-gun activist who refused to listen to expert opinion by Masaad Ayoob on self-defense because ‘he was with a gun organization’. Says millions of Americans own ‘large capacity magazines’ on page 25 which immediately triggers Caetano/Heller. She says magazines aren’t arms, though Heller, Bruen say so (ink/paper – free speech). Heller says no banning of one arm just because another arm is allowed (i.e. 30’s banned because 10’s exist). Modern arms are also protected arms. Banning mags over 10 rounds is not a ‘gun ban’ so it’s allowable. Banning guns that can HOLD magazines that can HOLD more than 10 rounds is effectively a semi-auto firearm ban because every semi-auto gun CAN HOLD mags that can hold more than 10 rounds. Caetano/Heller in common use test applies. Judge bitches about firearm technology – irrelevant. She declares LCM’s ‘dangerous AND unusual.’ They can’t be if millions of Americans own them. Page 59-60 – Karen says ‘Heller and Bruen isn’t clear’ and ‘didn’t have any evidence that pistols were in common use for self-defense.’ WAT. The burden of proof is on the GOVERNMENT to prove arms AREN’T in common use. Pages 9 & 10 contradicts 59-60 – Legislative facts are not appropriate for this case. How can they be both needed and not appropriate? No experts or testimony in any Supreme Court cases Heller/Caetano/Bruen. Uses excuse of mass shootings as ‘new’ and a danger to the public. Interest balancing is specifically not allowed according to Heller/Bruen. State injunction still in place so everything this bitch did was pointless and the case is being appealed.
  • Oregon governor bans ghost gun law. Will easily be challenged because people’s right to acquire firearms is still protected under the 2a.
  • Fraudulent ‘gun guys’ paraded around on traditional media to scare pearl clutchers. Meanwhile, homicide rates are going down roughly 10%? I was told more guns = more gun deaths? What happened?
  • Paul Harrell


Listener Reviews

Five Squares from Brown Batman:

I met the cast yesterday at guncon, explained how I found the podcast after my father died. I have listened religiously since. You guys helped me get through my loss with humor and amazing shooting information! I appreciate what you do and respect you all! Guncon was great! And meeting you was the highlight of my trip despite winning a Daniel Defensive rail. Thank you guys for doing what you do. Disclaimer, i didn’t meet nick though i saw him, and the commie was not seen. Thank ypu Jeremy for chatting with me early in the day. Love to all. Come to Iowa and hunt some large whitetails! #wlsislife!

Five Stars from The Hamburglar:

5 stars, 1 for each of you, Savage even gets one for being smart enough to stay home.

It was good to see you guys are the same in person as you appear to be on the show. The authenticity was appreciated. It was like getting to see my old friends. Mayor McCheese aka Shawn giggling away while keeping things in order. His side kick Officer Big Mac aka Aaron standing by to take one for the team, and calling out Jeremy every change he gets. Captain Crook aka Nick stealing red bull from the Brownell’s cafeteria. And Ronald McDonald aka Jeremy making everyone laugh, he may have forgotten his red wig, but with the towering height and big feet to match he wasn’t hiding from anyone. -Robble Robble

Five Stars from Daddydog: 

You fuckers are awesome! Shawn, you are looking more like Dusty Hill from ZZ Top, even more since he’s noe deceased (moment of silence) Love that group. Saw them in Savannah, Ga where my gf dumped me and so I left her with her new boyfriend. Nice enough to drop her shit off at her house. When I got there, she had called her mommy to say I left her and ended up driving back with a 12 gauge pressed against my head. Older brother can suck me. Crazy fucking family. So just wanted to say that new mag loader (slap loader) that Nick talked about, works with every 9mm mag I have…even 9 largo. Tried Walther, Steyr, CZ, etc.

Can’t get binary triggers in Florida since Parkland. Asked my faggot ass rep why he voted for it and he said we had to do something. Rick Scott signed it into law. Then hauled sss to the Senate.. All you assholes rule, even the commies. Next election, Trump sucks but not as bad as Joe “diaper boy” Biden. If Trump wins the Republican candidacy get say guck it and give it to asslick again, This country is wto shit.


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MAGS/ACCESSORIES The Mag Shack The Mag Shack


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