WLS 032 – Dynaptive Operators

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

episode-tileWelcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 32, multiple impact bullets, KNS precision sights, Leupold scopes, Saiga 9, Fieldsport compact scope and code word: nonymous strange

Links to our guests and panelists:

Our panel tonight

We are joined by

  • Savage1r – A YouTuber who makes videos about shooting, philosophy, and do it yourself projects. He is hoping that this is the year the training wheels come off of his bike DOING IT BETTER: been editing lots of videos, so pay attention to WLS and savage1r youtube channels.
  • Lil Chantilly – Lil is Active Duty Navy, womens shooting advocate, NRA Women content partner, long range shooter and gun blogger, at Heelsandhandguns.com. She dresses as Wonderwoman and does good things… and bad things… and well you get it.  DOING IT BETTER: Took my XD45, my Nighthawk Talon, and my Buckmark .22 to the range and planning my competitions.
  • Aaron – A Law enforcement marketing specialist and the media contact for We Like Shooting.  He is so fat he once lactated butter, DOING IT BETTER Making contacts in the gun world
  • Jeremy – Former Marine, instructor, rifle champ and the owner of River’s Edge Tactical in Ohio. Are you still waiting for the cold sores clear up?   DOING IT BETTER Leaving for Texas tomorrow
  • Nick – A precision rifle and barrel maker and has gone 3 days without a desk poop  DOING IT BETTER 1911 test run, casual practical shooting, the WLS challenge –  MYSTERY BOX
  • Zak – Zak is retired Air Force Security Forces, full time nursing student.
  • Shawn – I’m Shawn, I’m an instructor, reviewer, competitor. I think I finally sobered up from last week.  I was sympathy drunk from savage’s birthday. is finally sober aaaaand now I am drunk again.

Guest bio: Robert Butler

Our guest tonight is owner and chief instructor at Kenaz Tactical Group, Director of Product Development for Tactical Black Firearms and an Auxiliary LEO with the colorado mounted rangers.  He is opening The Robert Butler School for Kids Who Can’t Shoot Good and Want to operate operationally Too.

This is our drinking game. In honor of St. Paddys day, all drinks are doubled

  • Shawn – interesting, Actually, absolutely, fantastic, basically, nice
  • Aaron – Piece, clip or interrupts someone!
  • Anybody – WEAPON, Hi-Point.
  • Jeremy – I hate all of Muslims!
  • Nick – That’s not hot coco…
  • savage1r – ya know, basically
  • Lil – Oh My Goodness! (Usually brought on by something Aaron says.)
  • Zak – Any time Zak says anything.
  • Guest: operator, dynamic, adaptive, kinetic or any other annoying tacticool buzzwords

and now it’s time for…

Gear Chat

where we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

What you might have missed on We Like Shooting.

  • G2 R.I.P. Ammo unboxing

  • We Like Shooting Lightweight AR build

  • Shawn vs. Sarah Beard – march shootout challenge

Go check it out at welikeshooting.com and youtube.com/welikeshootingvideos.

We announced our patron project and we’ve seen huge support from you!  Thank you so much for believing in what we are doing!

To recap, we have a ton of things that we want to do for our audience and we are constantly trying different things to bring those ideas to life.  We have launched a campaign to raise money to improve the show and give back to our audience.

We are simply asking for you to pledge some money per episode.  50 cents, a dollar, a nickel, a penny (aaron), whatever you can do.  It only amounts to a few bucks per month but here’s what you get.

What do you get?  There are all kinds of rewards and we will constantly be adding to the list.  Patches, shirts, swag boxes – SO. MUCH. STUFF.

If you enjoy the show and want to help, please visit https://welikeshooting.com/pledge and see what we put together.

It’s time for…

Going ballistic

A-arons Odds news of the week

Inmate Hid 10-Inch Revolver In His Rectum.

A man arrested in North Carolina for drug possession had stashed a 10 inch .38 revolver in his person before entering lockup. The question is did it kill him? No, but it nearly rectum. And speaking of Rectum, that is where he hid it, making him a dangerous a crack shot. This really gives a new meaning to “Packing Heat”. No matter what brand revolver that went in, it came out a Browning.

Besides Jeremy’s ability to shove large objects into his person, can you imagine I mean really, why? there are plenary of 22s and 25s he could had used that are not 10 inches long. If you had to shove a gun up your butt what would you pick?

Shooting challenge

Ever tried to shoot a smiley face into a target Lethal Weapon style?  This is where we separate the men from the Aaron’s.  Our shootout challenge for March is live.  Go to WeLikeShooting.com/shootout,  shoot 8 shots from 5 yards, channel your inner Riggs and go all lethal weapon on your target.  Shoot a smiley and submit it at WeLikeShooting.com/shootout, we’ll post it on our site and social media and we’ll see who does the best!

Whose gun?

If fictional characters were to use modern publicly available firearms, what would they use? Pick ONE or two.  Guest please pick one and put your choice on that line.

This week: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

  • Ferris Bueller – Lil.  He was playing hooky because he really needed some range time.  Yes, there was a big adventure, but eventually, he found a few ladies shooting, Melissa Gilliand, Regina Milkovich, and Jesse Steiner.  They were talking so he took one of their rifles for a spin!
  • Cameron Frye – Aaron – Desert Eagle 1911 Undercover model, because he is a follower not a leader and wants to be part of the cool pack.
  • Sloane Peterson – Nick – Whatever Ferris is shooting. She just kind of follows him around.
  • Ed Rooney – savage1r – Vulcan .50bmg – a gun from a scumbag manufacturer for a scumbag pedo
  • Jeanie Bueller – Nick – Hates Ferris, Hipoint .380 so she can shoot him and throw the gun in the river.
  • Tom Bueller – Shawn – At one point jokingly suggests they should shoot Jeannie.  So he had a hi-point 380 in his nightstand.  That’s before she took it to shoot Ferris and then threw it in the river.
  • Economics Teacher (Ben Stein) Robert : Smart System iP1 – Because he’s a closet obama supporter trying to destroy an economy? Bueller…. Bueller….

Wrap up

Gun related link of the week

User feedback and user questions

16 March, 2014

Barrismurf (United States of America)

ADHD in full auto!

Rating: 5 Stars

These people are touched. I suppose I am too considering I listen to every episode. Seems like a group of people you would want to hang out with on the range. Except Nick. Just kidding…. no, really.

12 March, 2014

Mtiselin (United States of America)

Great info, and laughs too

Rating: 5 Stars

This is by far my favorite podcast to listen to as they have managed to achieve the balance of entertainment and great content.

T-Shirt Giveaway

New giveaway!  Answer the question of the week.  Go to welikeshooting.com/question, every week we’ll randomly select a winner from the responses and give the person that left it a free t-shirt.

Last weeks winner:  Mike Davis (he used a custom email address so he could tell if we sell his information to spammers, love it, I’ll send him a sticker too!_

Questions of the week:  What is your favorite AR-15 stock & what is your favorite AR-15 grip, What is your favorite AR-15 muzzle brake, compensator or flash hider?

New this week: Favorite short range to mid range AR-15 red dot

We Like Shooting Ultra Awesome Giveaway

Spencer Bennett won prize package 1

Matt Comfort won prize package 2

Thanks to the sponsors!

We are giving away an AR-15 from DEZ Tactical Arms, a complete polymer lower from E3 arms, a free Cerakote job for the gun of your choice from Calamity Arms (up to a $250 value!), Ammunition from AGS Armament, Magazines from Tactical Existence, Gerber knife from Hank Strange, SHM Loudener from Guns of the 111th, T-Shirts, bullet jewelry from Outlaw Glam, paracord bracelets and more.


Thanks to everyone else that has commented on our social media and our show website. If you would like to correspond with us please

What shows to listen to on FRN

  • savage1r: Handgun Radio
  • Lil: Reloading Podcast and Practically Tactical
  • Aaron Fat2fit

If you could describe the show in a quick sentence, what would you say?

Robert:  The single most kinetically adaptive dynamically operational amazing show on the web. //wrists

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.

Music: http://www.purple-planet.com