WLS 067 – Curvy

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

episode-tileWelcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 67.  This week we’ll talk FAXON Firearms, the Taurus Curve, Midwest industries, the Holosun red dot and DKX Plates!

Our panel tonight

Our panel tonight consists of –


  • A YouTuber with a DIY attitude. – Savage1r
  • We’re joined by Retired Navy, advocate for women’s shooting, blogger at HeelsandHandguns.com and NRA partner –  Lil Chantilly
  • Also with us, Former Marine and owner of Rivers Edge Tactical – Jeremy Pozderac
  • Precision rifle and barrel maker – Nick Lynch
  • You know him, you love him, Our Media contact –  Aaron Krieger
  • I’m Shawn, an instructor, reviewer, competitor – welcome everyone, what’s up?!


Speak with and introduce guest:

Our guest tonight is a Former Coast Guard, worked in counter narcotics, maritime law enforcement and anti-terrorism. Now he writes for The Firearm Blog and other great publications. Please welcome Back, Sam Cadle. (Insert fanfare sound)

Drinking Game

  • Shawn – interesting, Actually, absolutely, fantastic, basically, nice
  • Aaron – Piece, clip, or interrupts someone!
  • Anybody – WEAPON, Hi-Point.
  • Jeremy – If I’m not back in five minutes, just wait longer
  • Nick – Umm or Uhh (please drink responsibly)
  • savage1r – ya know, basically, kind of
  • Lil – Oh My Goodness! (Usually brought on by something Aaron says.)
  • Guest: What? or Huh? or look… SQUIRREL! or something about shawns mom……..

and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

Please stay under 5 minutes for your gear.

Going forward, please announce whether you have used the product and whether it’s from a sponsor first.


Chad A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j75KdkV7n2o


So you haven’t heard of Manticore Arms yet? Probably got your face in a book, like that damn Twilight Series. Fine, you know you like Jacob or that wooden face actress Kristen something, so you can slay Edward that Sparkly Vampire kid is with your Tavor, and it will be easier with one of those Manticore ARClight forends with a Manticore Tactical light on it- he’ll sparkle like a sad white light christmas tree right before you send his Vampire ass back to hell or wherever they go.  Do they burst into goo like on True Blood?  Damn Sookie always causing so much trouble on that show…

Where were we?  Oh yeah, Manticore Arms products.  So yeah, we hate vampires so much, we will ship you our parts for FREE, just use coupon code WLS10 for free shipping through the end of November.  Just be sure to email us pictures of the vampire you have conquered when you get a chance….mortals rule!

Visit them at www.manticorearms.com to see their full product line and what they have to offer.  Manticore Arms is a proud sponsor of the We Like Shooting show.

We have a very special request, we want you to tell Manticore Arms how much you appreciate them supporting the show! We want them to hear how great our audience is! https://welikeshooting.com/manticore

In addition to our amazing sponsor, our show is crowdfunded. To say thanks we do cool stuff like send patches, stickers, etc. based on levels. We are giving away a rifle and a pistol to our patrons when we hit $500 per episode.

Find out more at https://welikeshooting.com/pledge

Shootout! https://welikeshooting.com/shootout

Roku – https://welikeshooting.com/roku – Woot.com has them on sale. Thanks Mike!

Going ballistic with Savage1r (news stories, gun control, etc.)

User feedback and user questions

James B

Message: What the hell is this podcast turning into? First you “bump” Colion Noir every week, which I assume is an immature jab at him because you don’t like his show. Then you started doing the same to Mat Best. Now, as of episode 059, you’ve stolen the closing saying from Talking Lead. “Keep your loved ones close and your firearms closer” is how they end their show. They’ve been saying for a long time now. All I can say is that if you guys don’t unfuck your show you’ll lose me as a listener. I get that you don’t like Colion’s show and maybe you don’t think Mat Best is funny and perhaps you hate Talking Lead. That’s fine, I’m not a huge fan of Colion’s show either but I embrace the fact that it reaches an audience that most other shows can’t. This used to be a good show but it’s quickly going down the shitter. I hope you’ll actually take my criticism into consideration and bring this podcast back to what it was. Otherwise I’ll find a replacement.


Feedback hotline! 201-957-0011 or 201-WLS-0011


Hey guys, this is josh well. And. I’ve a quick question for you. So tomorrow my, nightHawk custom judge delivered. Well, actually I guess it’s not a question. I’m just kind ofBragg. Thanks love the show.


Good Evening. We like shooting so this is on the Melissa again And I noticed something the other day was. I was sitting down, make it in the badge carrying she does. With my daughter watching you, that I don’t watch many. Talk to you know what she does she like see all this stuff. Nick, It’s starting to come to my attention. Because she your household she gets. She’s. She’s starting to get to the point where she understands. Some of the in angry and starting to make it on monday. In the next 30 may come of that thing. But the one thing she likes the cartoons is a new school. So I’ve gotten the point where it now, when I’m driving down the road. I’m trying to get road rage and I have set of Now do whatever, but it doesn’t. So if you guys birds. I’m considering liking Boston ahead. My first thought is hello. Ohh, Ohh, Justa I just want to the road. The Blue mobile 100 can anyways. I am enjoy seeing you guys on the senior here and in a couple of hours. Actually about an hour and half. Have a good night and my son is here.


Hi, We like to think so. From this again. I forgot to mention a last call, ideally in my title as the first person to make me cry on the broadcast, without actually being on the podcast, Jeremy should be jealous. Have a good night.

Wrap up




Thanks to our guest!

Thanks to everyone else that has commented on our social media and our show website. If you would like to correspond with us please

Don’t forget to visit our discounts page, guaranteed to get you discounts for some of our favorite companies, https://welikeshooting.com/discounts. And last but not least https://welikeshooting.com/shop for WLS swag and other products that we like.

Tactical16 and Tactical Black Firearms Charity rifles.

We apologize to Colion Noir and Matbest11x for bumping them this week, Better luck next week fellas.

Join a gun related advocacy group such as the Second Amendment Foundation, the NRA, whatever. Find one that’s relevant to your interests and join the conversation.

Veterans crisis line & suicide prevention line – 1-800-273-8255

Thanks for listening and shoot straight.