[box type=”warning”] This video does NOT have profanity! If you want to watch a dirty version please click here.[/box]
[box type=”info”] GearDisclosure.com statement: This firearm was provided at no charge by Ruger. No payment was provided for this video. The firearm will be returned when evaluation is completed.[/box]
Our first look at the Ruger American pistol in 9mm has us all ‘Merica
When we record these first look videos we don’t do any research, we just take it to the range and record our first impressions. First Impressions of the Ruger American pistol are very positive.
Let’s start at the muzzle and work through the grip. Sights are adequate 3 dot sites with a thin blade for the front sight. They were easy to acquire on both first shot presentations and follow up shots. The front sight was a bit sharp on the edges and drew first blood. The slide serrations give good grip and it was easy to rack the slide with an overhand or slingshot grip.
The gun is made for both lefties and righties out of the box with ambiĀ mag release and slide release. The trigger feels good out of the box with a nice crisp reset on the curved trigger with trigger-safety. For a stock gun, the trigger doesn’t disappoint and has a 6lb 11oz average pull weight. It has 3 replaceableĀ backstraps; small, medium and large, very similar to the M&P line from Smith & Wesson. In fact, it feels a lot like the M&P in most regards, which for this M&P shooter is a definite plus.
Capacity is 17+1 with smaller magazines available in case of dumb legislations.
We were very happy with our first experience with the Ruger American and can’t wait to put it through our testing for a full review!
Thanks to JC Arms and Ammunition for the ammunition to test with, Kenaz Tactical Group for the range, and thanks to Redleg Tactical for the Merica holster!