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This episode of the We Like Shooting show is brought to you by Second Call Defense, Manticore Arms, DEZ Tactical Arms, the Sonoran Desert Institute, Faxon Firearms, Patriot Patch Company and Brownells!
Check out our Shootout challenge! Targets, rules and swag available here!
Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 298 – tonight we’ll talk about CGS Group, Polymer 80, Sig Mag Mods, Low light shooting, AWR Hawkins and more!
Our Guest is AWR Hawkins from Brietbart News
Second Amendment Columnist, Breitbart News, Phd (Texas Tech)
You can find more about AWR Hawkins here
Our cast for episode 298 is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, Savage1r, Jeremy Pozderac, Nick Lynch!
Second Call Defense
If you carry or use a gun to protect yourself an/or your family then you need Second Call Defense. They handle what comes after the trigger is pulled. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get Second Call Defense today!
Manticore Arms
Reality based accessories that solve problems! Manticore Arms makes parts for your fighting rifles, whether it’s an AK, AR-15, AUG, Tavor, CZ Scorpion Evo or even something else!
Get 10% off at Manticore Arms with code WLS10!
Gear Chat
Brought to you by DEZ Tactical Arms
Where we talk about the stuff we have, the stuff that we want and the stuff that we need!
- Shawn – CGS Group Qube Comp
- Aaron – PF940C 80% Compact Pistol Frame
- NickLynch – Low Light class with Kenaz
- Savage1r – Sig p225 mag mod for Star BM9
DEZ Tactical Arms
Rifles and accessories for the AR-15 lover! Whether you need a full rifle or just parts to build one DEZ has your back. High quality, match grade and most parts are made in house.
Get 10% off at DEZ Tactical Arms with code WLSPATRON!
WLS Lifestyle
Brought to you by Brownell’s
Where we talk about the gun lifestyle!
Everything you could possibly need.
Support the show by buying from Brownell’s! FRN get’s a percentage.
Faxon Firearms
Quickly taking over. Barrels, slides, the ARAK and more!
Going Ballistic with Savage1r
Brought to you by Faxon Firearms
Savage1r goes over the news of the day relating to guns, rights and more!
- Cory Booker comes up with a totally new and original idea to require all gun owners be licensed, have to go through an ‘interview’ and mandatory training. NJ gun laws.
- Rep Steve Scalise pushes FICRA bill that would allow across state line gun sales by FFL
- Defense Distributed is poised to release 3D print files for Tec-9 lower receivers. Time to ratta-tat-tat with your blat blat. Also, it takes glock mags.
- 1st Circuit Court of Appeals sides with Maura Healey’s AWB. Judges tout tired anti-gun tropes as GOAL is still deciding whether to appeal to the Supreme Court. What’s to decide? YES!
- Stephen Stamboulieh sues Hawaii about fraudulent “Rap Back” fees/registration system.
- Michigan gun laws in the system
Learn how to be a gunsmith in the comfort of your own home. Distance learning that gives you tools and a gun in a box to build as you learn! Whether you want to get more acquianted with your AR-15 or want an associates degree, SDI is the place for you.
iTunes Reviews
Please leave us reviews in iTunes! It makes all the difference!
by hbird23 on
RATING: ★★★★★
Love the show, keeps me intertained while I’m driving. I’ve been listening to the older show’s (mid 2014) and heard Jeremy talk about wanting a wife and kids and I thought about calling in and telling him he was going to be a dad in 2019, but decided not to spoil it for him. 1 question. What’s your recommendation for a scope for a Rutgers 10/22. Primary us is plinking and squirrel hunting.
More intros by Jeremy
by lizard lips larry on
RATING: ★★★★★
Great podcast! Basically just a gun podcast from the host of America dad. Jeremy is Stan who is emotionless cause his father left him at a young age. Shawn is Steve cause he cries basically every episode. Aaron is roger cause…. well he would like to partake in man on man butt stuff. Savage is Jeff cause he is always high and Jeremy has such a hatred for him. Everyone should take a listen it’s fun for the whole family. Oh ya and nick is Clouse cause everyone always forgets about him/ doesn’t care about him.
You ruined Christmas Charlie Brown
by pigpen on
RATING: ★★★★★
Everything I learned about Christmas, I learned from J Poz. My problem with a charlie brown christmas was that they point out it is not buying gifts and helping the economey, keeping people at their jobs and food on the table, but about love and being a good person. Good people dont make the world work. Good people are children who still yell about how the world is not fair. Dont be a commie. Love the show I will list in order of people who make the show great, Jeremy. I think I covered everyone. If you want to be like my favorite cast memeber, just start breathing heavy, spit A LOT, and sound angry all the time. Love ya!
That 70’s Show
by Eric F on
RATING: ★★★★★
This show is a lot like that 70’s show, Someone is always High AF (savage) Someone really has no idea what is going on like Fes (Nick) You have a mom like fugure how is a nurse (Shawn) you have the star of the show always trying to do the right thing (Aaron) and you have the angry dad who yells all the time (Jeremy) Keep it folks!
Patriot Patch Company
The absolute best in patches and 2A shirts!
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