WLS 104 – We (C)had a lot of fun

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

episode-tile-Recovered-RecoveredWelcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 104, this episode we’ll talk about Cammamenga magazines, CAA magazines, Ruger Precision Rifle, Ammo Up, C&Rsenal and Kel-Tec!

Our panel tonight consists of –

  • A YouTuber that onced milked a cat –  Savage1r –
  • Former Marine and owner of Rivers Edge Tactical, smells like teen spirit… soul crushing spirit – Jeremy Pozderac
  • You know him, you love him, a man who does all the heavy lifting at WLS, the Machinegun Moses, Aaron Krieger.
  • Our guest panelist tonight is a man you might know from a mugshot or C and R Arsenal, Othais
  • My name is Shawn, and no one wrote a joke for me.

Our guest tonight is old, he has a beard and he likes guns, please welcome Chad from Kel-Tec!

Second Call Defense

Everyone who signs up gets a free We Like Shooting t-shirt, just send your email confirmation to feedback@welikeshootingpodcast.com

Don’t wait until it’s too late. https://welikeshooting.com/scd

and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

  • Aaron – CAA countdown Magazine (65 min)
  • Jeremy- Ruger Precision Rifle
  • Shawn – Ammo up
  • Othais – Totally cool, super new Gewehr 88 mod


READ BY Aaron Tonight we are going to do We Like Shooting Theater sponsored by Manticore Arms. Where we re-enact movie scenes, our style. Tonight we will perform a scene from “Night of the living dead”.

Zombie 1: Shawn

Zombie 2: Aaron

Zombie3: Savage

Zombie 4: Jeremy

Zombie 1: Uhhhhhhhgggggg

Zombie 2: mehhhagaaa

Zombie3: nehhhhaaa

Zombie 4: huh

Zombie 1: ggnmeeeeeawah

Zombie 2: uhhggnnneh

Zombie3: mehaaaaaaaw

Zombie 4: huh

Zombie 1: maaaaaajjkkk

Zombie 2: glurb

Zombie3: bleeeeeeh

Zombie 4: huh

Zombie 1: yuupuuhh

Zombie 2: bjorner

Zombie3: aaaaaasssssshhhatttttt

Zombie 4: wha


—  THE END —

We will be at the bullpup shoot in Illinois on September 19th. This is a big chance to shoot some great guns and hang out with awesome people. Go to bullpupshoot.com to find out more!  WHO IS GOING IN THE AUDIENCE?

TFB Exclusive: Sven Jonsson of Manticore Arms

ManticoreArms.com everyone. Great stuff and we are very proud to have their support!

Please go to https://welikeshooting.com/manticore to say thanks!

Going Ballistic with Savage1r (News/Politics/Etc.)

Talk about Savage’s Hypocrisy in the gun debate editorial.

  1. Garland Texas shooter acquired gun from Fast and Furious program.
  2. Nail in the coffin on the definition and number of mass shootings.
  3. Bloomberg is trying to shoot a PSA about UBC’s in Oregon gun stores
  4. Brady Center is in full PR meltdown over Lucky Gunner loss.
  5. Passing of a good friend

Wrap up

We honestly couldn’t do this without the patrons. Our advertisers are amazing but it’s the patrons that keep us growing. We are getting close to $800 per episode!

Find out how you can help at https://welikeshooting.com/pledge


Thank Guest!

Also thanks to everyone that has interacted with us! If you would like to correspond with us please

  • Email us questions, comments, or insults at  feedback@welikeshootingpodcast.com,

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255


We’re here live every week on Wednesday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!

Everyone say shoot straight –

Thanks for listening and shoot straight.

You can download or subscribe to our weekly show every Thursday at https://welikeshooting.com/show

If you’d like to watch live, our show broadcasts live every Wednesday night at 7:30PM (MT), watch it and chat with us at http://gunchannels.com/WeLikeShooting

Please support our advertisers, DEZ Tactical Arms, Manticore Arms, Second Call Defense and the Sonoran Desert Institute.

Also check out our syndication partners ModernArms.net, GunsSaveLives.net, AR-15 Gun Owners of America, Guns America, warrior talk radio, Iron Mike Magazine