WLS 129 – Cough Hack Snort

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 129 – tonight we’ll talk about Bulletsafe’s bulletproof hat, trigger point, lethal lace, the MFHB Heavy Buffer Kit, All-Star tactical and more!

Our panel of  consists of –

  • Retired Navy, advocate for women’s shooting, blogger at heelsandhandguns.com. Her favorite thing at showshow this year was not going. – Lil Chantilly
  • Former Marine and owner of River’s Edge Tactical. Who is a huge Pokemon fan, as it involves beating animals up to capture them and training them to beat the crap out of other animals.. – Jeremy Pozderac
  • A precision rifle builder that is sick of being in Jeremy’s shadow at Shot Show.   – Nick Lynch
  • 3 gun shooter and famous media personality who once said Aaron was her favorite Kelli Sampsel.
  • Next up, the self proclaimed Machine Gun Moses who likes taking pictures of his food, and posting them online with the title, BEFORE, and then he later will post the after pictures to a scrap book.  – Aaron Krieger.
  • My name is Shawn and I have still not forgiven Aaron for losing my camera

Speak with and introduce guests:

Mike is an active member and entrepreneur in the firearms industry, current President & CEO of Allstar Tactical, a Firearms Instructor, and a contributor to Personal Defense Network, as well as other blogs and publications.

Second Call Defense


Do you have a situation where you almost needed SCD?

Everything you do is to protect yourself and your family. Whether it’s house insurance, car insurance or carrying a firearm. After a house fire, you’ll rebuild. After a car accident, you’ll get a new car. After a self defense incident make sure you are there to help them pick up the pieces and not rotting in a jail cell. It’s not always as simple as it would seem. Why risk it?

Everyone who signs up gets a free We Like Shooting pint glass, just send your email confirmation to feedback@welikeshootingpodcast.com

Don’t wait until it’s too late. https://welikeshooting.com/scd

Lil’s Livefire Lounge:

Manticore Arms

Go to http://manticorearms.com/Transformer-Rail-for-AR-15-PRE-ORDER-MA-14300.htm?productId=75

Coupon code WLS10  for 10% off any day, every day (not combinable with WLS30, only one coupon code at a time) for WLS listeners.   Don’t share with people who don’t listen, they don’t deserve it!   Or, better yet, just tell your friends they should listen!

and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

  • Aaron – Bulletsafe bulletproof hat and vest


First let’s talk about quality. With JC Arms & Ammunition quality isn’t an upgrade. Quality starts from the very bottom. Brand new virgin brass, competition grade primer and powders. That’s in every single round that they make. Knowing that, let’s talk about price.

Freedom .223 Rem 55 gr. FMJ New – qty 50 – 18.80

JCAA –    .223 Rem 55 gr. Hornady FMJ New – qty 50 – 19.50

Freedom – 9mm 115gr RN New – 1120 fps – 11.72

JCAA – 9mm 115gr RN FMJ – New – 1027 fps – 14.95

Now, it’s important to note that Freedom recommends it’s supermatch for competition and consistency and highest levels of accuracy. That is $18.36 per box of 50. They charge a lot more for the consistency and accuracy that JCAA provides as a baseline. That’s impressive to me!

Lastly, let’s talk people. Chris and Nicole are awesome. Getting to know them has been great. Chris is very active on our Facebook and our Patreon only group. He’s there daily which shows not only what great business owner’s they are, but also what great members of the shooting community they are.

I have a request. Please order a box, give it a chance, support this fantastic new ammunition company!


Spend over $175 and get free shipping with code FREESHIP

OR buy a range pack and get $5 off your first order. Use code WLS5OFFRP

Brought to you by JC Arms and Ammunition is Going Ballistic with Savage1r (News/Politics/Etc.)



DEZ promo and SDI promo


Grizzly – link – Chris Krohn


Jonathan Cerha

Kevin Burleigh (David Gonzalez, Eugene Kim, Sam Alexander )

AK Stuff – link

gunchannels giveaway – Gun Channels – John Jackson!

Randall Flagg

give winners this link – http://gunchannels.com/dpg

iTunes Review


by Fatsack243 on Jan 19, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

So I started listening to this pod cast in December and purdy much only listen to it for lil and Jeremy. Both are funny and redheads are hot lil. You guys and gals give out some decent info but are really lacking in the long range who shoot a .308 for long range any more? This pod cast about got a 1 star but lil came back so I decided to give it 5. And I’m purdy sure Arron likes dudes!

Sophomoric humor

by Thudd on Jan 16, 2016
RATING: ★★★☆☆

Somewhat knowlegable. Funny at times. I’m no prude, but the sophomoric humor and over the top “beeps” make it hard to listen to.

Wrap up

How can you help the show? We have two great ways! First we have our patreon program. If you think the show has value and have a couple of bucks to spare join over 200 other listeners in an exclusive group! By joining our patreon program you get rewards based on the level you support us at. From stickers to patches to great gear and swag! Please become a patreon. Just visit https://welikeshooting.com/pledge to learn more.

Next, we introduced a groundbreaking new rewards program. If you can’t afford a couple of bucks a month, you can help us by becoming a rooftopper. You sign up, get a unique link to share with your friends, share the link and every time someone clicks on it, you earn points. The more points you earn the more rewards and badges you earn. Go to http://wlsshow.com/register to get started.

congrats to Chrisgill

You can do one or both, either way your contributions are greatly appreciated!


Thank Guest!


  • Find us on all the social media and our website.

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255


We’re here live every week on Wednesday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.

You can download or subscribe to our weekly show every Thursday at https://welikeshooting.com/show

If you’d like to watch live, our show broadcasts live every Wednesday night at 7:30PM (MT), watch it and chat with us at http://gunchannels.com/WeLikeShooting

Please support our advertisers, DEZ Tactical Arms, Manticore Arms, Second Call Defense and the Sonoran Desert Institute.

Also check out our syndication partners ModernArms.net, GunsSaveLives.net, AR-15 Gun Owners of America and Guns America.