WLS 253 – Cowgirl

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

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This episode of the We Like Shooting show is brought to you by Second Call DefenseManticore ArmsDEZ Tactical Arms, the Sonoran Desert InstituteFaxon FirearmsPatriot Patch Company and Brownells!

Check out our Shootout challenge! Targets, rules and swag available here!

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 253 – tonight we’ll talk about Sirca Tec SLF-X, Broken BCG’s, zombie killing chainsaws, 22TCM, Brownells Convoy Across America, America’s Hezbollah and more!

Our Guest is Eric Celeste from The D Magazine

Longtime columnist, contributing editor, and writer to D Magazine, the city magazine of Dallas.

You can find more about Eric Celeste here


Our cast for episode 253 is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, Savage1r, Jeremy Pozderac, Nick Lynch!

Second Call Defense

If you carry or use a gun to protect yourself an/or your family then you need Second Call Defense. They handle what comes after the trigger is pulled. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get Second Call Defense today!

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Manticore Arms

Reality based accessories that solve problems! Manticore Arms makes parts for your fighting rifles, whether it’s an AK, AR-15, AUG, Tavor, CZ Scorpion Evo or even something else!

Get 10% off at Manticore Arms with code WLS10!

Gear Chat

Brought to you by DEZ Tactical Arms

Where we talk about the stuff we have, the stuff that we want and the stuff that we need!

DEZ Tactical Arms

Rifles and accessories for the AR-15 lover! Whether you need a full rifle or just parts to build one DEZ has your back. High quality, match grade and most parts are made in house.

Get 10% off at DEZ Tactical Arms with code WLSPATRON!

WLS Lifestyle

Brought to you by Brownell’s

Where we talk about the gun lifestyle!

  • Summer Vacation!!


Everything you could possibly need.

Support the show by buying from Brownell’s! FRN get’s a percentage.

Faxon Firearms

Quickly taking over. Barrels, slides, the ARAK and more!

Check them out!

Going Ballistic with Savage1r

Brought to you by Faxon Firearms

Savage1r goes over the news of the day relating to guns, rights and more!


Learn how to be a gunsmith in the comfort of your own home. Distance learning that gives you tools and a gun in a box to build as you learn! Whether you want to get more acquianted with your AR-15 or want an associates degree, SDI is the place for you.

Mention We Like Shooting!

iTunes Reviews

Please leave us reviews in iTunes! It makes all the difference!

Love this show

by Maverick546890 on Jun 23, 2018

RATING: ★★★★★

Alright if anyone on the show reads my review again show it to Aaron. Episode 072 58:16, how about that for registration and confiscation. I love this show and listen to it everyday, and the whole time I’m reloading (sometimes it f*cks up my reloading because I’m laughing so hard) and there is no podcast better than this. I love their sense of humor and ever since the first episode I knew these are my kinda dudes.Update: thank you for reading my review it left me with a huge smileŸ˜



by Jasmin on Jun 18, 2018

RATING: ★★★★★

love this podcast so much. These women are hilarious.

Weekly therapy

by Jfcmh on Jun 18, 2018RATING: ★★★★★

F- politeness from the rooftops! There are so many reasons to love this podcast. But most importantly, these guys are hilarious and truly themselves. I am always intrigued to hear what the heck is coming up next. The only thing I have a hard time with is the obvious sexual tension between Nick and Jeremy… wow.. Get a room guys.

Keep killing it!

by Shawdy on Jun 18, 2018

RATING: ★★★★★

This podcast isn’€™t for everyone but it is no surprise to me that so many people have been drawn to this podcast. It’€™s like sitting down to discuss a huge poop with your best friend! I mean we have all done it. Please don’€™t ever stop!


by 123334fXbysko on Jun 18, 2018

RATING: ★★★★★

I love it when you guys go on off tangents about you’re personal lives, my favorite story I still laugh about everytime I hear it is Jeremy’s dead dad boner HAHAHA.


by GurglyStomach on Jun 18, 2018

RATING: ★★★★★

There are few podcast with as much personality as this one. These guys have so much charisma.

Patriot Patch Company

The absolute best in patches and 2A shirts!

Get 15% off using code WLS!


We’re here live every week on Monday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!