WLS 453 – Stirring Macaroni

This show is brought to you by Brownells!


Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, Savage1R, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn Herrin.


Gear Chat 


  1. Aaron – rothco boots
  2. Shawn – Hyperline armor
  4. Nick – overpriced suppressors from Maxim Defense


Gun Fights!

Who is the best contemporary gun manufacturer and why


Gun Hipsters

Going Ballistic

Summarize / Editorialize / Go to the cast for comments  

  • A cautionary tale regarding the recent Supreme Court leaked ruling delegating the right to abortion to the states. “The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely—the due process clause of the 14th Amendment,” wrote conservative Justice Samuel Alito in the 98-page draft opinion


Under Roe, it was declared a right that was covered under the 4th amendment (though, logically, it should have been argued under the 9th, and still could be) and applied to the states via the 14th. There is no specific right to travel or vote in the Constitution but they were decided to be a right under the 9th amendment and through the 14th. They are considered unenumerated rights. 


The danger here is if the Supreme court can change their mind on what a right is and then knock the decision of what is a right back to the individual states, that changes the balance of power. Between states, the federal government, the circuit courts and supreme court. That means that states could bring suits to the SC when it is stacked favorably to their side and move to negate rights that are not only unenumerated but enumerated as well. CA, NY and other blue states are already well on their way to do that so the more that one side pushes to remove the rights of the others, the other side will push just as hard. The pendulum of power swings further and further each time so if you are intent on pushing, be prepared to be pushed when it’s the other side’s turn.


Slight addendum, SC still giving us blue balls waiting on NYSRPA but an AWB is being distributed for conference on the 19th.



Jeremy  Reads 

New hunters.



Thanks the show. New hunters should start with hunter safety/education class. Try contacting your local fish and game office/website


What’s up?



“Stiff cocks and airplanes” I’m sure I’m not the only one waiting for Gayron to get water boarded after one of the episodes last year mentioned it. Listening to the shows from newest to oldest there are a lot of empty promises. Still the best podcast, doesn’t take themselves too seriously. Everyone is their own font of knowledge. Learning about nvg one moment then how tortoises didn’t get categorized for 40 years because they keep getting eaten by the sailors. Learn about roller delayed blowback, then smooth vs textured cast iron pans. Terminal velocity of water and Shawn’s oddly smooth balls. Keep up the great work keeping us plebs informed. #SSB #shawnssmoothballs #sweetsweetbutthole



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