WLS 464 – Nice beard, bro

This show is brought to you by Brownells!


Welcome to the We Like Shooting Show, episode 464. 


Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, MG Moses, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn Herrin.


Gear Chat 


  1. Aaron – The Kommander Rifle
  2. Shawn – Shotgun update, Aimpoint Comp M5 / Scalarworks mount / Question for the crew on stock / brace.
  3. Jerambe –  family reunion guns
  4. Savage1r – Dogbutt 5000


Gun Fights!

What gun was discontinued early in its run but was really a good design?


Opsec or just stupid? 


Going Ballistic

Summarize / Editorialize / Go to the cast for comments  


Jeremy  Reads 

Five Triangles by Fucking Bill


New to the show and it is amazing.. it feels like a good hang with your buddies. There is a lot of semi-friendly ribbing mixed in with some really good information. I jumped back a bunch of episodes to try to catch up on some of the inside jokes. I really wish you’d bring back that lady that sounded like the nanny. She carried the show

Love what you all do.. thanks and shoot straight.


Five Tacos by Jennen S



Been listening for years now and cant imagine my life without the we lile slurpies podcast. While y’all are technically our cult daddies most of y’all are like the uncles we all have. We all have thay one “know it all” (nick), the one “smartass” (Aaron), the “crazy one” (thumb), the one thats “always got issues” (Shawn (sickness and women), and the “cool uncle (Jeremy). But theyre all people you cant live without even if they annoy the piss outta you (aaron). But heres a question for you all, if the cast was utensils what would y’all be? I think Jeremy would be a spork (always useful), Savage would be a “collectable” spoon (useless), Nick would be a steak knife (always cuts to good stuff), Shawn would be a fork (white cake eating fatty), and Aaron would be a gold spoon (Jew known why). Thanks borthers, keep up the craziness and LETS GO BRANDON.


Five Squares by Casey



Love the show! Not even mad that the unedited stream is free now, after joining the cult twice! Hopefully I can get to a meetup eventually!


Love the dynamic of the cast!



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