WLS 047 – Chairborne Ranger

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

episode-tileWelcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 47.  This week we’ll talk about Combet chips, laser boresights, ruger american predator, remote control cameras, apex armorers block, and Dillon reloading presses.

Our panel tonight

As always, we have a great panel tonight, starting us off:


  • A YouTuber with a DIY attitude who wraps himself in squirrel fur because damn it is sexy-  Savage1r
  • Retired Navy, An advocate for women’s shooting, blogger, NRA partner she loves to juggle grenades, Lil Chantilly
  • Former Marine, owner of Rivers Edge Tactical was once bitten by a radioactive spider and contracted Herpes, at least that is what he tells his mother, Jeremy Pozderac
  • Precision rifle and barrel maker that can make you believe in magic Nick Lynch
  • A former member of the Air Force and current member of the hair club for men Zak
  • Our Media contact and all around nice guy yeah he is the Ringo of the group Aaron Krieger
  • A firefighter, machinist, and gunsmith; our very own ninja who is seldom seen or heard so quiet and deadly even his farts can kill, Rhody
  • I’m Shawn Herrin, I’m an instructor, reviewer, competitor, your host and professional spokesman for Soul Glo


      •  “Whitey” from FourGuysGuns.com I am the president and CEO of shenanigans. All Shenanigans, good and evil.

Drinking game

  • Shawn – interesting, Actually, absolutely, fantastic, basically, nice
  • Aaron – Piece, clip or interrupts someone!
  • Anybody – WEAPON, Hi-Point.
  • Jeremy – I wish I had body hair!
  • Nick – Men in Brown, wut?
  • savage1r – ya know, basically
  • Lil – Oh My Goodness! (Usually brought on by something Aaron says.)
  • Zak – Any time Zak says anything.
  • Rhody – wicked, freakin’, pissah
  • Whitey – monkey dope butt kangaroo (all to be said at one time)

and now it’s time for… Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

Going forward, please announce whether you have used the product and whether it’s from a sponsor first.

  • Aaron: Combet chips
  • Shawn: Bushnell Laser Boresighter
    • 21.99
    • uses arbors for .22 – 50 cal as well as 20 12 gauge
  • NickLynch: Ruger American Predator
  • Savage1r: Remote control camera mount
  • Rhody: Apex Tactical Specialties; Armorer’s Block & Tray
  • Lil:  My new reloading world.  Dillon XL 650 progressive reloader and RCBS Supreme Single Stage Press
  • Jeremy: CAA AQC-1 Red Dot
  • Whitey – NextLevel Training SIRT Pistol in Sam Jackson Purple




We are extremely excited to announce our newest sponsor, Manticore Arms!

Manticore Arms for those of you that missed it is a manufacturer of gun accessories and products. I was able to check out some muzzle brakes that Robert Butler from Kenaz Tactical Group had. He was very impressed with them. They also make some great stuff for Tavor’s, AK’s AR’s, AUG’s, and the like.

Anyway, Sven joined us recently in episode 38 – http://welikeshootingpodcast.com/038 and you should check out that episode. You can find them at http://ManticoreArms.com.

Launching tomorrow – polymer Renegade forearm for the Yugo PAP pistols

He is also hosting the bullpup shoot with Ratworx on September 27th. That is a big event in Illinois that allows people to show up, check out the vendors, shoot some bullpups and other guns and there is even a parallel zombie shoot event.

Should be a lot of fun and we are going to get a couple of people from We Like Shooting out there.

Find out more about this at http://bullpupshoot.com

We announced our patron project and we’ve seen huge support from you!  Thank you so much for believing in what we are doing!

We’re raising money to give back to our audience and make the show better. If you like the show please consider contributing. 50 cents, a dollar, a nickel, a penny (aaron), whatever you can do.  It only amounts to a few bucks per month but there are all kinds of rewards and we will constantly be adding to the list.  Patches, shirts, swag boxes – SO. MUCH. STUFF.

If you enjoy the show and want to help, please visit https://welikeshooting.com/pledge and see what we put together.

It’s time for…

Shirts – https://welikeshooting.com/shirts

Patron project Rifle giveaway https://welikeshooting.com/patrons

Tactical 16 Book Giveaway – Chris Ridgway and Nick Rubino and Joey Avila  are our winners. We have three more book to give away, go to https://www.facebook.com/Tactical16  and let them know we sent you.

Lil’s Livefire Lounge

I am going to use this segment to highlight various topics that pertain to women, sometimes news, products, events, etc. If there is anything you want me to focus on specifically, e-mail me at lilchantilly@gmail.com.

Tonight’s topic: How to find a good beginner course for women

Going ballistic with Savage1r (news stories, gun control, etc.)

A-arons Odds news of the week

Today’s odd news comes to us from our friends at the easy bake club at http://easybakegunclub.com. Let me start off by asking what is worse than having your home invaded? Having your home invaded by a naked man, okay what is worse than that? having a naked man who also while in the home flood the kitchen by putting the sink sprayer into a drawer and turning it on full blast flooding kitchen. Okay what is worse than all of that? The intruder taking a shit on the floor.

Okay so I know this is not really huge odd gun news, but the owners of the home used common sense when it seems like their intruder did not. They retrieved their firearm and held the intruder until police came. Who for some odd reason was given a ride home and not a ride to jail WTF, what would you have done if someone entered your house and did that?

Rhody’s Armory :

Series 70 vs. 80 1911s?

Shooting challenge

July Shootout Challenge – Independance day

Whose gun in history?

If a historic figure were to use modern publicly available firearms, what would they use?

This week: George Washington…. Carver


  • Savage1r: Double barreled shotgun that shoots seeds: http://www.ohgizmo.com/2013/12/24/these-shotgun-shells-shoot-flower-seeds-not-death-pellets/
  • Aaron:  2 gauge Punt Gun, the guy was an inventor, but more important he loved turning things into mush.
  • Shawn: Model 1860 lever action that he picked up off the body of a dead slave-owner.
  • NickLynch: A peanut cannon – only effective against people with peanut allergies.
  • Lil –  “Be clean both inside and out.” ~GWC  I say he likely invented his own gun, one that made the world a better place, but no matter if it shoots peanuts, seeds, or cotton balls, it would have certainly been one of the cleanest rifles ever seen, inside and out.
  • Rhody: potato gun.
  • Jeremy: .38 snub nose, with hand made hollow points filled with peanut butter. like in Jaws but PB instead of arsenic

Wrap up

Gun related link of the week



Discounts –


What shows to listen to on FRN




Thanks to everyone else that has commented on our social media and our show website. If you would like to correspond with us please

We apologize to Colion Noir for bumping him, we’ll try to get him on next week.

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.