Bar-Sto Barrels

Bar-Sto sent us a barrel that we used to replace the broken barrel in a Colt 1911 chambered in .38 Super Auto +P. After a little bit of fitting, fitting, and some more fitting the barrel was finally ready to be dropped in the pistol and tested. The barrels come a little over sized in some areas, on purpose, so that they can be properly fit into any gun.  With that done we went to the range.

**Note** If you do not know how to do this properly please take it to a gunsmith. All work done on this gun was done by trained professionals.

We decided that the two things we were looking for at the range was group consistency and reliability of the firearms. Both ended up being well within what a person would want from any firearm they own.  The pistol had no malfunctions the entire day with any of the different types of ammunition we put through it (two stock rounds and  some reloads). As far as grouping went the barrel shot consistent groups all day long, though with a little different point of impact than the previous barrel, which can be taken care of with some sight adjustments.

All in all if you are looking for a replacement barrel for your firearm, please check out Bar-Sto barrels. Nice quality barrels with what we found to be excellent performance.