WLS Monogram Hats


Finally we have some kick ass hats! Snapbacks and flex fit. These hats make you 150% cooler according to Nick. They also give you the power of Samson because they are woven from his hair and if you take them off you lose your strength and phillistines will gouge your eyes out and tie you to a pillar. Your results may vary.

Fulfilled by Blue Alpha Gear! These are WAY better than our past hats!

Just like all products made by We Like Shooting, this one comes with a lifetime no-money back guarantee because our lawyers could not agree on the science we were using to base the lifetime on. I said “Like a dogs lifetime” while others wanted to base it on an otters, I mean, how long does an otter live? I have no idea, we just could not back that one up.

*claims are likely not true.