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Welcome to the We Like Shooting Show, episode 480.
Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, MG Moses, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn Herrin.
Gear Chat
- Aaron – FoldAR
- Shawn – Revolvers – bonus
- Nick – Law Tactical ARIC
#Gun Fights!
#Aaron’s Alley
trickle-down tactical economics: what would you consider good enough in optics
#Going Ballistic
- Tactical error costs California treacherous politicians more gun control.
- A tale of two laws – Oregon commies and Iowa Patriots
- Three Oregon Sheriffs say hell no to commies
Five Squares from Ginger Slap:
What dog breeds would the cast be?
Aaron would be a Basset Hound. He’s not real good at anything, and a little Mr. Magoo, but he’s fun to have around. He can’t reach his balls but that doesn’t keep him from trying.
Nick would be a Vizsla. He’s scrawny and a little nervous but he’s good at his job. He poops a lot and eats it sometimes. Definitely a self-service ball licker. Shoots straight.
Savage would be a Shar-Pei. He’s a sawed-off little commie that has trouble with English. He runs around licking all the balls.
Shawn would be a Rottweiler. He’s the benevolent leader of the group that will relentlessly attack your ass if you set him off. Drools a lot (episode 171). Huge shiny balls.
Jeremy would be a Cane Corso (pronounced KAH-NAY KOR-SO you neanderthal). If he can’t eat it, fuck it or kill it, it’s beneath his notice. He fully expects everyone else to lick his balls.
Thanks for the great show and keep up the good work.
Five Stars from Keith:
It’s nice to listen to while I’m running my forklift at work (South Florida beer distributor ????) I’ve been able to pick up some good info but it does get hard to listen to Nick, (it’s like listening to a stuttering squirrel ) & after listening to y’all go on and on about Second Call Defense I was able to talk the wife into getting some coverage, (where’s my shirt ?) LOL., again 5 stars guys.
five stars from hillaryisaman:
Episode 270
Aaron; doing a podcast for a decade.
Also Aaron; has no idea how to read, speak or do a podcast
If Aaron is the sperm that made it, imagine what the other sperm were like
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