WLS 447 – Sir Nick the White Knight

This show is brought to you by Brownells!



We Like Shooting, episode 446. 


This episode’s topics: Akdas AK12 UBS, CZ Scorpion, Tactical Lever Action with Chris Costa, 2A news and more!


Welcome to the We Like Shooting Show, On episode 447 of WLS we’re gonna talk about Air rifles, iguana hunting, Fenix lights, Nick’s M1A, 2A news and more with your cast – Jeremy Pozderac, Savage1R, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch and me, Shawn Herrin! Welcome to the show!


Gear Chat 


  1. Aaron – Air Rifle
  2. Shawn – Fenix PD36R
    1. 1600 Lumen
    2. 19k Candela
    3. $100
  3. Jerambe –  New Machinegun
  4. Nick – M1a update
    1. Swampfox Arrowhead 1-10x
    2. ADM Recon S
    3. ARMS 18
    4. Warsaw Wood Mlok Adapters


Outdoor shit with Brownells

Going Ballistic


Jeremy  Reads 

5 big veiny stars!



Great show if you’re into the 2nd. Just listen to it. You will like it. Side note: Aaron (one of the hosts) catches a lot of grief on the show. I would like to add that he brings comedic relief and a lot of personality to the show. Just sayin. PS: Aaron I expect credentials to the 2023 shot show. You don’t even have to tell anyone I’m there. -kdubbs



Nick F

what you think is a podcast, is actually a family. come hang out and make friends



I was going to leave a review but KaAron convinced me not to. It is a good podcast though, Shawn is good at leading, Aaron is a mess, Nick seems to poop more then he talks, and Jeremy is the star of the show. I look forward to listening every week though because after hearing Aaron, I feel better about myself, knowing  that it can always be worse. Oh, savage is there to. Great news reader?…  keep up the good work ladies and one oger.



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