WLS 140 – Kelli’s List

This show is brought to you by Brownells!



Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 140 – tonight we’ll talk about HMG stanag mags, sock? The ruger american pistol, patriot skinz and more!

Our team of patch adams tonight, starts with

  • A Do it yourself YouTuber that we expect the GOP to insert as the next president at the contested convention-  Savage1r
  • Former Marine and owner of River’s Edge Tactical. He would like to apologize for his name showing up in the Panama Papers. – Jeremy Pozderac
  • 3 gun shooter and super famous shooting personality that once drew blood of a donut, let that be a warning to you Aaron – Kelli Sampsel.
  • He is the host of the lesser known and on the cusp of being popular podcast Handgun radio, a man known for being the Ying to Savages Wang Ryan Michad
  • We are also joined by the self proclaimed Machine Gun Moses, Fat Dumbledore with an AR Peskipiksi Pesternomi. – Aaron Krieger.
  • My name is Shawn, and I rock a denim jacket with a Motley Crew back patch that brings the bitches …, let me introduce our guest.

He is a second amendment lawyer litigating the Hollis and Watson machinegun cases, please welcome Stephen Stamboulieh!

The Heller Foundation – https://hellerfoundation.org/product/donation-2-2/

Shirts – http://www.bluecotton.com/campaigns/stambouliehlaw

Second Call Defense

Why brandishing, shooting to wound, and warning shots are BAD ideas

Ken Hanson’s book The Ohio Guide to Firearm Laws

Prosecutors have another term for warning shots: attempted felonious assault, improper discharge of a firearm etc. Shooting someone in the leg rather than center mass is similarly misguided and will not evade serious felony charges. Similarly, pulling out a gun just to “defuse the situation” is a legal non-starter. Do not be tempted to do this. If the gun comes out of the holster, the gun owner had better be justified in immediately employing it fully. There is no such thing as a warning shot or shooting to wound. This will be construed as a miss, bad marksmanship and perhaps even attempted murder.


Everyone who signs up gets a free We Like Shooting coffee mug, just send your email confirmation to feedback@welikeshootingpodcast.com

Don’t wait until it’s too late. https://massive-trucks.flywheelsites.com/scd

After the guest



Grizzly Brass Winner

4/4 – Mark Todd

4-11 Jabari Hunt

JC Arms and Ammunition winner

4-11 Chris Schrecengost

Redleg Tactical Winner

4-11 Matt Brewer

JC Arms & Ammunition – https://massive-trucks.flywheelsites.com/jc – 5 Boxes of ammunition!

Grizzly – https://massive-trucks.flywheelsites.com/grizzly – Weekly brass sampler packs!

Redleg Tactical Holster giveaway! https://massive-trucks.flywheelsites.com/redleg – 5 custom kydex holsters

Brought to you by!

After 60 minutes  read ad! Remind me guys!

Jeremy rant brought to you by fu cup coffee:

Artisanal Coffee

Manticore Arms

Go to http://manticorearms.com/Transformer-Rail-for-AR-15-PRE-ORDER-MA-14300.htm?productId=75

Coupon code WLS10  for 10% off any day, every day (not combinable with WLS30, only one coupon code at a time) for WLS listeners.   Don’t share with people who don’t listen, they don’t deserve it!   Or, better yet, just tell your friends they should listen!

and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!   

  • Shawn – Ruger American Pistol
  • Kelli – Patriot Skinz
  • Guest Panelist –
  • Ryan: Project with Bayside Custom Gunworks and BREAKING NEWS ON THE KIMBER REVOLVER.

NRA Annual Meeting Meetup!

FRN listener meetup at the NRA Show in Louisville! meet us at the Cardinal Hall of Fame Cafe on Saturday May 21st at 7pm. Wear your We Like Shooting swag!

Troy has reserved us a respectable location at Cardinal Hall of Fame Cafe! We have the Freedom Hall Room reserved. It holds 40 people. http://www.cardinalhalloffamecafe.com it is just outside the north gates of the parking lot to the fairgrounds where the NRA is being held.

Please start plugging the meetup on all the shows until the week of NRA. Tell people to meet us at the Cardinal Hall of Fame Cafe on Saturday May 21st at 7pm. If they can say “Ambidextrous” as well as I can I’ll buy them a drink!


New promo code. $5 off any order of $50 or more WLS5OFF


OR buy a range pack and get $5 off your first order. Use code WLS5OFFRP

Brought to you by JC Arms and Ammunition is Going Ballistic with Savage1r (News/Politics/Etc.)


DEZ promo and SDI promo



We are planning an event in Shelby Twp. Michigan in June during the weekend of the 11th. Our plan is to take 10 listeners and do some force on force fun using simunition. The event will cost 60 dollars per person, you will get a shirt, meet some of the cast and get a chance to shoot Aaron in the face. Who knows there might be a couple shock knives involved. If you are interested go to welikeshooting.com/shootaaronintheface and sign up.

iTunes Review

Pozitivly the BEST out there.

by TY 603 on Apr 08, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

I found WLS when it was in its 3rd episode, Ive been hooked ever since. Hang out with the guys and shoot the sh**, very funny and informative podcast about guns and gear. Whats up with Aaron though?? Look forward to you guys every week. Thank you! Carry on.


by StarshipPoopers on Apr 06, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

These dudes (and lovely lady) are some straight up gun nerds. Pretty sure they have tactical pouches for their 12 sided dice. Really funny and informative show. Doesn’t matter if your a pro competition shooter, just starting out, or a dedicated mall ninja. They always have great guests (check out self defense month) and cover everything from politics to new products. CHECK THIS SHOW OUT!!! You won’t be disappointed. Lil’s sultry voice alone is worth a listen…P.S. F#%K THE BURN!!!

Best Gun Podcast I’ve Found!!!

by Kpmccoy on Apr 05, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

I just returned to the firearm hobby/lifestyle a couple years ago and I love this show. Within a couple months I listened to the backlog of episodes and became a patreon supporter. The show has the perfect blend of hosts to combine humor and information. Every episode I learn something new but it just feels like I was hanging out with friends. If you want a casual, informative podcast about guns, check out this show!

Wrap up


You can do one or both, either way your contributions are greatly appreciated!


Thank Guest!

  • Find us on all the social media and our website.

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group (ask the guest about their state) and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255

“If you think there’s a chance, no matter how small, that there might be just ONE more happy day out there for you, call that number”


We’re here live every week on Monday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.

You can download or subscribe to our weekly show every Thursday at https://massive-trucks.flywheelsites.com/show

If you’d like to watch live, our show broadcasts live every Wednesday night at 7:30PM (MT), watch it and chat with us at http://gunchannels.com/WeLikeShooting

Please support our advertisers, DEZ Tactical Arms, Manticore Arms, Second Call Defense and the Sonoran Desert Institute.

Also check out our syndication partners ModernArms.net, GunsSaveLives.net, AR-15 Gun Owners of America and Guns America.