WLS 052 – One Night in Bangkok

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

episode-tileWelcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 52.  This week we’ll talk about Tactical Walls, the Cammenga easyloader, Smith & Wesson SD9, SIRT Pistol, the Mayflower APC, CBRPS AR parts and A-zoom snap caps.

Our panel tonight

Let me introduce our panel tonight, starting off with


  • A YouTuber with a DIY attitude and elvis impersonator at weddings, barmitzvahs and funerals – Savage1r
  • Retired Navy, advocate for women’s shooting, blogger at HeelsandHandguns.com, NRA partner and star of the broadway adaptation of the movie, Brave –  Lil Chantilly
  • Former Marine, owner of Rivers Edge Tactical, once beat off a wild dog – Jeremy Pozderac
  • Precision rifle and barrel maker; is known by has friends as Wild Dog – Nick Lynch
  • Our Media contact and all around nice guy. he once ate so many pickles his doctor said his body will be preserved like lennon for 100 years, Aaron Krieger
  • A firefighter, machinist, and gunsmith; known to his mob friends as Nicky two times – Rhody
  • I’m your host, Shawn, an instructor, reviewer and competitor, one time member of the Ducktales gang.






  • Self proclaimed gun geek, Presenter of awesome no BS gun and gear reviews, and Captain of the SS Minnow – Jon from the I’m with Chaos youtube channel, chaos311clarity


Drinking game

    • Shawn – interesting, Actually, absolutely, fantastic, basically, nice
    • Aaron – Piece, clip, or interrupts someone!
    • Anybody – WEAPON, Hi-Point.
    • Jeremy – I pee in a hole in my basement!
    • Nick – dropping the cosby kids at the pool!
    • savage1r – ya know, basically, kind of
    • Lil – Oh My Goodness! (Usually brought on by something Aaron says.)
    • Zak – Any time Zak says anything.
    • Rhody – wicked, freakin’, pissah


  • Guest: Liberals, Obama, anything relating Glock to the best guns ever made


and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

Going forward, please announce whether you have used the product and whether it’s from a sponsor first.




  • Lil:  Tactical Walls
  • Shawn: cammenga easyloader AR speedloader (code: easyloader)
  • Aaron: Smith and Wesson SD9 VE via our listener Nathan C.
  • Jeremy: Stevens M620 WWII “Trench Gun”
  • Guest: NextLevel Training – SIRT Pistol
  • NickLynch: Mayflower APC
  • Savage1r: CBRPS MN AR Stock and muzzle brake
  • Rhody:  A-Zoom snap caps



1 year anniversary!



Manticore Arms manufactures Advanced Fighting Gear for all your favorite modern rifles.  Whether you use the AUG, AK, AR-15, or Tavor, Manticore Arms makes the accessories you need to upgrade your rifle to its full fighting potential.  Visit them at www.manticorearms.com to see their full product line and what they have to offer.  Manticore Arms is a proud sponsor of the We Like Shooting show.

Manticore Arms is doing a HUGE summer sale on all SIG 556 parts!  All accessories for the SIG 556 are 40% off, including Scorpion Grips, SAGE trigger guards, POST charging handles, ELSA safety levers, SRS sling mounts, and EMBR magazine release buttons.

In addition, you now can get $40 off on our Tavor ARClight forends and you no longer need to use the We Like Shooting Coupon code!  Tavor ARClight naked forends are now $125 instead of the usual $165, and Fully Loaded (when back in stock) will be $185 instead of the usual $225.  (FYI coupon code is no longer active)

Also, to explain the “naked” and “fully loaded” those are just our terms for “just the forend” and “with all the accessories”.   Think of it like Jeremy- Loaded before the show, and ends up Naked after the show. 😉

Anyway, Sven joined us recently in episode 38 – http://welikeshootingpodcast.com/038 and you should check out that episode.

They are also hosting the bullpup shoot with Ratworx on September 27th. That is a big event in Illinois that allows people to show up, check out the vendors, shoot some bullpups and other guns and there is even a zombie shoot event.

Should be a lot of fun and we are going to get a couple of people from We Like Shooting out there.

Find out more about this at http://bullpupshoot.com

We announced our patron project and we’ve seen huge support from you!  Thank you so much for believing in what we are doing!

We’re raising money to give back to our audience and make the show better. If you like the show please consider contributing. 50 cents, a dollar, a nickel, a penny (aaron), whatever you can do.  It only amounts to a few bucks per month but there are all kinds of rewards and we will constantly be adding to the list.  Patches, shirts, swag boxes – SO. MUCH. STUFF.

If you enjoy the show and want to help, please visit https://welikeshooting.com/pledge and see what we put together.

It’s time for…


https://welikeshooting.com/shop (ANNOUNCEMENT)

Patron Rifle and pistol giveaway



Lil’s Livefire Lounge:

The Next generation:

How to teach your children about the 2nd Amendment

When is the right time to teach your children to shoot


Going ballistic with Savage1r (news stories, gun control, etc.)


A-arons Odds news of the week


Thats a Rap. Two aspiring Bronx rap stars who could not decided which one was going to be the lead in their new video (which was rumored to have had a budget of about 7 dollars) decided to shoot it out. Well one shot it out the other decided to catch the bullets. THUG LIFE.Out of the five shots fired from less than 2 feet away, 4 struck the target. He is expected to live with bullet wounds to each leg, one in the chest and a graze to head. I have to say rap is crap

People out there sayin  that rap is crap

those suckas MCs are full of that.

It  ain’t  no crime, to drop a rhyme

I’m here to state the case With the help of bass

We need to appreciate, those that originate.

It  ain’t  no crime, to drop a rhyme

12Pack and Biggy Biggs and the We Like Shooting Crew.

Shawn: I’m the best

Aaron: No I’m the best

Ok, I’m actually understanding where they came from.

Rhody’s Armory :

Gunsmith tips and tricks of the trade; parts retainment, easier assembly, and types of tools.

If you have any firearm-related questions or topics that you would like discussed, please submit them to me at rhody@welikeshooting.com

Wrap up

Gun related link of the week

Aaron :

Rhody: RealitySurvival.com


savage1r: www.cbrps.com

Lil: http://beenandbadge.com/collections/handbags

Discounts –

We have assembled a nice list of discounts for our listeners!


Targets from EZ2CTargets, Package from Blackcrow KT, Rivers Edge Tactical, Offhand Gear, Kenaz Tactical Group, JessPens, Manticore Arms, Overwatch Holsters and AR15 Gun Owners of America

NEW – AR15GOA.COM  – 15% off your total order with checkout code “welikeshooting” (all lower case) now thru Aug 7th. over

What shows to listen to on FRN



Thanks to everyone else that has commented on our social media and our show website. If you would like to correspond with us please

We apologize to Colion Noir for bumping him again this week, we’ll try to get him on next week.

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.