WLS 050 – Offhand Remarks

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

episode-tile Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 50.  This week we’ll talk about Concealed Carrie Purses, Phase 5 parts, Snap caps, Wolf Springs, Kineti-tech muzzle brakes, Walther PPQ, Bug Spray and Offhand Gear. Hang on tight.

Our panel tonight

As always, we have a great panel tonight, starting us off:

  • A YouTuber with a DIY attitude that got into prepping to be ready for when the Monkeys take over – Savage1r
  • Retired Navy, advocate for women’s shooting, blogger, NRA partner and has just updated her Prince George scrapbook, Happy Birthday George!  Lil Chantilly
  • Former Marine, owner of Rivers Edge Tactical, he has recently purchased Rosetta Stone so he can learn to talk to his friends in Thailand Jeremy Pozderac
  • Precision rifle and barrel maker; who once built a rifle and barrel out of wood Nick Lynch
  • Our Media contact and all around nice guy and winner of Nathan’s hotdog eating contest Aaron Krieger
  • I’m your host, an instructor, reviewer and competitor, my name is Shawn, I put the S in STDs



  • Trained bookkeeping assasin by day – Mom of 4 and the sick and twisted mind behind OHG. Please welcome Sandi from OffhandGear.com

Drinking Game

  • Shawn – interesting, Actually, absolutely, fantastic, basically, nice
  • Aaron – Piece, clip, tries to crack a joke, or interrupts someone!
  • Anybody – WEAPON, Hi-Point.
  • Jeremy – I once ate poop!
  • Nick – Racing stripes make me go fast!
  • savage1r – ya know, basically
  • Lil – Oh My Goodness! (Usually brought on by something Aaron says.)
  • Zak – Any time Zak says anything.
  • Rhody – wicked, freakin’, pissah
  • Guest: I’m just a noob to all this

and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need Going forward, please announce whether you have used the product and whether it’s from a sponsor first.

  • Lil:  Purse from www.cocealedcarrie.com: Microfiber Brown Crocodile Crossbody Compact
  • Jeremy: Phase 5 Bolt Batch Lever
  • Rhody: A-Zoom snap caps
  • Savage1r: Wolf extra power hammer spring and black rifle arms enhanced 7.62×39 firing pin
  • Shawn: Kineti-tech Muzzle Brake update.
  • NickLynch: Walther PPQ
  • Aaron: Cutter Natural Repellent
  • Guest: So, is this where I give OHG Tee’s a shamelss plug or maybe NORB?

MANTICORE ARMS PROMO Manticore Arms manufactures Advanced Fighting Gear for all your favorite modern rifles.  Whether you use the AUG, AK, AR-15, or Tavor, Manticore Arms makes the accessories you need to upgrade your rifle to its full fighting potential.  Visit them at www.manticorearms.com to see their full product line and what they have to offer.  Manticore Arms is a proud sponsor of the We Like Shooting show. Manticore Arms is doing a HUGE summer sale on all SIG 556 parts!  All accessories for the SIG 556 are 40% off, including Scorpion Grips, SAGE trigger guards, POST charging handles, ELSA safety levers, SRS sling mounts, and EMBR magazine release buttons. In addition, you now can get $40 off on our Tavor ARClight forends and you no longer need to use the We Like Shooting Coupon code!  Tavor ARClight naked forends are now $125 instead of the usual $165, and Fully Loaded (when back in stock) will be $185 instead of the usual $225.  (FYI coupon code is no longer active) Also, to explain the “naked” and “fully loaded” those are just our terms for “just the forend” and “with all the accessories”.   Think of it like Jeremy- Loaded before the show, and ends up Naked after the show. 😉 Sven joined us recently in episode 38 – http://welikeshootingpodcast.com/038 and you should check out that episode. They are also hosting the bullpup shoot with Ratworx on September 27th. That is a big event in Illinois that allows people to show up, check out the vendors, shoot some bullpups and other guns and there is even a zombie shoot event. Should be a lot of fun and we are going to get a couple of people from We Like Shooting out there. Find out more about this at http://bullpupshoot.com

We announced our patron project and we’ve seen huge support from you!  Thank you so much for believing in what we are doing!

We’re raising money to give back to our audience and make the show better. If you like the show please consider contributing. 50 cents, a dollar, a nickel, a penny (aaron), whatever you can do.  It only amounts to a few bucks per month but there are all kinds of rewards and we will constantly be adding to the list.  Patches, shirts, swag boxes – SO. MUCH. STUFF. If you enjoy the show and want to help, please visit https://welikeshooting.com/pledge and see what we put together. Patron project Rifle giveaway

Tactical 16 Book Giveaway – Steve Robinson is this weeks winner. Go to https://www.facebook.com/Tactical16  and let them know we sent you.

Lil’s Livefire Lounge

I am going to use this segment to highlight various topics that pertain to women, sometimes news, products, events, etc. If there is anything you want me to focus on specifically, e-mail me at lilchantilly@gmail.com. Tonight’s Topic:“The Rise of Woman’s Gun Culture” — Read Rolling Stone Article. Reasons for increase in female gun enthusiasts

Going ballistic with Savage1r (news stories, gun control, etc.)

A-arons Odds news of the week

This weeks story comes to us from the folks at the EASY BAKE GUN CLUB at easybakegunclub.com A Georgetown, Texas man awoke to a flashlight moving around outside his bedroom door. After making sure his wife was in bed next to him, the homeowner grabbed his 9mm handgun and got out of bed to investigate. Unlike me, who is a never-nude, the home owner opened the door wearing only a tattoo of a grim reaper on his body and a gun in his hand, the burglar simply said  “I’m so sorry, sir” twice and then ran full speed and jumped head first out of the window he entered through. When police arrived they only found an indentation in the ground from where the man landed. Now cue some pulp fiction music, because I am sure there is a gimp in this story somewhere… Zed is dead. There are two things that scare me, when a guy points a gun or a dick at me. Luckily I have not had either happen, yet, but I have not spent any time at Shawns house either.

Whose gun in history?

If a historic figure were to use modern publicly available firearms, what would they use? This week: Lizzie Borden (NEXT WEEK JEFFERY DAHMER)

  • Savage: AR-15 equipped with this –http://panaceax.om/shop/precision-tools/zombie-x-chainsaw/
  • Jeremy: Who the f*** is Lizzie Borden Mossberg 590A1 with bayonet. (Look it up! – Rhody)
  • Rhody: DAMNIT, SAVAGE BEAT ME TO IT!M&P22 with a pistol bayonet. (THANKS LILhttps://welikeshooting.com/reviews/does-anyone-hold-classes-on-how-to-properly-utilize-a-pistol-bayonet/)
  • Shawn: Faxon ARAK-21
  • Lil: I have an axe to grind. You know an axe or hammer kills more people than ARs every year, so if she was really going to kill someone, she’d be statistically better off with an axe.  Therefore, I am going to give her a DEZ Tactical rifle, as the world would be a much safer place (statistically speaking.) Clever Lil! – Rhody Thank you Rhody! ~ Lil
  • NickLynch: HiPoint .380. The slide was sharpened and then tied to a stick.
  • Aaron: Tact-axe, axe head that mounts on to a shotgun here

Wrap up

Gun related link of the week

  • Shawn: MsTactical’s Shooting for women. https://www.facebook.com/shootingforwomen
  • Rhody: RealitySurvival.com
  • Lil: http://www.agirlandagun.org/conference/
  • Aaron https://www.youtube.com/user/hankstrange
  • Guest – http://www.offhandgear.com/


User feedback and user questions

21 July, 2014

Nutri-Lance (United States of America)

Best Gun Show!

Rating: 5 Stars Love the We Like Shooting Podcast! Very entertaining show, and I can never get enough! Always rounds off my work week at the end of my Thursday work week. I always laugh when Jeremy and Lil talk about Temecula as that is where I grew up and still reside in the area. Speaking of which, I may have to meet up with Lil to get that kiss promised by my Patreon donation! Thanks for the great show ladies! Oh, and if possible, keep the shows explicit they’re much better for the few that have slipped through! -Lance D.

20 July, 2014

WynnWorks (United States of America)

Consistently entertaining and we’ll produced

Rating: 5 Stars These guys come through each episode with a fun cast of characters chatting about firearms, guns news, reviews and a string of wisecracks that keeps it all interesting. The show format is well developed and keeps up the pace, and it all makes for a dependably entertaining podcast, week after week. Keep up the good work

16 July, 2014

J Whitt (United States of America)

Hi-Point of my week

Rating: 5 Stars Favorite podcast to listen to and a Hi-Point in my week. Love everyone of the panel of hosts. Great chemistry between them. They feed off each others energy and make the show lively, entertaining and informative. Topics of show are interesting each week and the show flows very smoothly… Keep up the great work We Like Shooting!!!!

14 July, 2014

PJ Humphrey (United States of America)

Most entertaining firearms podcast that’s out there

Rating: 5 Stars I consider myself a bit of a firearms podcast junky and have to say that WLS is definitely my favorite. It is such a great source for firearm industry news, great information from people that are really knowledgable, and have a lot of laughs in the process. If you know everything about firearms or close to nothing, like me, you’ll enjoy your time listening. Jayleeds (United States of America)

Sadly not #100

Rating: 5 Stars Apparently I won’t be the 100th review however, listening to your podcast makes my commute actually enjoyable. It would be amazing if I had more episodes to listen to and I look forward to each and every episode. By far the best shoe on the firearms radio network. At least there are other great podcasts to listen to on the network while I wait for the next episodes. Keep up the great work and most importantly thank you for all the great information! -jason

12 July, 2014

Solidus031 (United States of America)

Best Weapon and Gear Podcast

Rating: 5 Stars LUV the show!!! Been a long time listener!!! It helps get over the hump on Hump Day. Keep up the good work guys and gal!!!! Sincerely your favorite cereal, Solidus Crunch

9 July, 2014

We like, We Like Shooting! (United States of America)

Um oh my goodness, um, I hate all of you, um, what?!

Rating: 5 Stars Any shooter/ gun enthusiast with a good sense of humor is going to love this show!! 1 part decent information, 1 part humor, 3 of 4 parts experience, sprinkled with a lot of jackassory make one EPIC podcast. Delivered every week by The Hottie Lil, The wanna- be Aaron, The Goofball Shawn, The Jarhead Jeremy, and The Excramentor Nick!! Download, pour yourself a drink, put your feet up and prepare to laugh your butt off!!

8 July, 2014

wildferret (United States of America)

WLS 047 Legal?

Rating: 5 Stars Arron has limits? LOL. Welcome back Lilly and congrats on your retirement. Hey Shawn I like to borrow that red cert pistol, I would be able to train up my family. Another fun podcast, thank you guys and gal. Ramon “Oso”

Discounts –

https://welikeshooting.com/discounts EZ2CTargets.com – Be sure to the Discount Code WELikeShooting for 10% off and $8,95 flat UPS shipping rate. Blackcrow KT – Weshoot2 for free shipping and $45 off package  http://www.webstore.com/item,pgr,We-Like-Shooting-Pod-Cast-Combo-Deal,name,41015506,auction_id,auction_details Blackcrow-KT Knives & Tools – https://www.facebook.com/Blackcrowkt Rivers Edge Tactical, KTG Firearms Training, JessPens, Manticore Arms, Overwatch Holsters, EZ2C targets. OffHandGear.com – 15% off your total order with code “welikeshooting” (all lower case) at checkout now thru Aug 4th


Thanks to everyone else that has commented on our social media and our show website. If you would like to correspond with us please

GUEST:  Please say – This is the ________________  from __________ and you are listening to We Like Shooting on the Firearms Radio Network.   We apologize to Colion Noir for bumping him this week, we’ll try to get him on next week.   Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.