WLS 471 – Shawn Died

This show is brought to you by Brownells!


Welcome to the We Like Shooting Show, episode 471. 


Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, MG Moses, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn Herrin.


Gear Chat 


  2. Nick – S&W M&P 2.0 Metal


#Gun Fights!

Henry Auctions Off One-of-a-Kind .44-40 Lever-Action for Shadow Warriors 

#Aaron’s Alley

Bow hunting

#Going Ballistic

Summarize / Editorialize / Go to the cast for comments  


Jeremy  Reads 

Three octagons, one parallelogram, and a trapezoid From Lenny W: 

Been listening since show 80 something, and unlike she who shall not be named, I can still tolerate this great group of Goobers. OG saggy balls actually knows his shit and sometimes can be humble about it, Nick is damn near a bona fide genius who’s achievements are only limited by his tether to the toilet, Aaron hasn’t raped anyone that we know of yet, so I guess that’s a good thing

Savage is still one of my favorites even if we can see his face now. Jeremy is probably the most caring, loving, sensitive individual on the show and he only yells curses and becomes violent to try to hide how much he cares. He’s like Gru, intelligent, wants to be evil, but those little girls changed his heart. Now he’s a bitch…


Excellent podcast, it just become super expensive because they tell you about all the fun stuff. And to think all I had to do was send BH pictures to Shawn to get into the cult.


Five Squares from Zeke: 


5 squares for Jeremy. I believe that I have been listening since back when she that shall not be named, was a part of the show. I thought that it was cool that you had a girl on the show. Sorry

Now that I am officially a cranky old man. I have been enjoying Jeremy’s rants even more! Keep them coming buddy. You guys provide gun stuff info, future attractions & plenty of Dude-Bro comedy. Remember, I’m CRANKY! Keep up the good work guys and catch you on the flip side. Remember, I’m OLD!


Five Stars from Rhino: 

Gay, boring and stupid! 40 CAL RULES BITCH!




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