WLS 109 – Bear back

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

episodetileWelcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 109, this episode we’ll talk about Troy PDW, Amplified ear muffs, Troy PAR, AB Arms Mod X Chassis, Cleer Medical Pouch, 248 Shooter and a whole lot more!

Our panel tonight consists of –

  • Former Marine and the most modest guy in the room, just ask him, he will tell you so; the proprietor of River’s Edge Tactical – Jeremy Pozderac
  • A precision rifle builder and inspiration for the movie, a river runs through him – Nick Lynch
  • You know him, you love him, his smile has lunched a 1000 ships… yeah I said lunch, the Machinegun Moses – Aaron Krieger.
  • My name is Shawn, our guest tonight is the

Owner of 248 shooter and GAT Daily as well as new Director of Online Media for On Target Magazine.  Please welcome Charles Anderson

Grizzly Targets is giving away a sample pack of their brass on every show, go to https://welikeshooting.com/contact-us to win!

Speak with and introduce guests:

30 minutes max!


READ BY JEREMY Tonight we are going to do We Like Shooting Theater sponsored by Manticore Arms. Where we re-enact movie scenes, our style. Tonight we will perform a scene from “Commando”


  • John Matrix: Shawn
  • Sully: Charlie

John Matrix: Where is she, Sully?

Sully: Kiss my ass!

John Matrix: I can’t hear you!

Sully: I’ll say it a little louder, get fucked!

John Matrix: Listen, loyalty is very touching. But it is not the most important thing in your life right now! But what IS important is gravity! I have to remind you Sully, this is my weak arm!

Sully: You can’t kill me Matrix! You need me to find your daughter!

John Matrix: Where is she?

Sully: I don’t know. But Cooke knows, I’ll take you to where I’m supposed to meet him!

John Matrix: But you won’t.

Sully: Why not?

John Matrix: Because I already know. Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last?

Sully: That’s right, Matrix! You did!

John Matrix: I lied.

—  THE END —

It is that time of year again- time to shoot BULLPUPS!


Saturday September19th, 2015

9am to 5pm


The Site Training

11311 S. Skunk Hollow Road

Mount Carroll, IL 61053


The following companies will be at Bullpup Shoot 2015!


  • Manticore Arms
  • Ratworx
  • IWI US
  • Steyr Arms
  • K&M Arms
  • KDS Arms
  • Gearhead Works
  • Circle 10 AK
  • 2020 Precision
  • Chi-Town Tactical
  • Krebs Custom
  • Precision Ear, LLC
  • Black Rhino Concealment
  • St. George Arms
  • Zulu Nylon Gear
  • DEZ Arms
  • Zombie Combat Dive Team
  • Homeland Guns
  • Sonoran Desert Institute
  • Corvus Defensio

We are giving away 5 Manticore Arms patches and 1 flash hider this week. Go to https://welikeshooting.com/manticore , send Sven a note and everyone who does will be entered to win the 6 prizes this week. Make it so.

Manticore Arms giveaway

patches – Eric Smith, Chris Schrecengost, Adam Lund, Len Dichtel, Gun Metal Guy USA

muzzle brake – John Davey

Illinois meet up?

Rubber Dummy Giveaway – https://welikeshooting.com/dummy

Proof box of swag givaway – Best love letter to Aaron

and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!  

  • Aaron – TROY PDW
  • Jeremy- Amplified Ear muffs
  • Shawn – Troy Pump Action Rifle
    • $1099
    • 2 calibers
    • 6 lbs
    • 16″ barrel
    • 1 in 7 twist
    • folding stock
    • troy grip and sights
    • http://troydefense.com/pumpactionrifle/
  • Nick – AB Arms Mod X Chassis
  • Guest: Cleer Medical Pouch

Second Call Defense

Everyone who signs up gets a free We Like Shooting t-shirt, just send your email confirmation to feedback@welikeshootingpodcast.com

Don’t wait until it’s too late. https://welikeshooting.com/scd

Going Ballistic with Savage1r (News/Politics/Etc.)

  1. Real American Badass takes on 4 intruders with his gun and a knife.
  2. NY Safe Act not enough, Cuomo pushes for more gun control.
  3. Victim with Concealed Carry Permit and two suspects shot during armed robbery at Detroit bank
  4. 2015/09/04 – Michigan – wxyz.com
  5. Police are still trying to determine exactly what happened, but officers say the robbery victim has a Concealed Carry Permit and defended himself
  6. Armed teen shot after trying to steal sunglasses from man with concealed carry license in Detroit
  7. 2015/09/03 – Michigan – wxyz.com
  8. Lanier has a concealed carry license and his mother is an instructor herself, who says she’s taught all of her sons how to responsibly operate a gun
  9. Michigan concealed permits are making people safer.

iTunes Review

Used to be good..

by Nutri-Lance on Sep 01, 2015
RATING: ★☆☆☆☆

This show used to be good… #LilBack #fromtherooftops #dumbo #dolphinrape #wewantLil

For every week this stays up, we add a week to Lil’s hiatus. Starting with tonight. I announced a special guest panelist and because of this review asked her to skip the show. Your move.

Wrap up

We honestly couldn’t do this without the patrons. Our advertisers are amazing but it’s the patrons that keep us growing. We are getting close to $800 per episode!

Find out how you can help at https://welikeshooting.com/pledge


Thank Guest!

  • Find us on all the social media and our website.

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255


We’re here live every week on Wednesday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.

You can download or subscribe to our weekly show every Thursday at https://welikeshooting.com/show

If you’d like to watch live, our show broadcasts live every Wednesday night at 7:30PM (MT), watch it and chat with us at http://gunchannels.com/WeLikeShooting

Please support our advertisers, DEZ Tactical Arms, Manticore Arms, Second Call Defense and the Sonoran Desert Institute.

Also check out our syndication partners ModernArms.net, GunsSaveLives.net, AR-15 Gun Owners of America, Guns America, warrior talk radio, Iron Mike Magazine.