WLS 019 – Tastes like chicken

This show is brought to you by Brownells!

episode-tileThis week we’ll talk about targets, gerber machetes, NcStar spotting scopes, Iron Hammer Armory, Intrepid shotguns, Vortex Razor and Nosler bullets.

The We Like Shooting show is “friends, facts & fun”  – Kenn Blanchard.

Links to our guests and panelists:

Our panel tonight

Tonight I will tell one lie per introduction.  See if you can tell what it is.

We are joined by

  • Savage1r – A YouTuber who makes videos about shooting, philosophy, and do it yourself projects, Savage also has 6 nipples he uses to foster stray dogs
  • Lil Chantilly – Lil is Active Duty Navy, womens shooting advocate, long range shooter and gun blogger, at Heelsandhandguns.com, she also once lifted a burning bus to save the passengers.
  • Aaron – Law enforcement marketing specialist, director of logistics and media contact for WLS. Although I have to demote you, you’re no longer in charge of logistics.
  • Jeremy – Former Marine, instructor, owner of River’s Edge Tactical in Ohio and has more shoes than his mother.   So like 6? (I only wear boots)
  • Nick – Nick spends his day making high dollar rifles and barrels and at night beats off bad guys using his “hammer” that he affectionately calls Mjölnir (THAT IS RIGHT I SAID BEATS OFF)
  • Zak – Zak is retired Air Force Security Forces, full time nursing student.  Zak has the ability to travel back in time, yet is still always late
  • Shawn – I’m Shawn, I’m an instructor, reviewer, competitor and I pretend to be blind to get the best handicapped parking spots.

We were joined by the delightful –

  • Rev. Kenn Blanchard – instructor, activist, pastor, author, blogger, podcaster, former Marine & CIA, known internationally as the black man with a gun, But Locally he is known as that guy in the plaid shirt. Kenn, welcome to the show!

Drinking game

  • Shawn – interesting, Actually, absolutely, fantastic, basically, nice
  • Aaron – Piece, clip or Max why is there doodoo on the soap?
  • Anybody – WEAPON, Hi-Point.
  • Jeremy – I hate all of you
  • Nick – Poop swirl deluxe
  • savage1r – ya know, basically
  • Lil – Oh My Goodness! (Usually brought on by something Aaron says.)

Doing it better!

What have we done lately in guns, outdoors and gear?

  • Shawn: Nothing, need a motivational pep talk.

  • Aaron: Research 6.5 Grendel

  • Lil:  Working on gear reviews, trip to the pistol range with my XD45 just having fun

Gear Chat

This segment we talk about stuff that we have, want and need!

Going ballistic

This segment is for us to talk about things and stuff going in the gun world.   Panelists, Vent away.

Industry News

News or anything else going on

State update:

Now we’ll quickly go through each panelists state and with one word they will describe the current gun law/regulation atmosphere.

No colors

  • Montana: heatwave
  • Colorado: Boring
  • Michigan: HOHOHO
  • Washington: limbo
  • Ohio  Anticipation
  • California: Suffocation (AB 809 goes into effect Jan 1, 2014)

Whose gun?

If fictional characters were to use modern publicly available firearms, what would they use? Pick ONE or two.

This week: Star Trek: The Next Generation

Wrap up

Gun related link of the week


New giveaway!  Leave us an iTunes review or email us and tell us why iTunes sucks.  Either way.  We’ll decide which one amuses us most every week and give the person that left it a free t-shirt.

Rivers edge tactical codes:  RiversEdgeTactical.net use coupon code wlslistener

You can also check out our store at welikeshooting.com/store, stickers, paracord bracelets and camera mounts


We got some iTunes reviews and wanted to thank.

  • genecarangal
  • EnigmaTX – “if the fuzzy faces would give lil the air time she deserves I would give them 9 stars!”
  • BorderBandit292 “I would have finished a large bottle of my favorite adult beverage just between hi-point and oh my gosh”

Thanks to everyone else that has commented on our social media and our show website.

Please email us questions, comments, or insults at  feedback@welikeshootingpodcast.com,

If you like our show, please share it.. You can share http://welikeshootingpodcast.com/itunes. R Seguera shared it on Facebook today.  He is like the honey badger he doesn’t care what his friends think!

Check out WeLikeShooting.com for great reviews, tips, tricks, videos. We are spending thousands of dollars in ammunition per year.   FOR YOU.  Will you go to prom with us?

Companies!  We are one of the fastest growing shows on the network. Advertisers?

What shows to listen to on FRN

God and Guns Promo.  You can check it out at godandgunspodcast.com or godandgunspodcast.com/itunes

GUEST:  If you were to describe this show in a quick sentence, what would you say?

Thanks for listening, and shoot straight.