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We Like Shooting, episode 448.
This episode’s topics: Akdas AK12 UBS, CZ Scorpion, Tactical Lever Action with Chris Costa, 2A news and more!
On episode 448 of WLS we’re gonna talk about dagger from VZ Grips dagger, Sightmark wraith 4k mini, armor-piercing bullets, hunting, 2A news and more with your cast – Jeremy Pozderac, Savage1R, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch and me, Shawn Herrin!
Gear Chat
- Aaron – VZ Dagger Update
- Shawn – Sightmark Wraith 4k mini
- Jerambe – Range backstop
- Savage1r – New armor-piercing bullet design
Hunting season
Going Ballistic
- In case you were wondering who the dumbest person in the room is. Attended Harvard…
- Despite all the gun laws, mass shooting in Sacramento. Biden makes loud noises. San Francisco trying to play catch-up.
- March gun sales are up from Feb, continuing upward trend.
Jeremy Reads
I neglected to tip my servers the last five times I went out so that I can give y’all five tips. #NeverTip #GetABetterJob #DontSayMyNameBecauseImScaredMikeGWillComeAfterMe
Andrew W
5 squares.
I’ve been catching up on episodes after missing then for a month or so. Jeremy is correct on pilots not choosing their own call sign, usually it is related to something embarrassing or stupid they have done so obviously Shawn’s would be “Ava”
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