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This episode of the We Like Shooting show is brought to you by Second Call Defense, Manticore Arms, DEZ Tactical Arms, the Sonoran Desert Institute, Faxon Firearms, Patriot Patch Company and Brownells!
Check out our Shootout challenge! Targets, rules and swag available here!
Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 272 – tonight we’ll talk about Night Vision, Flip up sights, Belt setups, Master of Arms and more!
Our Guest is Zeke Stout from Discovery channel’s master of arms
Host Discovery channel’s master of arms
You can find more about Zeke Stout here
Our cast for episode 272 is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, Savage1r, Jeremy Pozderac, Nick Lynch!
Second Call Defense
If you carry or use a gun to protect yourself an/or your family then you need Second Call Defense. They handle what comes after the trigger is pulled. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get Second Call Defense today!
Manticore Arms
Reality based accessories that solve problems! Manticore Arms makes parts for your fighting rifles, whether it’s an AK, AR-15, AUG, Tavor, CZ Scorpion Evo or even something else!
Get 10% off at Manticore Arms with code WLS10!
Gear Chat
Brought to you by DEZ Tactical Arms
Where we talk about the stuff we have, the stuff that we want and the stuff that we need!
- Aaron – Signal 340RT Digital Night Vision Monocular | Sightmark
- Savage1r – flip up sights for glock
- Shawn – Belt setup
DEZ Tactical Arms
Rifles and accessories for the AR-15 lover! Whether you need a full rifle or just parts to build one DEZ has your back. High quality, match grade and most parts are made in house.
Get 10% off at DEZ Tactical Arms with code WLSPATRON!
WLS Lifestyle
Brought to you by Brownell’s
Where we talk about the gun lifestyle!
Everything you could possibly need.
Support the show by buying from Brownell’s! FRN get’s a percentage.
Faxon Firearms
Quickly taking over. Barrels, slides, the ARAK and more!
Going Ballistic with Savage1r
Brought to you by Faxon Firearms
Savage1r goes over the news of the day relating to guns, rights and more!
- A listener in Washington State and several people he knew had their ballots “lost” by the local post office and other shawnanigans.
- Colorado’s infamous ‘Dragon Man’ offers free guns and training to rabbi’s. FUCK YEAH!
- 1st Circus Court of appeals upholds ‘may issue’ ruling of lower courts. Sets stage for supreme court ruling.
- Legislation in New York proposed to screen people’s social media before they can buy a gun.
- Armed Militia Groups Head To The Border, Sparking Military Concerns
- Red Flag laws kill citizen
Learn how to be a gunsmith in the comfort of your own home. Distance learning that gives you tools and a gun in a box to build as you learn! Whether you want to get more acquianted with your AR-15 or want an associates degree, SDI is the place for you.
iTunes Reviews
Please leave us reviews in iTunes! It makes all the difference!
Great and Funny
by PappyJoe2014 on Nov 02, 2018
RATING: ★★★★★
Just started listening to the podcast. Helps the day pass by faster.
Faces for Radio
by Hato on Nov 02, 2018
RATING: ★★★★★
Listen to the show, love it, watched the show live… you all need a sponsorship from Home Makeover… nothing some plaster, spackle and a deep hole wont fix. WOOF
Name Change
by AhhhVahhh on Nov 02, 2018
RATING: ★★★★★
You group of guys are funny, and talk about guns… you should change your name to Gun Funny… just saying.
Patriot Patch Company
The absolute best in patches and 2A shirts!
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