WLS 433 – Bi-Son

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Welcome to the We Like Shooting Show, episode 433 

Our CAST is Jeremy Pozderac, Savage1R, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch and my name is Shawn Herrin.

Gear Chat  

  1. Aaron – Strike AR Picatinny Stock Adapter
  2. Shawn – Hunting gear changes
    1. Clothing
    2. Ammo 1 (retained 65% of mass after hitting pelvis and vertebrae) 9.25 gram to 6gram
    3. Rifle
    4. Gear
    5. Binos
  3. Jerambe –  Shot Stop Body Armor
  4. Nick – Greyman Tactical Backpack insert


Airing of grievances

Going Ballistic 


Jeremy  Reads 

 The best almost gun related podcast

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Whether the guys are discussing new and interesting firearms products or they are talking about their hunting trip, or the first aid kit they designed or their superior knowledge of night vision, it is always entertaining and makes both my and my coworkers day better because I can live through “Jerry” and his unbound rage. I also got the strong bad “Trogdor” reference in the last episode. You guys are great keep it up, 5 squares.


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