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We Like Shooting, episode 446.
This episode’s topics: Akdas AK12 UBS, CZ Scorpion, Tactical Lever Action with Chris Costa, 2A news and more!
Welcome to the We Like Shooting Show, episode 446. Tonight we’ll talk about VZ G10 daggers, Strike Industries, the new CZ Scorpion, Brand loyalty, and 2A news with your hosts Jeremy Pozderac, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch and me, Shawn Herrin..
Gear Chat
- Aaron – VZ Knife
- Shawn – Strike Industries Liteslide and Mass Driver Comp – Strike on Brownells
- Jerambe – Tipmann .22s
- Nick – new skworpeen
Are you a brand whore or do you scoff at brand names? I.E. 511, ROTHCO
Going Ballistic
- NRA finally admits it was hacked by a ransomware group in 2021
- Keltec sends 200K worth of guns to the Ukraine
- James Yeager Correction
- Russian drives gun /ammo sales
- JSD Supply target of hit piece by NBC News
Jeremy Reads
Why isn’t it cheaper?!?
So I guess Aaron doesn’t have an issue with Safariland coming out with armor… #standwithaero You guys are awesome thanks for all of the entertainment and the knowledge gained from your individual experiences.
Chris W
love the show, 5 squares. Shawn has a great way of presenting new guns and gear that always makes the show fun. Nick has some interesting insights when hes around. the hare Aaron gets isn’t warranted most of the time. Jeremy has just been in this industry so long he cant handle stupid people anymore but his rants make me laugh. then Savage, im not sure how he qualifies to be on the show. does he actually have any guns?? nonetheless his news segment is ok sometimes. keep up the good work guys.
Samuel A
Like a bunch of cancer stricken children, these guys need a break. Five squares.
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