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We Like Shooting
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 399 reviews
 by trent

My favorite podcast to listen to, besides the Jew. I would pay Jeremy to kick him in the nuts. on that note what’s up with aero precision? no notes

 by Shawns SSB

Jeremy is and will always be my favorite! but Shawn is nice enough to answer texts and exchange memes savage looks like a thumb and Aaron shouldn't be banned from the island anymore, go steal another bike and see if they remember you! EP151

 by Ethan P

If these five squares are the reason you decide to listen to this podcast, you need more help than the cast of this shit show. Shawn keep up the hunting stories, it keeps everyone else striving to not do that. Aaron, it wouldn't be the same without you. That's not a good thing. Nick, can't wait to see you near the bathroom at GunCon again this year. Jeremy is not a cunt, hes just more right than the rest of you. Fuck Savage, I hope he's back on the show for this.

 by Harry Seaward

I have been trying to get you "people" to read the red risingseries for years now.. Really Aaron is the first? So you all are the cunts. So now lets break it down into the Red Rising color system.
Shawn would be a pink. The prostitute class because of that swee sweet ssb.
Jeremy would be a obsidian. The giant war class from the north.
Nick would be an orange. The mechanic class.
Savage would be a brown. The janitor.
And Aaron you ask? I would say left out in the elements as per tradition at birth. But maybe a bronzie, a mix of the top and bottom classes making him no good for anything.

 by Anonymous Quokka

Great show! Been listening for year and a few episodes back made me want to finally write a review. If I had to compare the cast to different steels or metals they would be as follows.

Shawn: Gold because he is really good as a conductor, but after that he all for show.

Nick: Nickel, because he is in the name and the atomic number is 28 signifying he made it past the 27 club.

Aaron: Lead, because he is soft and nobody wants him in their body.

Savage: Mercury, because he has a low boiling point and isn't really used much anymore.

Jeremy: Ferritic Stainless Steel because everyone wants to be around him, he is solid and durable, easy to clean and gets hard when things get hot.

All in all I love listening to the show and it is one of the highlights of me weeks. Keep up the good work!

 by Tim J

When I first started listening to this podcast I felt bad for Aaron and thought Jeremy was a cunt for no reason. After a few years of listening, I now understand why Jeremy is the way he is. #AaronIsACunt #JustForJarambe

No notes.

 by TouchMyBiiscuit

We Like Shooting is, in fact, the best shooting podcast there is. It is where new shooters can get their feet wet and where seasoned shooters can learn something new every week. There is a dozen podcasts to tickle any other tisms you have on specific aspects of shooting, but We Like Shooting should be at the top of your listening roster every week. The cast are both great, and at times, completely insufferable. It is exactly like hanging out with your friends. Every friend group has a Shawn, Jeremy, Aaron, Nick, and even a Savage. I know my own friend group does, for sure. Shawn always has something to say, respectably, trying to be a jack of all trades -- humble in admitting he doesn't know everything, but is always trying something new, be it hunting, competition shooting, or perfecting the perfect home or personal defense gear set. In short, Shawn is my favorite gear queer.
Nick is wise beyond his years, possesses a great deal of knowledge in many of the aspects of shooting Shawn has yet to delve into, be in 3D printing a "we have a DBAL at home" or putting together the most entertaining, fun to shoot, absurd, yet useful firearms we have ever seen. He is a silent leader, back seat driving this podcast to greatness.
Jeremy isn't really a cunt. Jeremy is quite coarse or even crass, at times, however, the cuntiness comes from his depth of knowledge in what is practical and sane in the world of firearms. Jeremy is not one you contact for opinions on firearms that are unusual, novel, or fun for the sake of fun. Jeremy's opinion seems to be that every gun must serve some hypothetical purpose, else it ought not exist.
Aaron could stop being a pieces of shit, and get his shit together, yet chooses to get fired from every job he has for making remarks he blames on the acronym NAGR, however, we all know this isn't the whole story. While every friend group needs a contrarian or devil's advocate, we don't enjoy that being a friend's entire modus operandi being simply that. Aside from a punching bag and contrarian, I don't always hate Aaron, just most of the time. He does provide some practical insight that us poors can relate to, and can spark worthwhile debate, at times. Aaron is, more or less, the Homer Simpson of the gang. He thinks he is the main character. He is the lovable idiot we truly love, and the show would not be the same without him.
Savage used to bring some variety to the show, as guns, preparedness, training, etc, do tend to go along with political conspiracy and cryptocurrency. He did, actually understand the legal aspect of the court cases as they pertain to our rights better than the rest. For that reason, I might be alone in saying I miss him sometimes. If for nothing other than his two talents -- reading the news with some level of preparedness and possibly expertly defuse a Shawn Aaron squabble before it turned into another one of THOSE episodes.

Overall, my favorite gun podcast, you guys are great, would 100% hang out and drink beer any or all with all of you, except maybe Aaron or Savage.

 by Shawn’s moobs

The only place a Jew a fag a cunt and a homosexual can make my work day bearable. Been listening since 2019 WLS is life

 by Lil Wang

I have shit on Aaron a few times, but credit where credit is due. His joke about Shawn’s broken furnace in WLS 595 was top tier!
Shawn: “It won’t even turn on. It’s 20 years old.”
Aaron: “It’s like your wife. She won’t turn on and she’s 20.”
I take back most bad things I have said about Aaron. I will continue listening to the show just to catch moments like this. Keep up the great work!

 by McNitt

Wow this podcast gives me the most confusing erection I’ve ever had in my life! At first I was afraid, then I was excited, then I was ashamed…
Side note : Since yall are on a liqueur kick… I got an interesting one for you… what you do is take 2 shots of licor 43 and mix it in a whiskey glass with milk… straight up tastes like melted vanilla ice cream. Much love from Colorado

 by McNitt

Listening to this podcast is like the first time I had sex. There’s lots of laughs, little bit of shit talking, and then some crying at the end because it’s over. But hey at least my uncle came… keep on keepin on fellas!

 by Moe Lester

Best damn podcast period. All others just fail in comparison to the eloquence of the cast. I feel like there were 5 at one time but just like Judas, one must betray. As for the remaining 4 they bring knowledge and patience to all topics, with a candor that rivals that of an autistic ADHD school boy seeing a tits for the first time. We all know they feel like bags of sand. That is all. 5 squares. #dontregister #WLS4LIFE #NoNotes

 by Franco del Stanko

This podcast scratches my autistic nuts and I’m all here for it. But let me tell you the grandest conspiracy I know. The feds finally caught up to savage since he was the true leader of Chad in Washington. To evade them he went into hiding and by hiding I mean he moved to Colorado and changed his name to “Angel”. So Shawn married “Angel” and now they live happily ever after and by happily ever after I mean Shawn gets to slap his carpet burned sack of grapefruit on savages chrome dome. Keep up the ok amount of work you filthy animals.

 by TheSteadyOne

Five squares.
Love this show, even when it pisses me off - glares at Aron.
I always learn something, even if I don't want to.
All in all a great way to spend a few hours each week listening to guys who I honestly feel like I could drink with and talk shit all day.
Seriously - thanks for all the information, the laughs, and the seriously awkward moments.
And Jeremy - Don't feel bad...you're all Cunts.

 by Dependable Don

Dicks out for Geno

 by Rob Keene

Five Gold Squares!!!!!
One of the last or THE last review of 2024. If you have any interest in “firearms and firearms accessories” (Hank Hill heavy breathing) this is the podcast for you. I have been listening to We Like Shooting since March of 2019 and it was the best decision I ever made. This podcast is great to listen to while in the car driving or cleaning and oiling your prized possessions. Listeners feel like they are part of the conversation with the great discussions and banter. Hope this podcast stays on the airwaves for another 25 years!!! I think all listeners wish they had a friend like Jeremy—someone who tells you like it is, owns an amazing gun range, and will let you shoot all the machine guns (as long as you pay for the ammo)!!!! Hear you guys in 2025 Cheers!!!!

 by Uvula Pounder

This show is one stick short of a faggot.

 by Scott

No notes

 by Ryan

Jeremy is a fat cunt and Shawn fluffs him daily

 by Hem A Roids

Sometimes you want to kill yourself. Other times you just hope that the diabetes finally takes the toes off Aaron. This group is degenerate, disgusting, rude, and inappropriate.

I like it.
Below are 4 animals. One for each cast member (savage doesn’t count anymore) you guess who is who

 by Fisher cat

Love the show guys keep fighting the good fight I’m going to compare each of the cast members to gods of Norse mythology

Obviously Jeremy is like Thor who always craves war and bloodbaths and loves his farmland, Shawn is like Odin leading the other gods and speaking occasional wisdom when he isn’t drinking, Aaron is Loki cause he plays dirty tricks like the dirty Jew he is, Nick is like forseti who always tries to seek out the truth among information to better inform people, savage is just the horse that all the gods make fun of when it runs way from loud noises. Really
Love the show guys #shootstraight#SSB

 by NateL

Great podcast always good for a laugh . I dont always learn something but i can be assured to disagree with Aaron , also i enjoy Shawns hunting stories, his detailed stories paint a picture of the hunt and feel i can watch it all happening in my head.

 by DammitBrad

How many pieces of uncooked spaghetti noodles do you think you could fit in your urethra?

 by Ass eater

I haven’t heard too many honest reviews on here so I’ll see if this one makes it on the show… you guys suck. You all are terrible influences. Do you guys know how much money you have made me spend and how much you still want to make me spend? From 3D printing to machine guns and all the sponsors shit that you guys just throw discount codes out too? Unbelievable. The sexy MP5s and hi points and the building of 1911s and the night vision and thermal talk make me too damn hard I just pass out from lack of blood to the brain. Screw you guys. Don’t even get me started on the news and gadgets that you guys fill my brain up with every week. On a lesser serious note, Jeremy is not a cunt. He is the one I want to be like most when I grow up. Unfortunately I’m currently like Aaron the most with all my Jewy-ness. I’ll get there someday. Love the show gentlemen and eat that #SSB up.

 by DrSexyGuy

Watching the show live is like going to the bar and winding up getting a train run on you. There's these guys hanging out, then Aaron comes over and starts talking (gear chat) and you wish he'd just shut up. But then Nick starts saying interesting things (bullet points) and you wait to see where things are going. Next thing you know, you're there with all the boys (gun fights) and having the best time you can remember. The only thing missing is that truly Savage moment (news) where you're getting yelled at and you don't know if you'll be choked or not. Before long Jeremy brings the angry grunts (reviews), everything wraps up, Shawn is professing his love, and you're about to fall asleep. In the morning you wonder what happened to your earpussy, replay the events in your podcast app, and realize you've made a mistake. All you can clearly remember is Shawn talking about his eyes over and over. Time for some Plan B and maybe a police report.

 by Red

I wish I could tell you that Shawn fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but prison is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew. Things went on like that for awhile - prison life consists of routine, and then more routine. Every so often, Shawn would show up with fresh bruises. The Sisters kept at him - sometimes he was able to fight 'em off, sometimes not. And that's how it went for Shawn - that was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him, and I also believe that if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him.

 by Dependable Don

I miss savage

 by Phil Ayshio

The guys titled episode 586 of “We Like Shooting” after Jeremy’s relative, and that’s pretty badass. Then, they named Double Tap from that same night, episode 385, after mine, which is also badass. Like Jeremy’s relative, he was given his name because of his actions as a young man. He was a master of his craft until he ate himself to death. His tongue is preserved in a French museum. Thanks again guys, keep it tight. #tradeSSB4machineguns

 by Jassnibbler

El nibbler again. Sorry about the last one. I was hammered. It is fun to listen to you guys make fun of drunk fuckers sending in questions and reviews. Im only half drunk this time. Still think you guys are half gay at heart. Only Jeremy is hetro. Since hes a giant cunt. I ask you look at the stemple tube builds from brp again. Transferable. And reasonably priced. Brian has about 100 left. Then they gone. Theres a vid on forgotten weapons about them. Seemed like nick was checking it out. Hala. And stay gay cunts

 by ashleigh hack

my favorite podcast!

 by Phill C

Five squares. Love the show Everytime I listen feels like hanging in the garage with the boys. Jeramys first words of his 40th year; "I don't give a fuck about Haitians"

 by Cayman Cider

The show should be named “We Like Fruit Leather.” ???? There’s no telling where an episode will lead. As long as it doesn’t lead to one of Shawn’s “Penthouse Forum” style hunting stories, I can’t quit you. Glad he’s found an outlet for those. Love the show! Bright spot of my week every damn week.

 by Fucking bill

5 squares.
Better than electric nipple clamps.
Great show about firearms…. Sometimes.
The only podcast I listen to that keeps my wife out of the room.
No notes

 by Chris

We Like Shooting is a podcast that undoubtedly caters to the firearms enthusiast community while fostering an engaging and entertaining atmosphere. With a balance of humor and technical insight, the show adeptly covers a wide range of topics from gun reviews to industry news, making it accessible both for seasoned shooters and curious newcomers.
**Content and Topics**
The show features a variety of segments, including guest interviews with industry professionals, discussions about the latest gear, and commentary on current events affecting the firearms community. Their commitment to exploring diverse topics—such as concealed carry, self-defense, and legislation—is impressive and keeps the content fresh and relevant.
The chemistry among the hosts, including Sean, Aaron, and Nick, adds a charming element to the show. Their banter and camaraderie create a friendly atmosphere that invites listeners to feel like part of the conversation. Each host brings a unique perspective, enhancing the discussions and keeping the audience engaged.
**Production Quality**
From a technical standpoint, the production quality is commendable. The audio is clear, with good sound mixing, which is essential for a podcast that often delves into detailed discussions. However, occasional background noise can be distracting, though it typically doesn’t detract significantly from the overall experience.
**Community Engagement**
One of the standout features of We Like Shooting is its commitment to community engagement. The hosts actively encourage listener interaction through social media and email, discussing listener questions and suggestions on-air. This approach not only builds a loyal audience but also creates valuable conversations around firearms that resonate with their listeners.
In conclusion, We Like Shooting is a must-listen for anyone with an interest in firearms, whether you’re a hunter, competitor, or simply curious about the topic. The blend of light-hearted humor with serious discussions creates a unique experience that stands out in the podcasting world. As the show continues to evolve, it remains a reliable source for credible information and entertainment in the firearm community. Whether you are a die-hard enthusiast or a casual listener, this podcast is likely to keep you engaged and coming back for more.

 by Glenn

Okay Shawn, this is all you need to know about canoeing in a straight line, it's called the J stroke. Ask any boy scout hownit's done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSOu0jyuqN8

 by uglycarnie

This is fun show! Shawn talks incessantly. You wish he'd shut up until you meet the rest of the cast. Savage rambles about who knows what. Nothing Aaron says makes sense. (He acts like most liberals) Nick has a lot of good info but rarely interjects much more than "um ok". Jeremy could offer some decent conversation if you can get past the throat clearing, nose blowing, belching, and general random noises. So back to Shawn, he doesn't need to talk more, but the other options are worse. Thanks for killing time for me each week. Keep it up

 by Tatical Tard

If you're a fan of irreverent humor, gun talk, and a crew of characters that make each episode a wild ride, then We Like Shooting is for you! Each host could be likened to a branch of the military, each bringing their own "unique" brand of expertise—or chaos—to the table.

Savage1r as the Space Force: Because, well… reasons. He’s in his own world sometimes, but you know he’s out there exploring the uncharted.

Aaron as the Navy: If being Jeremy’s “boyfriend” doesn’t fit the Navy vibe, I don’t know what does. He’s loyal, unpredictable, and somehow always finds a way to bring the conversation back on course (mostly).

Jeremy as the Marines: For obvious reasons, Jeremy is the Marine of the bunch. He’s loud, brash, and guaranteed to bring some heat. Definitely not afraid to yell his opinion into the void.

Nick as the Army: Quietly essential, Nick’s the one who keeps things moving, even if no one recognizes him for it. He’s always there in the background, making sure everything’s on track.

Shawn as the Air Force (Chair Force): Shawn might have the grand ideas, but the heavy lifting? Not so much. He’s the mastermind, sitting in the captain’s chair, but we all know where the real work is happening.

If you’re ready for a podcast that feels like a military squad where every branch gets roasted, give We Like Shooting a listen. It’s organized chaos at its best!

 by Tactical Fud

If the cast members were guns…

Jeremy- the sig p320. You must be careful with this one otherwise it might shoot you in the leg.

Savage- a pink glock. The only one on this list used by more woman than men. You don’t see this one often but when you to you couldn’t care less.

Shawn- the browning M2 machine gun. Old. But a legend. Does 60% of the teamwork, and every man secretly wants to warm its barrel.

Nick- the taurus judge. Its best use is making a game with a maximum of 6 rounds.

Aaron- Remington 870. Millions of men have handed it. With the help of its smooth but uncleaned bore, it brings home a nice variety of both dark and white meat.

All said with love. As I've gone back and listened to nearly every episode uploaded to Spotify, i can confirm this is the best gun podcast in the universe.

 by capt.doogie

ive been listening on Spotify for a while, last night was my first time being able to catch a live show as usually work night shift. these goofy guys are a real hoot to listen to at work while i deal with all the knuckle heads i work with. i really enjoy that they often do not agree with one another which makes for actual information being batted around and not just some unsupported opinion. keep it up you chuckle fucks and Jeremy, please keep being a cunt to the other hosts and audience it works for you.

 by Randy Magnum

Two boobs, a cunt, and a missing thumb. And also Nick. What’s not to love?

 by Aaron’s Gay Uncle Percy

This podcast is a lot like my sexual relationship with Aaron. It never lasted long enough, it was incredibly gay; and it caused a lot of emotional damage. I guess this is why he is the way he is. At least We Like Shooting is not as disappointing as having Aaron as a lover. Savage is also gay.

Stay golden, pony boys.
Love, Aaron’s Gay Uncle Percy

 by Matt Gerwien

This is a great podcast about..... Well I'm truly not sure whar it is about yet. I have only been listening for 5 years now and I never know what topics will be covered each week. One week might be cooking another might be a rant on voting, the next might be verbal diarrhea from Aaron. You never know what it will be week from week. The only constant in it all is that I am always entertained and can't wait for the next episode.
Thanks for the hours of entertainment each week.
P.S. Aaron is the one who Can't Understand Normal Thinking not Jeramy.

 by Joe

So normally I love the show but you have had a couple episodes lately that pissed me off. Shawn and the xtech guys take on voting shows a lack of commitment and a lack of will to stand for the 2a above all else. I will never never vote for a demonrat democrat. However I won’t vote for an anti gun republican either and that’s trump he has done far too much damage previously to the 2A . I vote solely on 2a grounds and if they violate the 2a they never again get my vote . No matter what. So be careful with alienating your audience with that bullshit . I will already never support xtech because of it don’t be next . We want more Jeremy the bad one and less Kyle and Kyle’s mom on the show ! In case you are wondering Aaron is Kyle’s mom and your Kyle Shawn

 by Tickle my pickle

Listening to the We Like Shooting podcast is like walking into a locker room where every host is packing a different caliber of… let’s say ‘enthusiasm.’ Shawn’s the Goldilocks of the group—perfectly average in the best way possible. Not too much, not too little, just enough to get the job done every time and leave you impressed with the consistency. Aaron? He’s the guy who won’t stop talking about his ‘giant’ size, but you’re not sure if it’s real or just some elaborate trolling. Regardless, he’s fun to have around, and sometimes you just have to admire the confidence! Savage is the underdog—he may not be the biggest in the room, but he’s got technique, brains, and knows how to handle what he’s got with finesse. Then there’s Jeremy—he’s like a third leg, absurdly huge, intimidating, and honestly, you’re a little scared. But somehow, it’s kind of impressive, like watching a bear wrestle a tank. And Nick? Nick’s that guy who’s rocking more than you expect—quiet confidence, no need to brag, and suddenly you’re like, ‘Wait… how did I not notice this earlier?!’ Put them all together, and you’ve got a hilarious mix of sizes, shapes, and swagger that somehow just works. 10/10 would measure again.

 by Roger

Listening to the We Like Shooting podcast is like going on a wild night out with a tray of shots lined up, each one representing a different kind of chaos. Shawn? He’s a whiskey neat—smooth, dependable, and after a few sips, you realize you’ve just been hit with a lot more knowledge than you were ready for. Aaron is a tequila shot—loud, a little questionable at times, and halfway through you’re like, ‘Why did I agree to this?’ But by the end, you’re laughing and taking another one. Savage is your crafty Moscow Mule—refreshing, with a bit of spice, but you know there’s some fancy ingredient in there you weren’t expecting, like crypto or 3D-printed guns. Jeremy? That dude’s straight-up moonshine—powerful, unfiltered, and will knock you on your ass if you’re not ready for it. It burns, but you can’t help coming back for more. And Nick? He’s like a gin and tonic—at first, you’re like, ‘Hmm, not bad,’ but three drinks in, you’re buzzed and wondering why you’re now contemplating the deeper meaning of suppressors. Altogether, these guys are the ultimate boozy cocktail—strong, unpredictable, and guaranteed to leave you with a hangover of laughter.

 by Joe

5 squares, Aaron is getting better, sometimes kind of. Shawn stop posting thirst traps on reddit. Nick I got nothing. Savage _____. Jeremy go back to Horno. Show good, keeps me laughing most of the time. Gunfights is fun do to retarded bids on gunbroker.

 by Real Deal

5 Squares for keeping the Arrow on Target.

Some have asked if the Cast were analogous to the characters of Archer who would each person represent. Actually no one has asked this question but still it must be answered! First off we have the Fearless Leader, Shawn, He would best represent Sterling Archer himself. Brash yet calculated, Inebriated but still accurate, and well versed with relations of younger women. Savage would obviously be Cyril Figgis, often forgotten and more often disregarded as he drones on about facts and figures. The venerable Nick Lynch would serve well as a male Lana Kane. Ready to dual wield Tec-9s from his shoulder holsters, the side kick of Archer, and ready to kill at all costs. Aaron would be Dr. Algernop Krieger, pedigree in question and morally ambiguous at best and of course the shared last name. And finally we have to address Jeremy, who is reading this now and clearly does not want to be here but alas he gets the job done. Jeremy would be Ray Gillette. The homosexual, admittedly competent member if ISIS who comes from the back woods of the Eastern US who is always there to offer counterpoint to Archer.

So there we have it. I enjoy the banter of the cast and the occasional knowledge they espouse.

 by Bsecki28

On the episode Bird Turglar y’all talked about the Savage suppressors and they’re actual really good cans and are currently being produced by maxim defense. Anyways this is the best show out there I’ve listened for years. Jeremy might be a cunt but he’s still better than listening to Aaron have borderline liberal opinions

 by David Lettuce

+2 additional stars (7 stars total). The show has been so amazing since Savage is gone. You guys have barely mentioned reddit or giggled at strange times. Can we try the same thing with Aaron? That would be the only thing to make the show better at this point.
#fuckaaron #fucksavage #fuckfudds

 by Jesse Ebbesen

I felt that many of the other reviewers are too soft on some of the cast members so i would like to offer a more accurate description. Shawn - The owner, so obviously the most concerned with creating a professional and quality show, but failure is nothing new to shawn. Nick shows up most weeks and got put in charge of one of the most intersting segments the show had ever seen, Gun Fights. It proved too stressfull for his belly they changed the format into a picture show on an audio podcast. Now Nick's only real goal is to dethrone Matt lou-rose-see-ear as the FRN's most boring podcaster. Aaron is a totally normal dude who plays a character of a retarded jackass on the show. Inversely Jeremy is a retarded jackass who plays a normal dude on the show. Through years of listening to the show I 100% believe that Jeremy did infact grow up in a group home, but as a patient and not the son of the owners. That is just was the manager "his mom" and the janitor "his dad" told him to make Jeremy feel special. It was a sad day when Mr Derek got fired for finger blasting the lunch lady during his smoke break. Jeremy being an incompetent cunt would never understand this so they had a mock funeral for "his dad" or Mr. Postive Derek as the kids all called him. Jeremy had imprinted on the kind old man and created stories in his head of him being a gun guy, probably from all the hushed rumors of Mr. Positive Dereks finger blasting. The mock funeral was very beliveable because there was a therapy dog from the group home that did need to buried. Jeremy responded well to the therapy dogs at first, until he found that ssb. After that discovery the poor dogs never last more than a few months at the home. No one wants to tell Jeremy the truth on account of them all being afraid of the retard strength. Savage was the aforementioned therapy dog. Sometimes John Patton shows up on the show and when he does Shawn turns in a little kid whose older cousin just rolled into town. That is the fairest review i can write, but to simplify it for sweet stupid Jeremy, 5 Squares.

 by Toad licker

Sweet molly McGee. Also great show. Entering for free shit. Could use more purple content.

 by KY Horseman

Need free holster
Me want holster
Free holster
Great show
Free holster

 by chuck petrick

This show keeps us old fudds up to date with what's happening in the gun world. It is entertaining, irreverent, and mostly educational. The cast has become like the bunch of crazy in-laws that you have to deal with weekly instead of once a year at Thanksgiving. I would like to be considered for the giveaway holster.

 by Ben Dover

Love the podcast and look forward to listening in every week. I especially appreciate being able to trust the sponsor companies of the show. Keep it up boys

P.S. Jeremy is a cunt

 by Boonegump

Enjoy the show and just wanted to ask what y’all thought about a 350 legend ar15 with a Swampfox Blade? I’m going to try it deer hunting with dogs because the scope last year was too much scope. Should it hold up and be good for running shots? Keep up the good work!

 by Justin

Best podcast

 by Happens

Love it .

 by J2Shortt

I created this review of ALL the WLS reviews by copying the reviews into 16 pieces of 15,000 charecters each and then having CHATGPT create a review of the reviews and then generate a review.

Summary of "We Like Shooting" Podcast Reviews
"We Like Shooting" is a vibrant and often chaotic firearms podcast featuring a unique blend of personalities: Shawn, Aaron, Nick, Jeremy, and occasionally Savage. The show is known for its humorous and irreverent take on firearms discussions, coupled with diverse conversations that keep listeners engaged.

Host Dynamics

Shawn: Often compared to the essential elements of a meal, he's viewed as the "white bread" that holds the show together, providing stability amid chaos.
Aaron: The "smartass" of the group, his quick wit elicits both laughter and frustration from listeners.
Nick: The quiet observer, he offers insightful commentary and is likened to "grits," a versatile addition that complements the other hosts.
Jeremy: Described as both a “raging psychopath” and a “hero,” he brings intense energy and rants that resonate with many fans.
Savage: Compared to a banana pepper, he adds flavor but can be overwhelming in large doses.
Audience Reception
Listeners appreciate the comedic interactions and informal atmosphere, often highlighting the laughter that ensues from the show's dynamic. However, some note the humorous banter can be so engaging that it risks embarrassing them at work. The show is recognized for its rich discussions, covering both technical and entertaining aspects of firearms and related topics, which keep fans coming back for more.

Positive Feedback
Many reviews praise the show's informative content, humor, and the evolving segments like “Family Fudd,” “Hot Seat,” and “Gunfight.” Reviewers express enthusiasm for the show’s entertaining nature, with frequent calls for more of Jeremy's rants and a celebration of the show’s lively spirit.

Overall, "We Like Shooting" garners strong support from its audience, with ratings reflecting a deep appreciation for the hosts' chemistry and the blend of humor and firearms knowledge. The podcast is celebrated as a staple for firearms enthusiasts and those seeking a good laugh.


 by Joe E

Best gun podcast that your wife won’t listen too. The cast will bring you laughs, knowledge, rage, and sometimes even joy.

Jeremy’s a cunt.

 by Dependable Don

Old Pozderac had a farm E-I-E-I-O
And on that farm he fucked some dogs E-I-E-I-O

 by chuck petrick

i would like a set of xtech tactical gloves

 by Glenn Cray

Great podcast. WLS.is the only reason I look forward to Monday.

 by Jassnibbler

Its me again. Jassnibbler. Cant find the ? Option. Thanks for the sticker after that long ass review. Hope yall liked it. Im glad aaron remembered my comment about us all being a percentage gay. I was kinda bummed you guys didnt say anything about that kid shooting at app hs. My county Dumb kid. Just moved back here from other county. I have pictures of him dancing with my girl in pre k. I remember his mom. Hot. But got dumb. Meth mom. I would like you to look at brp corp. im working with him on the side. Machine guns. Stemple tubes. Lets talk about these

 by skyler

A great show, and a passionate ride home. Dulcedom is really good to use.

 by Steven Schaner

Since you've been raping my ear pussy for years, I figure you should get to pop my podcast review cherry as well. It's hard to encapsulate the show in a few lines so bear with me.
This show hits all the right notes and encompasses all the right material the average "dude" is yearning for. New shit. Hot shit. Cool shit. Some back and forth banter. Everything one could ask for.
Jeremy's anecdotes are always an adventure. Never misses an opportunity to boast his stature or machine gun collection. Shawn keeps the show moving and mostly on point because the crew is more ADHD than a Labrador in a yard filled with squirrels. Sometimes he'll snarkle (is that a word?) like gargamel from Smurfs, and that can get annoying but hey, I'll take what I can get. Aaron I appreciate for his ability to take criticism from everyone all the time. Not to mention he makes me chuckle every time he annoys Shawn with the "bi-curious" comment. Nick is the most grounded crew member. His deep voice and flat tone is somewhat soothing. Bringing a wealth of knowledge and calm demeanor keeps the show well rounded. I hope I'm not forgetting anybody. Keep up the good work and stay frosty

 by Mike In Gerogia

The prison gang you dont want, but the prison gang you need.
Shawn is the shot caller, he knows how to get things
Jeremy is the muscle, dont fuck with him, he'll fuck you up, but he's still working on his first stateside...(supposedly)
Aaron is the religious zealot who will argue the other side just to piss you off (he believes in God but not Jesus)
Savage a.k.a. "The Thumb", jail house lawyer, says a lot, but eventually you'll get the info you want
Nick, the mechanic, planning to escape? he's the guy to talk too, but you have to barter for the help, no coffee though, it goes right through him

.... This group of hooligans, have a lot of members on the outside to help also... almost like a cult

 by DennisH

We Like Shooting Podcast: The King of the Hill of Gun Shows?

If you're into firearms and enjoy a good laugh, the *We Like Shooting Podcast* might just be your version of *King of the Hill*, where Hank, Dale, Bill, and Boomhauer swap propane for pistols and talk shop in their own quirky ways.

Shawn Herrin (Hank Hill)
Shawn is the Hank Hill of the group—solid, responsible, and dedicated to firearms with the same level of obsession Hank reserves for propane and propane accessories. Like Hank, Shawn probably has a pristine gun safe and will tell you about the best AR-15 cleaning solvent, whether you ask or not. If a podcast host could sound like they’re shaking their head in disappointment at today’s youth, it’s Shawn.

Jeremy Pozderac (Dale Gribble)
Jeremy’s Dale Gribble energy is off the charts. Conspiracies about government gun control? Check. A passionate, borderline-unhinged love for firearms? Double-check. He’s the guy who will convince you that your toaster is probably spying on you while simultaneously teaching you how to mod it into a self-defense device. Just like Dale’s pocket sand, Jeremy’s got his own tricks up his sleeve—probably firearm-related and somehow legal in Ohio.

Savage1r (Boomhauer)
Savage1r is Boomhauer if Boomhauer’s rapid-fire gibberish was about gun laws, 3D printing, and obscure firearm builds. You’ll understand every fourth word, but somehow, by the end of the podcast, you’re fully convinced you need to start printing your own gun parts. The details might be fuzzy, but the enthusiasm is infectious.

Aaron Krieger (Bill Dauterive with Less Charm)

If Bill Dauterive is the lovable, down-on-his-luck schlub, Aaron Krieger is like a watered-down version, but with none of the charm that makes you root for him. While Bill at least had moments of misguided heroism or pathetic sympathy, Aaron’s contributions often feel more like a train wreck you can’t look away from. Whether he's stumbling through a story no one asked for or derailing a conversation with an opinion that leaves everyone in stunned silence, Aaron’s the guy who’s always a beat behind and somehow manages to make you wish he’d take one more step back.

Where Bill brings some heart to the table, Aaron feels like the guy who shows up to the podcast, and everyone just tolerates it because they’ve already hit record.

Nick Lynch (Bobby Hill)
Nick is the Bobby Hill of the podcast—a little unpredictable, sometimes dropping a one-liner that leaves everyone in stitches. He’s got that youthful energy and just enough rebellious streak to try something weird in the world of firearms. You never quite know what he’s going to say, but it’s always entertaining. If you hear him mutter, “That’s my purse, I don’t know you!” mid-episode, don’t be surprised.

Much like *King of the Hill*, the *We Like Shooting Podcast* is about a bunch of folks standing around, talking about their passions, and occasionally going on some strange tangents. But whether it's propane or firearms, both shows share one thing in common: the cast of characters makes it worth tuning in every time.

You don’t have to know much about guns to enjoy the banter. Just like you don’t need to care about lawnmowers to appreciate the beauty of *King of the Hill*.

 by Jeromy

From one Jermy to another. We are cunts!

Show is kick ass. Thanks guys!

 by Les Eaton Fulk

Love the show, but Shawn is wrong about LPVO vs Red Dot plus magnifier. Why turn your 3 MOA dot into a 9 MOA dot? Thanks for every other opinion guys.

 by Longrod Von Hugen Dong

Great show with decent intelligence. You can't give them a glowing review when "she who shall not be named" was ever hired. This cast is like my favorite porn stars from years past.
Shawn is like Lela Star. He may be fake at times, but DAMN he knows how to ride, SSB doesn't lie. Aaron is like Mia Khalifa. He may try to sound intelligent, but much like Mia, he chokes when challenged. Roller delayed? Never heard of her. Nick is Angela White. Pure perfection like GunFights, and the only one I'm proud to follow on Instagram. Jeremy doesn't have a comparison because I dare not Google beastiality and taint my perfect search history. Savage ain't here, so fuck 'em.
Keep up the work, gents! Here's to more years of drunken knowledge and learning more reasons why we all shouldn't move to Michigan.

Also, Jeremy is a Cunt.

#SSB #6to9Stars #JosephSavage #GototheGym

 by Soccom deez nuts

5 Stars! Shawn literally got booth cucked by boomer and his broad. Then when he goes to sit in his cuck chair at his new booth he finds out that was stolen too! Guy got rekt!

 by Rivers Cunt Tactical

I learned about these guys at G.O.A.L.S. They had a great booth that immediately got my attention. Danny is truly an expert at all things 1911/45 ACP and Cheryl is so sassy. The couples banter along with their support of the NSSF makes Gun Freedom Radio a must listen! I can't believe I had never heard of them before. If it was not for their booth I would still be deprived of this podcast. God damn that was a fine booth.

 by Jeremy Pause Derek

I’m the cunt.

 by Jimothy

Great podcast, I rate this 5/5 turkey sandwiches with hummus

A chOde to Nick

He’s a leaky man,
Of whom I’m a fan,
His last name means to hang
Container of knowledge
And Sean has the ballage
But Nick is the toilet bowl gang
With his colostomy bag
It’ll make Savage gag
When he and Jon Patton bang
With Othias in tow
A-aron’s a hoe
Nick willingly flops out his wang
Jeremy shows Nick his rear
after only one beer
Of this no more can be sang.

Jeremy is a cunt.

 by Hunter Dieringer

This is show is the best thing to listen to on the road everyday. I started listening a few years ago and absolutely love it. Thank you guys well minus Savage as he’s a commie and is hardly ever there, for y’all’s in sight and on new products and I now have 5 different swampfox products and I really like the valve for these great optics. Jeremy thank you for being you and not taking shit from anyone and being a true country boy and I like this. Shawn thanks for keeping everyone inline, mainly Aaron’s non job keeping ass. Nick keep up the gun fights and maybe one day Shawn will catch up to everyone. You guys please keep up the great work and keep all of our ear pussies dripping wet. #SSB #171 #WLSISLIFE # Jeremy is not a Cunt
Thank you HD

 by Richard Cranium

If you don't listen to We Like Shooting then FUCK YOU!

 by 3 arrows farm

Great show. The Gideon optics ad at the beginning and end of the show makes me think I’m listing to an audio version of a guns and ammo magazine ad. I like the new theme song, it gets stuck in my head the same way dicks get stuck in Aaron’s head. Shoot straight, unlike Aaron

 by Delorean Concept.

Listening to this show is like going Back to the Future. Enjoyable until you kiss your mom to save your brother and sister. Unless you are Aaron and kissing moms is all you look forward to. Or is it like the second one where the cast takes the trash of the day and throws it in Mr Fusion to power us into a better time? Well I give this show 5 stars because once it reaches 88mph and the flux capacitor launches you into the unknown you are in for a good time. Great Scott! Look at the time. Why don’t you make like a tree and get out of here. #WLSisLife #SSB

 by DrScaryGuy

If the anti-marxist theme of A Bug's Life came to life as a pro-gun podcast, this would be it, and here is how the cast fits in: Jeremy is a dung beetle: large, ridiculously strong, laser focused on getting stuff done, usually covered in filthy shit. Savage is a walking stick: you pretty much never see him except on rare occasions, and then he's mostly just an oddity before you forget about him again. Shawn is the velvet ant cowkiller: always about business, working hard, looks normal but a little furrier than most, is secretly a monster that will tear you up if you mess around. Nick is the asian lady beetle: probably beneficial most of the time, seems pleasant enough, squirts out foul liquids without warning. Aaron is a praying mantis: predatory and more preying than praying, strange looking, always trying to mate, but you're sure just by looking at this cuck that he's never fathered any of his own kids. Keep up the good work fellas.

 by Jermyisacunt

If you are looking for the best gun podcast that’ll fuck your ear pussies without lube this is the podcast for you. Shawn does a good job keeping these faggots in line and has the sexiest SSB, Aaron will try to fuck your wife but he’ll be unsuccessful and the oldest cast member. Nick lives in a bus in the middle of the holler but very knowledgeable about firearms. Jeramy owns a brick and mortar ffl that is bitchin AF but he’s a giant….. cunt….. just a 6’7” cunt…..

 by Lunchbox The Magnificent

What makes this podcast unique is the group make up is very similar to just about every group of friends. Just like your friend group, each brings something unique to the table while also managing to do things that irritate the shit out of you.

You've got the ringleader in Shawn. He organizes things and makes sure nobody randomly dies. He also tends to run on and on and on with his stories until you kind of lose track of where you are and start contemplating what would happen if you drove off the road.

Nick is the quiet buddy who you're pretty sure is on the spectrum due to his near encyclopedic knowledge of firearms. His off the cuff wit and monotone delivery makes you wonder if he actually still likes hanging out with everybody, but he keeps coming back so he can't hate you THAT much.

Jeremy is the buddy who is still the same guy he was when you met in high school. He's that link to your past that you never wanna lose. You also realize it's probably a matter of time before you see him on the news because he drove a semi truck full of explosives into a government building.

Savage is the most normal and well adjusted of the group, to the point where you wonder why he's here with us weirdos. He's the guy with the young family, so he's not able to hang out as much as when we were all single and will often miss out on the weekend get togethers.

Aaron is the buddy who always seems to be down on his luck. Whether it's his house getting torn up or going through more jobs than Shawn's whore ex goes through cock, it just feels like he can't get ahead in life. Once you actually start to feel bad for the guy, he hits on your wife and that sympathy all goes away.

All in all, it's a riveting podcast that keeps me listening every week.

 by Warrior Of The Weekend

Integrity. Professionalism. Dignity. Honor. Respect.
Even though this podcast severely lacks all of these traits, I still give it 5 stars for effort.
What it does have is:
Autism. Patriotism. Pathetisism. Diabetism. Not athleticism.
These inglorious bastards get me through my work day. Great unbiased gun info.
And Jeremy, I’ll C U Next Tuesday. Ha! Please don’t rage kill me you’re not a cunt.

 by Ish

Hey guys! I’m a 20 year old from that communist state of Washington and moved to Oregon as of last year just so I can have an ar-15 ! I also have a 19 gen 5 I got as a gift. I’ve been thinking of moving back to be closer to family but i don’t know if I am allowed to take and have my firearms there! Also fuck all yall why are yall always hating on jermey he may be a cunt but he be speaking facts

 by JoeMKy

Double Tap 368 - The Cool Fire Trainer for the full Size Pistols you can get 30 to 40 cycles through it. I have a few for my full size match guns and they last for the stages that are 25- 35 rounds granted if I don't perform a lot of makeup shots. In my opinion, it is one of the best recoil simulated barrels out there that I can use with the same guns I use for competition. I do not have a barrel for my carry gun which is smaller and I can see where the smaller barrel might get lest than 20 cycles.

 by Mike C.

You won’t find a better group of girls talking about guns. Shawna is the head gal who keeps the rest of the cackling hens in order. Nikki is the true brains behind the operation bringing intellect into what would otherwise be a dumpster fire. Jennie is the muscle of the group. She also has a crazy amount of knowledge on the history of firearms. Erin is the dramatic one, always starting fights within the group like a real housewife of Michigan. And last but not least we have Savannah. She’s a petite woman with alopecia and there’s nothing more to say about her. Best podcast out there about guns hands down. Keep up the good work ladies.

 by Jordan

Hey guys,
Regarding DT240: Gaggle of murder chickens. Murder of thieving birds. Flock of sea chickens (or tactical ducks in this case).
Anyway, as a poor, that like Savage said has "destitute" tier stuff, across the firearm type board, that listens to WLS while we pay the bills, I have no delusions about my stuff being "jUsT aS Guud". For me though, it something better than a sharp stick. If it works, when it's actually needed & doesn't grenade in my hand, I'm good. Do I want and know I need better, no shit. It's the dudes that swear "My $450 PSA Freedom AR has been through 10,000rds without cleaning/lubing once in 10yrs without a hiccup" etc....come on guys. You're full of shit. We can be "The poors" and not be the belligerent "GuD 'nuff for the Boogaloo" guys.
In the meantime, I'll continue to clock in, clock out, shoot when life allows. Just STFU & don't be a tard. Do what you can afford for now, ya know.
All that ramble aside, love the show. Gets me through driving on night shift.

 by Zbob

Gideon optics advertising makes me want to drink bleach.
▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ (5 squares) I listen to every episode and enjoy them throughly. Turns out it takes a group of degens from upcountry discussing use cases, night vision with a sprinkle of lumens vs candela to keep me distracted from working in attics and crawl spaces. Keep it up boys.

 by Pookiebear

WLS is audible aids. But once you have the aids you may as well continue to indulge. The show has become my favorite thing to listen to on podcast for great takes and opinions… but mainly because of Jeremy. He gives Alex Jones vibes. Shawn and Savage are whats turning the frogs gay. Nick definitely eats bananas for the shape and not for the nutritional value. Aaron…. well. That is all.

 by Poor ass

Greetings fuck-tards!!! I wasn’t going to write a review but the new Gideon ads are gay. One of the best parts of y’all’s show was your ad reads. The randomness of the ad reads were awesome. Anyways money is money and which one of you killed savage?

 by Uncle Ruckus

Carp is not generally considered a good fish to eat. I've run across what I believe is the best carp recipe in the world.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Make 2 slices down either side of the carp's backbone. Leave the guts in and the scales on, they both add to the flavor. Then you take some cow or sheep manure, roll it into balls and stuff them into the slits you made along the fish's back. Put the carp into the oven and turn the temperature up to 350 degrees. Bake it for 2 hours like this. When it's done, scoop the balls of manure out, throw away the fish and eat the manure. I guarantee this will be the most edible carp you've ever tried.

5 squares
Fuck Savage

 by John Dough

I’m working on new lyrics for your AI song. I made sure to mention Aaron:

Shawn’s on the mic with his balls hangin’ low
Savage is a commie and looks like a big toe
Jeremy’s cryin’ I wanna get a stateside
And Nick’s colitis makes his SSB go wild
Aaron’s got tits and votes democrat

 by Me

Dropped to number 2 favorite let's go hunt jumped ahead. Kinda of mad they talked me into a Mitchell defense as a last ditch effort to like ar's. Hopefully the missing one is found alive.

 by ted in ladera ranch, ca

the gun info is great of course . . but the reason i find myself leaving your show running all the time is because you are ordinary guys. it's really simple.

 by Chels

We LOVE WLS. The husband and I listen together and it sparks both meaningful and hilarious conversations. Gun fights is a blast! You guys are great and we are constantly talking about making the drive to see Jeremy, but have yet to do so because, well the whole having a damn job thing keeps getting in the way. Anyway, keep up the great work and putting our informative and fun content!
P.S. Aaron, as a fellow Michigander, I really want to be on your side, but I swear man, that filter between your brain and your mouth clearly doesn’t work, and you just spout off without thinking, leaving me face-palming and shaking my head. 😉

 by OutLore

I'd rate six stars if I could. But then I'd also very likely suck my own cock if I could too, so don't take the "six stars" comment as anything that great. It's not like I would give you seven stars. Six is totally where you're at.

Anyway I know you all love AI so I got AI to write you a review on my behalf. They say AI is going to take everyone's job... well honestly I get AI to do most of my work these days and I still get paid so it can't be all bad. AI review below.
Bang! Pow! Hilarity Ensues!
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to mix firearms expertise with a dose of pure, unadulterated humor, then look no further than the "We Like Shooting" podcast. Imagine a group of friends hanging out, cracking jokes, and occasionally dropping some serious gun knowledge — that's this podcast in a nutshell.

Hosts: A Motley Crew of Gun Gurus
The hosts — Shawn, Aaron, Jeremy, Nick, and Savage — are like the Avengers of the firearms world, but with more dad jokes and fewer capes. Each brings their own unique flair to the table. Shawn is the ringleader, Aaron is the lovable instigator, Jeremy is the grumpy old man (think Clint Eastwood with a gun collection), Nick is the voice of reason (most of the time), and Savage is the wildcard who keeps things interesting.

Back to me.
Thanks fuckers for entertaining me every Monday night.
PS Loving the fact that I had to click a box to state I'm human. I hate telling lies on forms.

 by ARDREW479

WLS is more than a podcast, it is a community. I am writing this the day after GunCon. Having now met the cast (except for Savage) and a few other members of the cult, Being a new listener / cult member, I am now able to better understand how significant this community is for many of your listeners.

My impressions from meeting each of you this weekend:

Shawn is a truly gracious human being who seems to really enjoy being around his people.

I had very limited interaction with Aaron beyond meeting him, but he struck me as a really nice guy and probably somebody I would enjoy having some drinks with.

Nick is a complex person and all around interesting guy.

Last, but certainly not least is Jeremy. Holy Christ you really have to be in the same room with this guy to understand when the apocalypse happens, he is going to sell Shawn's SSB (or do anything else he wants with it).

One of the first things Jeremy said to me was really special and I will probably never forget his words. I asked him if he was rooming with Aaron. He told me that he was not, he was rooming with Nick so "you won't have to listen to me rape Aaron all night."

I think that really sums up the weekend. Great meeting all of you - 5 stars!

 by Special Ed


 by Grim McAlister

My journey with WLS started the day it was born. Placenta everywhere! Sean, Jeremy, Lil, Roudy, Nick, Savage, Aaron, the bitch whose name shall not be mentioned, and that Air Force guy.. Watching this shit show progress has been interesting at least. Such memories! Shirtless, Texas pizza delivery, Phone number slip, Drunkards episodes. All out verbal brawling. It has it all and really is life! Keep it going and I’ll be listening. Oh, also Aaron you bring it on yourself! Love you guys!

 by Eric J

I’m sorry, but after years of listening and tolerating some of the most revolting conversations I’ve ever heard, everything from ear pussies to Jeremy being a gay furry, this group has crossed a line I can’t forgive them from. When asked what song to play for invading aliens to save the Earth, NOT ONE PERSON said “Africa” by Toto! Shame!

 by trent

five stars for we like shooting.
Jeremy, why don’t you leave all these cunts behind and start your own podcast?

 by The real sweet sweet b holyo

So i asked chat gtp to say a few words about the show and this is what real intelligence spit out.

Say something about the cast members of the wheel like shooting Show podcast
Ah, the "Wheel Like Shooting" show podcast cast—where they prove that you don't need talent to have a podcast, just a microphone and an overwhelming sense of self-importance. They really put the "bore" in "amateur hour.

 by Frank

You all fill my earpussy with love. Five squares!

 by msteele999

I like the shows - you will too.

 by Your Moms Awkward Boner

The We Like Shooting Show is a lot like your mom’s awkward boner. You should tell everyone about it, but you only tell certain people. Share it with your friends, it’s a circus of the greatest kind.

 by Jeremy’s Third Leg

Just listen to the fucking podcast, you’ll either love it or hate it. If you love it, good, you may not be a shithead. If you don’t like it, well, you probably love Jeremy’s third leg in your ear pussy. I love it, and I only tested partially fat and black (aka Tony Simone Syndrome). I tested positive for retarded too though, so take this review with caution.

 by Jamrock

Just listened the March 7th gunfights episode. None of the “rap” songs were rap songs. They were Jamaican Dancehall, sung in the local dialect. It being a 3rd world country also explains the guns the lyrics spoke about. See: Ross Kemp on Gangs: Jamaica for more. Look at you guys with the diverse audience lol

Anyways, I wanted to thank you guys for the great listens and laughs along the way. Here’s to many more. Brohug.

 by Aaron your dirty laundry

If the cast were articles of clothing.
Shawn is your significant other's favorite bra. Not a whole lot to look at in and of itself and sometimes you really just want it to get out of the way and let the fun begin. But it holds everything together and keeps it presentable.
Nick is your favorite pair of sweatpants for around the house. Familiar, comfortable, low key, and essential to your lifestyle. But you probably should have been wearing boxers underneath them because that last fart felt pretty wet.
Aaron is that old t shirt from college that has found new life as a shop rag. Far beyond what most would consider its viable life span. You still find it to come in handy now and then. Althought you really are uncertain if those stains are oil, blood, or fecal matter and stopping to think about it makes you have to swallow back the vomit.
Savage is that Gore tex rain coat you bought because it was on sale. Most of the time you forget its even in your closet but when needed, it's probably the most valuable part of your wardrobe.
Jeremy is that favorite ball cap that you wear literally everywhere and with any outfit. Normies dont understand its value and you're friends don't either. But if you had to throw away every piece of clothing you owned except one, you'd be freeballing in public and rocking this hat. People look very uncomfortable when they see you wearing it. But seriously, how many times do you really need to explain that the foreskins of your vanquished enemies pinned to it are artistic rather than psycopathic?
Love the show. Keep up the good work.

 by Captain tiny winky

Love the show, gets me through my days at work and has pointed me to a lot of cool goodies in the fun world the wife’s not the biggest fan but oh well pussys will never be hero’s

 by Jen B

I've listened to the the show for several years. I'd rate it 5 stars if it weren't for Nick slandering the Spruce Goose seaplane designed by Howard Hughes. In a show a few weeks ago, Nick claimed that this plane never flew. It was not delivered on time, but it did fly once. When Nick formally apologizes to the seaplane community, this show will be worth 5 stars.

 by Lovecraft's cat

If this show was a man, it would be gay.

 by Jeff

I’m a man of few words: 5 squares.

 by Wichititty

The okest podcast ive ever listened to.
About 7/8 as good as T.W.I.G.

AAron can be frustrating, but helps keep us out of an echo chamber.
Savage has that tism where he has to tell all the details.
Jeremy has so pretty fringe ideals, which i may or may not agree with.
Nick is the real MVP
Sean will get you to spend money on stuff you dont need.

For real, I blame the money and stress of getting an FFL of you. I hope you stub your toe ever 2 weeks for a year.

 by Typicalpnwguy

1,200 episodes of earpussy orgasms.

Ive officially listened to 1,200 episodes and I'd like to say thank you yo everyone thats been part of it. Well.....except that one chicken choker of a "female". Anyways, I'm glad to see how yall have grown as people (except you Aaron).

Shawn is now truely happy, Nick has lost a bunch of weight and doing great things, Jeremy is crushing it with the store/range, Aaron is still buried in chaos but it makes great stories, and Savage.....bro, get a job. If Savage put as much effort into finding a new job as he does sending me videos on Instagram he'd have enough jobs to give one to Aaron even. JK Savage, theyre funny videos.

Keep it up and #WLSISLIFE and #WLS4LIFE.

 by Remy Joseph

New listener and love the show! Keeps my boring days at the butcher shop entertaining! And thank god Jeremy is in the Midwest with me so I know of at least one good public voice near the Hoosier state! Keep ticklin my tight ear ussy bros.

 by Michael E

Great show keep up the fight

 by Matt hernandez

Hey fuck boys , I barely even know your names , Kevin , sewage , .22 plinkster and the fat guy ? Definitely the dude with the big head and the hey Arnold voice is ok ( does the gunbroker jeopardy). The fat one is cool to ! The Mel Gibson looking old guy not bad . ….is there another fat one ??? really enjoy the pod , they / them have a little bit of everything current events , lots of shit talking etc . No bullshit,i always Look forward to when the pods drop haven’t made a live one yet probably because my wife is cucking me out .. keep it up fuck boys definitely the best gun pod out there . Which isn’t saying much because all of the other gun pods blow sandy donkey dick . Thanks !!!

 by Michael E

I just ordered the Mitchell Defense GWOT DOC upper, to pair with my Aero M4E1 Lower. Thanks to the WLS25 promo code, it cost me $687.49 Including shipping. That is an awesome price. I'm trusting you Shawn, I hope it is as good as you say.
As for the podcast, been listening for a few years, and never miss a podcast. Great show. Went back and listened to 171 the other day, that was great. I think Nick talked in that episode more than he has in every show since. Living in Kentucky Buffalo Trace is on my whiskey shelf all the time.
Thanks for entertaining me for a few hours of my work week.
Michael E

 by ZEKE

A fun, entertaining show about guys who all share the love of firearms and other mostly guy stuff. I'm really cheap, so I especially love the show's sponsors and have purchased from them approximately 15+ times over the last several years. Keep up the great content and I will be there listening.

 by John C

Thanks for reading the polymer 80 news I sent in last week and being legitimate in your response. For more background quite a few friends and I ordered frames at the same time. I just happened to be the one poor bastard that didn't get my order shipped. We saw it as a great way to support a company that is fighting the good fight and could probably use cash flow at the time. Personally it seems miss-management because there was an open window of months between order and the injunction being rejected. The product(s) sold tremendously and it appears poly 80 bit off more than they could chew. Special edition colorways for Father's Day were sold and guaranteed to be shipped within a week during the period I was waiting for my frame.

Anyway keep up the good work guys
xoxo John C

 by PAjeff

Bravo gentlemen, Bravo! Keep. entertaining and informing the masses. #Jeremyisalwaysright well, because he just is.

 by Ezekiel McLongDong

Please, do not ever let Ryan Michad back on the podcast… I’d rather hear A A Ron ramble on about how terrible it is for FFL dealers to charge a fee for a service they provide (they should, he’s wrong) or about how much Aero Precision has over priced their suppressors (they haven’t, again he’s wrong).

Shawn is the best cat wrangler on the interwebs for keeping this misfit group of gun nerds in line, and Nick’s gunfights has become one of my favorite segments on the show. Jeremy’s anger gives me a boner, and we all love to hate on A A Ron. I can’t remember the other guys name but he rambles on about Reddit and that’s when everyone can tune out and get some work done during his segment. Keep up the great work, I look forward to each weeks episodes.

 by Dependable Don

Rose glasses are gay. Proof, Elton John wears them and sneezes glitter.

 by JCuervo

Playing catchup with episodes so of course i just missed the listener survey, maybe next year i guess. This show is great, lots of great info with humor, and the occasional off the rails rant. Love hearing about the companies they work with and the reasons why or why not. Best gun podcast Ive come across and the only one I listened to old episodes of.
5 Squares
#171 #RollerDelayedBlowback #1022Americas22 #CommunismSux

 by Plucky Plucker

Great Podcast. 5 out of 5 Pheasants. But remember that I'm not the pheasant plucker or the pheasant pluckers son, but I'll pluck the pheasants until the pheasant plucker comes. #WLS4Life #SSB

 by JE

I rate this podcast 5 tunnel digging Jews that’s all

 by HardballWillie

I dig it. Nothings perfect. That's it.

 by brent

long time listener first time reviewer really enjoy the show aarons double standards and wishy washy antics get old but i get enjoyment listening to jeremy rant on. This show is basically my main source of what's going on in the industry look forward to the show each week.

 by SwampVision

This show is worthy of 5 stars and more if allowed. The cast reminds me of the Venture Brothers cast and their crazy antics, irrelevance and irreverence. Shawn is clearly Dr. Rusty Venture, never loved by his father and seeking to create his fortune using his immense knowledge. Jeremy is Brock Samson; Bodyguard, a fan of violence and generally the imposing presence of the cast. Aaron is the Monarch; generally viewed as the villan and always trailing after Dr. Venture and generally ineffective. Nick is Necromancer Dr. Orpheus as he rents a portion of the compound from Dr. Venture and often disappears for no reason into the void but displays competence in many situations. Savage is H.E.L.P.eR. bot; sometimes there, drones on in beeps and boops and is overall not a real member of the cast.

 by DrScaryGuy

This show is mostly a bunch of dudes yelling at each other, waving guns around, and making bad jokes with their mental disorders on full display. Also, physical disorders are frequently mentioned, referenced, and explained in dreadful ways. Despite how much these guys fight, and how much we wish they would kill each other and then their selves, they always manage to make up. I assume lots of kissing is involved, but not on the mouth. Thanks for being great examples of how to politely treat the autists and slow folks like Aaron. See the able, not the label.

 by Harry Seaward

Jon Patton is a national treasure. I have to admit, I used to be an avid viewer of TGC videos, but (a) TGC gun reviews kind of sucked, and (b) the weekly news videos all start to sound the same after a while. I still listen, but unlike WLS, I don’t feel bad about missing a few episodes. That said, Jon Patton on WLS is whole different animal. Jon elevates the entire WLS cast and show, and WLS somehow makes Jon better. Maybe they feed off each other, or maybe Jon is just better unscripted, less guarded and more genuine. Regardless, the best gun podcast in the world becomes the best best gun podcast in the world when Jon is on. And no, this is not paid review, and nobody put me up to it. Thanks guys! Keep it up!

 by Jack Mehoff

OMG, Aaron is back to his old tricks. Out of deference to Shawn, who apparently owes Aaron his life, I give Aaron a pass when he acts like an idiot. Devil’s advocate is a legitimate role, room for diverse opinions, whatever. Well, I’m at the end of my rope. Aaron’s rant over NFA transfer fees was so … (I struggle for a word strong enough) wrong and moronic, it overshadows everything else. I’ll say it because no one else will: Aaron has again become unlistenable. Shawn, time to have another heart-to-heart with your boy and rein him in before he does permanent damage.

 by T-Boner McHugecock

I’ve been an avid listener for 2ish years now and finally went back to listen to the infamous 171. Damn that bitch was annoying, but we’ve all been a little too drunk for TV before. Also the chick on the show back then had a voice made for sign language. If I was to compare the cast to different calibers it would go like this: Sean- The 5.56. Takes up most of the market space and is generally decent at everything but not great at anything in particular. Aaron- 300 BO because it’s really only enjoyable when it’s suppressed and sub-sonic. Savage- 7.62x39 obviously because he’s a fucking commie. Nick- 9mm. Made to be more of a side kick but does his small role effectively. Jeremy- 30.06 because all the boomers who listen to your show definitely love him the most. All jokes aside I appreciate the awesome content on such a consistent basis. Keep up the good work! P.S. What is an appropriate amount an FFL dealer should charge for background checks?

 by Stephen M

First off fantastic podcast. By far the best gun podcast out there. The mix off too much testosterone from Jeremy and to much estrogen from Mr machine gun mosses just sets the stage for a great show. Shawn nails it as the host even with some long ass hunting stories… but let’s face it if we can listen to Aaron bitch about a shop fee for 30 mins we damn sure can listen to hunting story. Nick is a breath of fresh air with his calmness and knowledge and savage is just savage. Keep up the great work guys love everything you do! P.s. Daniel defense sucks ass! Glad Shawn tells it like it is!

 by Piss Jugman

This podcast channel is dope. They're definitely the most entertaining. Sure helps my long commute every day. Your's truly, Piss Jugman.

 by Cody A.

Over the last 7 years, you guys have been providing me with laughs, tears, anger, joy, and knowledge. Thanks for your continued dedication to the betterment of the show, and thanks for keeping me sane while I'm commuting to work, at the gym, or need to get a break from this crazy thing we call life. I love you guys, and go fuck yourselves. ❤️❤️❤️

 by Jordan

Love is a strong word. So, I don't see how anybody couldn't at least like the podcast & the content you guys crank out. While working nights, you guys get me through the week. Definately keeps me from wanting to REDACTED coworkers that can't do the basic stuff that's expected as much. Stay safe. (And curious, bi- of course) Don't die.

 by Peter Jensen

I love the show. I listen to it every week every time. The best part of the show is a camaraderie with everybody. I love it when Aaron argues from a point that has no point and then Jeremy shut them down hard my most favorite part of the show is anytime Shawn talks about his hunting stories. Just because he is such a great storyteller and annoys arrest the cast I marked more hunting stories in the survey just for you Shawn. I feel the show gets better all the time.

 by Scout3-89

Love the show. It's similar to being the smartest kid in the special ed class.
Shawn - the harried teacher trying his best to wrangle cats,but you can see the quiet desperation in his eyes.

Jeremy - the angry kid in the corner randomly drawing on the desk, shouting obscenities,or unreasonably angry that they aren't serving dino nuggets for lunch today.
Nick - the kid you know is going to ask to go to the restroom and is probably not coming back.
Aaron - mercilessly mocked by the rest of the kids, not truly retarded, but loves the attention being in the class gets him.
Savage - is that kid still registered for class? Shit, I thought he died...

 by Zach G

Not only the best firearms podcast available, but one of the best podcasts available! And as always, Daniel Defence sucks!!

 by FAQaaron

One of the best gun podcasts on the air. If it wasn’t for Jeremy keeping Aaron in check all we would have to talk about is Shawn’s ssb, low hanging spoiled fruit or his beard that has the HIV. Savage is still a mystery as if he is a communist or a true gun guy. Nick is like the special needs guy of the show. Not in a retard kind of way but you never know when he is going to crap himself to death. The show always keeps me laughing and informed on the latest products.

 by Anthony D

Uh overall not bad

 by DanD

If the cast were items from a gas station.
Shawn, the pot of coffee. Always there to keep you going even if it is not always the freshest.
Nick, a Snickers Bar. There with a quip to get things back on track when the rest of the cast are being drama queens.
Aaron, beef jerkey. Its either good or leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Jeremy, can of red bull. A little bit gets you focused but too much can send you into a rage and probably stop your heart.
Savage, the hot dog on the grill roller. Half the time it is not there and something else can fill that void.
Together, they make a great snack run that keeps you awake at the wheel.
Keep up the good work and shoot straight!

 by Richard Enyamouth (Dick)

Probably my favorite podcast on the firearm radio network. Unlike the other shows on the network, WLS bookclub isnt about guns, hunting or relaoding, but rather a place for the cultured gentlemen to cum and discuss the latest novels. Aparently i have read a lot of the same books as Jer Bear, Hap and Leonard being an incredibly underated gem. I was wondering if any of you have read the Joe Ledger novels? I javent heard it discussed yet, but it seems like the kind of thing thay would be up your ally, or maybe up Shawn's SSB. Anyway, cant wait to hear about this or any other book recomendations on the next episode. And as alwaus, thank you for providing near endless entertainment that continues to make me laugh at work in a quite room full of people.

 by MrSimms

This podcast is just like Star Wars.
Shawn is Obi Wan..... Probably older than you think but still a badass and keeps everyone in line.

Nick is Luke Skywalker.... He knows his shit and has a gift for creativity. Just if Luke had IBS through the entire series and had a bus built belt attachment for his light saber
Jeremy is Vader...... Truly understands the force but chooses to build a death star and blow the whole damn planet up anyways because Aaron is on it and maybe a commie
Aaron is on the planet..... Yeah....
And Savage is JarJar binks....... No one knows why he's there but damnit the director likes him and decided it was a good idea

 by Andrew S

5 out of 5 mouth pussies. Look, unless you are wound tight and sit down to pee, this very odd cast of dudes are entertaining as fuck. Nothing about it is your typical gun toober, gun podcast. It is a mix of guns, gun stuff, 2a rights, and just random ass humor. Also, dont be lazy and make sure you listen to both WLS and Doubletap.

 by Kanye Twitty

From the greatest mumble country rapper of all time, a ballad to the 2A in the vein of Conway Twitty and Kanye.

Where the Second Amendment echoes through the skies.
In the heart of the city, where the concrete meets the hood,
Gotta stay strapped, it's understood, it's all good.

Got my Glock on the hip, my rifle in the trunk,
Defending my rights, never feeling like a punk.
From the plains to the coast, we exercise our rights,
To bear arms, protect our homes, and fight the fights.

But it's more than just guns, it's a state of mind,
Freedom in our veins, no chains to bind.
In the face of oppression, we stand tall and strong,
With the Second Amendment, we'll never go wrong.

So let the haters hate, let the doubters doubt,
We'll keep our firearms, never sellin' out.
In God we trust, with our rights we'll never part,
United we stand, Second Amendment in our heart.

 by James

Not my proudest wank, but it got the job done. Do I keep coming back for more? Yes, and I don’t feel any guilt about that. Nick is just too pretty. ????????

 by Don

The show that has stood the test of time. The crew are genuinely entertaining to listen to and approach subjects in a real way. The content never feels ‘bought off’ or skewed due to some corporate influence. I have made a number of purchase decisions based on their inputs and almost always it’s been a great resource. The entertainment quality is top notch as well and doesn’t get stale.

 by WestCoGuy

This podcast is just like hanging out with good friends and I think that is exactly how most people feel. Shawn is the friend that always planning all the stuff like camping trips, superbowl parties, or just a good ol cookout in the back yard. Aka the guy who thinks hes the leader of the group even though no ones cares if there even is a leader. Jeremy is that friend that you always want around if you get into a fight or just need some advise on how to change a drier plug cause for some damn reason the man knows more shit than anyone and you can never figure out why. Aaron is that friend that goes a little too far everytime your drinking but no matter what time a day or any situation he will be there to help you wether its to pick you up cause your car broke down or to help you when your wife inevitability leaves you. Nick is the comedian in the group super quiet but dang when he fires a joke off you are definitely laughing and of course will probably have little drops of knowledge that will get you thinking when you are trying to make decisions. Lets not forget about Savage because you probably did when you were gonna have a cookout this Saturday but forgot to invite him till that morning. Lets be honest here Savage is the reason yall are here today he started the friend group way back in highschool or even middle school and is just a dang good friend that is just a little to passionate about his hydroponics farm that you have heard about for 1 billionth time.

 by Dixon B. Tweenerlegs

Long time listener, big fan. I had only heard the podcast, but had never seen the cast. So, in my head, I thought I had a decent estimate of what every cast member looked like. Boy was I off! I took a look at some vids. Wow. I assumed Shawn looked like a preppy ironic lumberjack, but actually looks like Action Bronson. I figured Jeremy looked like Hagrid from Harry Potter, but looks more like Dennis and Elwood from Without a Paddle. I would have bet money that Aaron, Nick, and Savage all looked like fat versions of Jared from the show Silicon Valley(if you havent seen it, good show, and all 3 sound like him), but they threw me for a loop. Savage looks like a disgruntled ex member of Antifa, Aaron looks like meth Santa Claus, and Nick looks like I thought Shawn would look. Anyways, regardless of how wrong i was, love the show. And since i havent heard.it in a while, EAR PUSSY!!

 by U8 Dick

This show reminds me of my favorite book series monster hunter international. You have Shawn who is like Mr. Trash bags, a shoggoth who while a blobby eating machine turns out to be actually loyal and good. Jeremy is like Jason Lacoco, a good hunter, but has a tendency to think with his fist, Moses would think he is Owen Pitt, because Moses thinks he is the main character, but really he would be trip Johnson, The perpetual right hand man and all around good guy, Nick would be Nick would be Ray the third, super smart but died early on. And Savage would be strickland not because he pulls any strings but because they both look like anemic bald creepy people.

 by 509notacommie

So is this week in guns dead? also i have to laugh this time of year when you all talk crap about shot show but continue to comment about what happend /was unvield at shot. it is funny that you hate shot show so much but it provides the first 3 months of material for your shows. keep up the hard work !

 by DrScaryGuy

If they're sellouts, it's not obvious like with many other content creators. (1) They're still poor and stupid. (2) They give their honest opinions through the lens of their own retardation - and no self-respecting company would allow that if they were paying for "good" reviews.(3) They haven't kicked Aaron off yet, and he's seriously bad for business, logic, and erections. (4) they seriously give good info - if their sponsor sends them a gun that breaks, they don't lie about it or sugar coat it. (5) they didn't keep that one awful chick around just because she was a glorified boothbabe and was probably better for their ratings. So if you want bad content coming from washed up boothbabes, go look for some other UnFunny podcast. If you want a decent show to listen to, stick around.

 by ashleigh hack

probably the best podcast ive ever listened to.

 by YourFavoriteDetroiter

(Read in you best mobster impression )
Hey so I’m looking for something… something in particular, you know those 3d doohickies they use to squirt stuff and make shit? Where you get them squirt documents from I think I could use that for something in my bed room that also squirts is you catching what im putting down.

 by Zac

Jpoz is the Kanye of WLS: change my mind

 by tony

When you have that one friend that tries too hard to be funny, Who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and who is typically under educated in every argument but swears he is right. For this we thank you Aaron

 by Mr. McDoogencrunch

What can I say that hasn't already been said...

about ear pussies. Most times, the show just hits...
me right in the ear pussy. Eargasms abound. Plentiful...Noxious.
Word dicks, slapping like a drumstick on the snare drum. Pop pop pop. The knowledge shared vibrates like the bass's low B string, Earpussy. Earpussy.
Keep spreading the word. The signal is growing because of us regular guys. Thank y'all for the time invested.

 by Z or Zed

Germyria, Jeremina, Jeremie, Jerelyn, Jamie, is that enuf femail names for Jeremiah the weeping prophet?

Aparently the governments job is to take our money and spend it on things that counterproductive greedy polititions have conviced the ignorant people are nessesary. Between income tax and sales tax the corrupt government takes nearly half of every dollar an honest person makes. You say it is not the governments job to take care of the people well it should be, the people have been takning care of the government from the beginning. Government does not exist without people but people exist without government, who needs who more? A small percentage of the money wasted by the government would change the lives of everyone for the better, instend it goes into the pockets of conartists who know how to work the system. When you trash talk people who have different points of view, you are showing how brain washed you are into helping the government/polititions who oppress us, the people. If you think I'm a communist your wrong, I'm an anarchest. If you don't know the three pinicals of anarchy don't judge it, for all you ignoranuses they are liberty, equality and solidarity.

The following two paragraphs are from the podcast "Philosophize This episode #192"

It NEEDS to be said to an anarchist… these three values (liberty, equality and solidarity) are INTRINSICALLY linked together and each one of them NEEDS the other two if it’s going to be a TRUE version of what the value is. For example: it's been said in anarchist literature…that liberty…without equality…is just liberty for the most powerful or privileged within a society. But THAT’S not true liberty. Similarly, equality without LIBERTY…is just something like an outdated form of communism…it’s just slavery where everybody is forced to be the same.

When it comes to solidarity…imagine instead of being forced to participate in the society that you’re born into…imagine a world where the only communities that you’re a part of… are ones that you’re voluntarily participating in. Communities of like minded people. People with similar goals where your cooperation with the group TRULY benefits you and THEIR cooperation with the group truly benefits them. Solidarity.

I'll teach anyone willing to listen. Anyone not willing to listen will be left behind.

You may call me mega ulitmate badass grand master "Z" or Zed, because I'm not a conformist. Lol, jokes apon jokes because this world/society we live in is a joke.

 by LunchBox

Come for the guns. Stay for the Ear Pussy.

 by GucciMountainMan

This podcast crew has their fingers on the pulse of two things. 1 is the cooking schedule and availability of $1 hotdogs and $5 rotisserie chickens at their local Cosco like their about to get the beetus yesterday. And 2, the firearms industry. These guys have a good grasp of industry trends and knowledge that they have become my go to people whenever I have a question I can't just Google myself.

Twice now I've sent in questions and they've been answered by the cast, and then 3 months later someone in the industry literally released that exact thing. First was a S&W M&P 10mm, if they would ever make one. Second, was the idea of the perfect lever gun that was a 44 mag with a curved pistol grip that wasn't a Henry X....2.5 months later S&W releases the 1854.

I know it obviously takes longer than 3 months to do engineering, R&D, testing, and production...but it sure seems common that topics discussed on this podcast become trends or products released within the market after this crew yelled at each other over said topic.

Keep up the good work guys and Jeremy keep up the hate.

 by Graham W

Five stairs.

 by Trucker Matt

I listen religiously on Spotify each week while I'm driving my truck routes, as my work schedule only allows me to attend the live shows when I'm on paternity leave. After three little tax breaks, I'm done popping out rugrats.

I love the banger between friends and Jeremy telling the other cast members he'll kill them, but you know if any of them are in a bind he'd be one of the first ones there to help.

I always learn something new from each episode, and often go back and reference old episodes. There's a lot to take away from this show, and not just about firearms. An avid reader, usually the likes of Tom Clancy, Vince Flynn, Mark Greaney and Brad Thor, I've lately been into a lot of post-apocalyptic/SHTF books. Having finished the most recent books in the "Home" series by A. American and the "Black Autumn" series by Jason Ross and Jeff Kirkham, I'm in the middle of "One Second After" based on the fact that Jeremy makes mention of it often. Also because of what Jeremy has said, I've started purchasing manuals on homesteading and Army manuals on small-unit tactics, defensive fortifications and even improvised munitions.

I wish I could rate this show as higher than five stars, as I don't believe that five stars is enough for what I've taken away from We Like Shooting. My only complaint is that I wish the shows were longer, but I know most of you have lives outside of WLS.

Keep up the great work, and I hope that if I run into any of you when The End Of The World As We Know It happens, you think twice about shooting me right away.

P.S. when my dad died unexpectedly this past May, I wasn't doing too great mentally, but having you guys to listen to each week helped a lot. So thank you.

 by nunya biznus

Hopefully i time this review right. In honor of black history month I thought I would write a review comparing the cast to famous black people.

Shawn is like Oprah, a rich fat windbag who likes to talk.

Aaron is like Sammy Davis Jr because Shalom.

Jeremy is like Chris Dorner for minecraft reasons.

Nick is like Tyra Banks because of the IBS.

Savage is like Uncle Tom because he seems like the Uncle Tom equivalent for gun people.

 by We like shooting survivor

5 Stars. This show is highly offensive trash, but you kind of like it. The guys will viciously assault your earpussies with their word dicks and pump their warm gooey gun knowledge right into your brain. Then when you think its done they will fly you to their private sponsor island and let the coupon codes violate your walletpussies. The large one will have his way with your dogussy and the handicap cast member will make you undress and solve complex math problems on chalkboards that are too high. Hopefully this review has satisfied your eyepussies. I'm going to go take a very long shower with water that can't get hot enough. Remember the last Wednesday in April is denim day so wear your jeans!

 by Dustin R

Hey guys. Please read in annoying funny voice. Great show. Basically the only podcast I listen to. Been listening to the show for the last 5 years and tried to listen to every episode, some were just awful. Anyway. Aaron’s adventure with a 22 suppressed pistol. Most 22 pistols will always be subsonic due to barrel length. Keep up the show and play the mariachi intro for Jeremy. Five stars

 by Sexual Snake Bite

A 5 Squirrel Rating for the Show.

Greetings Cast, Cult and listeners.
I've been following along for what feels like a decade. Something like that...FUCK if Iknow... i know I had a head full of hair when i first started listening. Not so much anymore.... it's worth it. Mostly....mostly....
I also have become immune to AIDS and herpes due to my constant weekly exposure at controled, regular intervals.

Meet the cast; and their respective descriptions. (Insert description here and relate them to cheese, cause that is the mission, specifically.)

- ParmeShawn cheese is old and smells really bad. it only tastes good when paired with something bland for contrast. The good thing about it is that it has a long shelf life and has lots of good stories to tell. But, like a walmart shipping service, needs to work on it's delivery a bit. But we should ask ourselves: where would we be without it...?

- Nick nacho cheese lynch, cause that shit runs, but at the same time goes with everything. Sitting there in silent glory, probably with a baller ass sweater on getting ready to say and or do something legendary. That chill ass frog in the back... and stuff. What's not to like.

- Ranch Dressing. It's like bleu cheese right? Whatever.

- Gorgonzola, the smelliest and most ancient cheese aka machine gun homeless. Has no honor to speak of. But - But! he did shoot a gun that one time. I wish for good fortune upon you and your people. I know what it's like when you can't tell anymore whether you're lucky or unlucky in life. Just keep living it. Fuck it.

- Savage is like that cheese in the back of the fridge that i would feel bad throwing out, but I know I probably should. But I just put it in the microwave untill it turns to something useful and or goes ballistic. If it grows hair, destroy it. And something about reddit.

Looking forward to more juSt az guud times.

 by Marc M

Holy shit. Somebody was hammered. Disregard previous review

 by Marc M

I wanted to wait a decade for this review, but I couldn’t hold out that long, just like Aaron with his hand. The anniversary of the five squares ogre that tracked me down after some nasty shit that the original patreon group supported me through. Yeah, there’s an episode called fighting Jeremy because I was hammered and finally divorced. The offer stands. Shawn, we shared some good meals. And, good stories. Aaron, the few times we’ve talked I can tolerate you. I know damn well your I.Q. Is 67 but I still like you ish. Savage…. In your words “who the fuck is Marc” you die first.

 by Kevin

You guys are the best I look forward to listening
To you ever week. I listening from episode 1 about 2
Years ago thanks for all the laughs and knowledge.

 by Robert Sapp

I love the podcast and can’t wait for the new episodes to find out what is happening in your lives But I have to listen to it with my wife not in the car because she doesn’t like it.

 by your mom

This is not a cleaning service

 by I dye my pubes, too

Shawn, lately I’ve been hearing you use the term “gun people” to refer to those in the firearms industry. Frankly, I find the lumping of the diverse individuals in the gun community under a single term to be racist, homophobic, and overall bigoted. As a rimfire-American, you owe it to those around you to show proper respect for others’ background and struggles.

Nick is a good upstanding centerfire-American.

I’m not sure what Jeremy is but considering he was made after 1898 I believe he may be illegal for civilians, or if you have to ask how much you can’t afford it.

Aaron is a shotshell-American. Just remember, it’s a major faux pas to ask him his ga(y?)uge.

Savage is a muzzleloader.

 by Hareeb Alls

Great podcast, I try to time the episodes with my commute to work. I realized that I was failing as a parent as my kids had never seen the Goonies so while watching with them, I couldn’t help but realize how closely the cast matched some of the characters.

Shawn is obviously Mikey the main character with delusions of grandeur, horribly failing at trying to keep the show on the rails while mainly focused on finding ways to attain new gear (treasure) to keep for himself.

Nick would be Brandon, Mikey’s older brother. Not for his athleticism but because he seems like the quiet older brother type who at times will drop in with some wisdom or just a desire to shit on both literally and figuratively other’s ideas or dumb moments all while hanging out with those that he feels are below him.

Aaron while it seemed would be close between Mouth because he never knows when to shut his and Chunk for his inability to do anything positive other than provide some comedic relief with the “truffle shuffle” it doesn’t really matter because they are just supporting characters that don’t bring any depth to the story.

Savage would clearly be Data both in stature and always wanting to provide some physical thing to make the group story better because they are both empty inside. Every now and then they will come up with a win and cling to it.

Jeremy, clearly, is sloth. A large overbearing presence who desires to be the center of attention but always comes through in the end even when someone like Aaron (Chunk) needs help. I can just hear him yelling “Hey you guys!” in my head.

All in all, highly recommended for anyone who wants to listen to a handful of friends talk and discuss firearm related material.

 by Jesse K

The members of this podcast seem like the guys who could be your best friends...if you like being friends with assholes. Thank you.

 by Erik H

Great show great into. Have a suggestion to change up gunfights. Have it like trivia where each player has a whiteboard. Questions can be asked and then each player reveals their answer at the same time. Could have a lot of fun asking him related trivia. Keep it going

 by Long, Richard Sr.

Great informational podcast, always on top of news and new products from not only their sponsors but new products in the industry as well, good source of satisfaction if you have mild autism or if you’ve been asking yourself if you think it’s ok to have relations with your pets/neighbors dog

 by Ryan

I fucking do not like this podcast. I don’t know what any of these gun wielding monsters look like but I do not plan to look them up because I’m sure I’d be disappointed. One of them sounds like he/him has a sinus infection all the time. I do appreciate the use of some old school words in this podcast such as retard and faggot, it brings me back to my childhood. This podcast is like a strip club, it’s dirty and boring but you can’t stop coming back. I love this podcast.

 by Mike Ockburns

Great podcast that discusses a wide variety of gun related topics from litigation, product overviews, firearms history, and ridiculously verbose hunting sagas. I’ve noticed the cast reference South Park several times and I can’t help but notice their uncanny resemblance to the main characters of that glorious piece of media. I must explain:

Shaun is Stan Marsh. He believes he is the main character of the show and his family all hates each other. They both talk the most in the majority of the episodes and get very moody when something isn’t about them. However, like Stan when compared to his friends, Shaun is by far the most “normal” of the cast.

Aaron is Kyle. They’re both Jews and someone should probably check Aaron for gold around his neck. Watch out for the decoy gold though. Also they’re both insufferable when they speak and are democratically determined to be the ugliest members of the group. Aaron has been expelled from more jobs than his people have been expelled from countries at this point, which is unrelated to South Park but I don’t think anybody has pointed out this hilarious correlation yet.

Jeremy absolutely has to be Cartman. He’s “big boned” and probably has a similar diet in terms of quantity. He’s also the most violent of the bunch and forms plans to kill everyone within a few minutes of first meeting them. I would not eat his chili, even if it had beans like it should. Also he picks on Aaron for being Jewish. He doesn’t have a dad either, like Cartman.

Nick is Kenny. He shits himself to death every episode and when he’s missing from an episode, the cast just replace him with someone else. Though I can actually comprehend Nick’s words, unlike Kenny, he’s definitely the least talkative of the bunch. I also assume Nick is just very poor and if I didn’t know he had gut issues I would assume he’s so skinny because he does meth. Probably drinks PBR.

Savage is probably the hardest one to pinpoint. The whiniest and most annoying relevant character in South Park I can think of is Wendy Testaburger so I’ll go with that. Everyone groans when he starts on his commie rants and he’s obsessed with sharing his progressive political/social justice views with the rest of the cast. He also argues with everyone who doesn’t share his liberal views using unjustified moralist and ethical arguments that lack any real logic. Also, I think Shaun (Stan) wants to fuck him.

Just like South Park, I await every new episode of WLS with bated breath and laugh uncontrollably at the genius humor. Unlike South Park though, this show is genuinely educational in a lot of regards and I hope it continues for years to come until Nick dies for real this time.

 by Jordan

Hey guys,
Just wanted to drop a review.
I work overnight, driving around a freight dock and found you guys after working my way through all the previous episodes of the AR15 Podcast Spotify had to offer. You guys are definitely the best podcast out there. That's all. Thanks for all the good info, recommendations, and nearly endless entertainment.
To never ending dangerous freedom,
???? <-That's supposed to be a couple mugs of beer mugs clinking together emoji, in case it didn't go through. Haha
Random Dude in Oklahoma.

 by Dependable Don

Long time listener and noticed a pattern. Anytime someone talks about murder and death penalty he gains popularity. Whenever dog fucking is mentioned, well he doesn’t lose popularity…. Anyways love the podcast keep it up.
#its my property

 by Matt j

Five squares love the show feels like im chillin with the boys ❤️

 by Chris Gillespie

I’ve been here for almost everything from rhodie and lil to when everyone watching the live show tried to find a guy who was going through a shit time with a family tragedy to episode 171 and episode 210. Been a huge supporter of these guys and these guys have been a huge supporter of me in my personal business ventures. Jeremy has always answered any questions I’ve had about firearms. Aaron has always been welcoming to the meat ponies when we get together to shoot. Nick will always love you savage is always willing to explain the intricacies of current gun cases and Shawn well he’s always willing to take a joke about his ssb. Best gun podcast ever any others aren’t even close so listen to these fellas they are the heart of the gun podcasting community all others are a distant second.

 by Joe from New Hampshire

This was some of the best Chinese food I’ve ever had. The chefs were a little weird though. There is Shawn, who was a lot like a chicken finger because you can’t have Chinese food without it, and it’s greasy. Aaron is like a crab Rangoon because you either love it or hate it, and the crabs are probably from his pubes. Jeremy is like beef on a stick because it’s great, but if you aren’t careful it stabs you in the back of your face hole. Nick is like a fortune cookie because he’s dry, but amusing. Savage is like lo mein because it has low in the name and Savage is short. He’s also a thumb.

Put it all together and you have most of a pu pu platter, a fortune cookie, and a side of shitty lo mein.

Don’t stop doing what you do. Long live the cult.

 by Jacob H

5 Squares

Just like sitting around with your friends and talking shit to eachother for hours. And also like with your friends the sexual tension is very high.

If the cast was women Ive been with:
Shawn likes to take turns being on top and bottom.
Aaron is dumb but still a lay at the end of the day.
Nick is pretty passive but the pillow talk is great once you get him talking.
Savage is the one that begs for the D.
Jeremy is the one that tosses on a strap on and tries to fuck you back, then does cuz he's stronger than you.

Great podcast, just about the only thing I listen to during my 65 hour weeks driving trucks, made it back through a couple hundred episodes between WLS and Double Tap.

P.S. Jeremy I got the railed upper for my A2 clone from righttobear.com they still had them last I checked. Not sure if they're 100% correct or not.

 by Lance Darshay

I’ve been a listener of WLS since the beginning. Although I miss Peter Palma and #LilBack, this show gets me through my commute weekly. Keep up the good work fellas! By far the best gun podcast!

 by Benjamin

I refuse to listen to any other podcast. This will be the only podcast I recommend to anyone whether I like them or not.

 by Dale

I’ve been listening to this show for a long time (6 years) and I enjoy what this podcast brings to the gun community. I live behind enemy lines with very strict gun laws and red flag laws, so I am very hesitant to be open about my hobby. This podcast makes me sane in hearing the cast talk about guns, the gun community, news, and so much more.
As far as the cast goes:
Jeremy is the person who everyone can relate to, he says the quite part out loud and has the beliefs and opinions of most of the audience.
Aaron is the only cast member who I cannot figure out why he is still on the show. Hecomes off as he always tries to be different and validate his weird opinions but keeps digging himself a bigger hole. I don’t know if he is trying to play devil’s advocate, but he should have at least some good reasoning….like roller delayed blowback.
Shwan is the drunk uncle who can articulate a good argument while being a half a bottle of whisky into the conversation. He always keeps the conversion moving and looking at both sides of the topic, something Aaron can’t do.
Nick is the person who does not speak a lot on the show. When he does speak, he offers a wealth of knowledge on the subject and always has some good gear topics to talk about.
Savage- Could be replaced by A.I. to be honest. A.I. does a good job of summing up articles and won’t miss a show. That way we don’t have to look at the lumpy foreskin head in the chat picture.

 by Bryan G

WLS is a study in contrasts. You'll hear some of the most insightful firearms commentary in the industry alongside some of the most inane drivel you'll ever have the misfortune of listening to. You'll hear the experiences of hardworking, knowledgeable professionals alongside ridiculous commie ignorance that makes you want to punch a wall. You'll hear powerful independent thought alongside limpwristed boot fellating. You'll hear hilarious and timely humor paired with middle school dick jokes. You'll hear cutting edge news and analysis, and the worst low effort headline reading this side of cable news. The cast is simultaneously highly informed about firearms technology, to the level of guntism, and also extreme ignorance. They're forward thinking, modern gun enthusiasts and backwards fudds. The cast slips between the easy banter of close friends and hateful enemies in an instant. I like to listen to the show while I'm working out, because it helps me stay motivated to not be a fat sack of shit. The only problem is when a dick joke lands during a dead lift and I almost tear something.

Keep up the good work on the best gun podcast this side of Arcturis 3. (sorry, We Blork Snurkflattles is better)

 by Andrew

Waiting to hear about autoerotic asphyxiashawns competitions in cowboy action. I haven't slept in weeks and need the tranquilizaton effects of his voice. I want to hear Jeremys thoughts on the red rising series of books as well. Anytime a main character is a rage fueled maniac it makes me think of him. Really I just want to win a free badass holster for my sig xten. Keep it up fellas. You too savage.

 by Longlivedickbutt

Use to be the biggest pound for pound gun podcast until Nick turned into a shitting skeleton, but the rest of the cast looks like they are doing their best to make up for him hahahaha…… Shawn is the cult leader and won’t shut up about his hunting trips and his hot wife, Aaron is a magnet for bad luck and natural disasters but somehow still keeps chugging along. The ogre Jeremy is trying to build an army of children to help overthrow the government, but he needs new sweatpants……. Please god get him new sweatpants….. Savage is behind enemy lines in Washington state with his best friend governor Inslee. Anyways this podcast will make you laugh, then cry and by the end of the it you'll question your sexual preference and sanity.

 by Flood

This is my review, there are many like it.
But this one is mine.
I met the cast of WLS at ShotShow 2023 after reluctantly accepting an invite from Aaron.
I found them in the basement attempting to swindle themselves into an afterparty inwhich they did not belong.
Jeremy immediately complimented me on my square toe boots and proceeded to tell me about how great Ohio is.
Shawn mentioned how he enjoyed the fact that I enjoyed listening to him talk about long drawn out hunting trips after simply saying hello to him.
I quickly waved goodbye to Nick as he trotted off to find the nearest facilities all while Aaron attempted to hit on the nonexistent woman that I was not there with..
Meeting Angle, it is clear she is the pact leader and makes the decisions. I commend you.
As I turned to walk away I felt the faint touch of a commie stroking my long luscious locks of hair, as if the touch yearned for such a rockin mullet.. I quickly spun around expecting to be greeted by a short bald thumb.. only to be disappointed yet again by Jeremys round toe boots.

In all fairness, I listen to alot of gun podcasts, I eagerly await WLS to be released weekly just as I eagerly await to hear about Aarons daily misfortunes.
I hear alot of reviews saying its like hanging with your buddies, it truly is. I commute 2hrs daily and these fellers make the drive much better. Thank you WLS

That is my review, there are many like it.. but that bitch is mine.

 by Flaw Peacock

Great show. I will compare the hosts to their analogous gun rights organizations.
Sean: obviously GOA, not ineffective but likes the attention a bit too much.
Nick:Maryland Shall Issue, knowledgeable and works behind the scenes but is very effective.
Jeremy: SAF, strangely always leaning on the property rights arguments…..I have no idea where else this could apply (cough cough dogs)
Aaron: NRA, somehow still alive despite his best efforts

 by What the anti-gunners think we sound like...

Thx 4 all the coopons....u guyz are the rulerz of the gun shows...

 by Cheap Petty Officer

This show is the best. It’s reminiscent of being in the field with Marines. During those long downtimes we would have in depth discussions and arguments about things that don’t matter like which rifle was America’s .22 until the 10/22 came along. I enjoy listening to all of your different perspectives about gear, guns and training. This also one of the rare gun shows that is free of the archaic fuddery and sheds the dogmatic adherence to the precious 4 rules. It’s obvious that you guys care about safety but approach with common sense and practicality. I know there are still people out trolling the internet looking for pics of fingers on the trigger, some of them might even call the cops on you! Thanks for keeping the show hilarious and full of great content. Don’t change a thing.

 by Blacksimus Maximus

They always say its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Well that saying takes on a whole new meaning when you realize Jeremy nicknamed his love hammer "The Fight".

Shawn, we love you, but your hunting stories are too long, your balls are too smooth, and word around town says your brown star ain't nearly as sweet as you want the listeners to believe.

Listening to any word Aaron speaks makes me wish we brought back public hangings already. Except have the hangman replace the boring old hemp rope with Detcord and the youngest in the crowd gets to place a basketball hoop anywhere they desire. If a piece of the guilty party's head lands in the hoop each member of the crowd gets a candy bar.

I've always appreciated Nick and his 'when push comes to shove' attitude, considering he lives on a toilet and pushing and shoving logs out of his mahogany slide is just his life. Respect.

Savage, yeah.

Real talk boys, keep doing what you do, double doo for Nick, and may we all share mead in the halls of Valhalla one day.

 by DetroitBeast

Love the podcast don’t really know what to say other then yalls need a detroiter on the show also want to know if the foxtrot mike can be re-barreled for different calibers and lengths? Ik they have their own special indexing on in house barrels.

 by Granimal Cracker

I listened to Gun Talk Radio today while at work. It reminded me how much I like WLS and why. Most content is either funny or informative, but why not both?

 by Mostly Sane Ivan

If Jeremy doesn’t read this he’s gay?

The only reason you haven’t killed Savage is that you are a communist sympathizer, and you want to lay back and have Savage make sweet sweet breadhole love to you. You want to prostate carry Savage, don’t you? And what about Aaron? Do you want Arron to feed you his sweet sweet Kishka? At the same time as Savage? You dirty little man.

Best regards, the person you want to stateside (but won’t).

 by Captain ree ree

Listening to this podcast is like getting a toothy blowjob. It’s not the best thing out there but are you really gonna stop it.

 by DrScaryGuy

A podcast that's 5x more terrible than most. This show is headed by a white colonizer who is trying to whitewash the latino population and backed up by another angry white man who keeps popping out kids and diluting other better cultures. Then there's the libertarian-ish internet tough guy, and the jewish guy (and we all know we're supposed to support gaza now). He might even be okay if he would just dig in and promote his more liberal views. The only halfway decent one is nick because nick tries to conform to modern sensibilities regarding gender and pronouns... but nick still likes guns and guns are bad. Do not listen to this podcast if you're a modern enlightened person, it will only make you angry.

 by Chris.

5 stars for a modern version of the Canterbury tales.
A show full of wonderful tales told by exciting pilgrims on their way to Valhalla.

We have long balls the ancient. He enchants listeners with tales of mythical beasts hes hunted with magical weapons and gear no peasant could ever afford.

There's grey beard the cursed. A merry man with filthy adulterous ways. Along his travels he managed to get himself a curse where he has to endure weekly hardships that cost him dearly.

You cant forget the angry ogre, Definitely the most dangerous of the travelers. He hates everything and everyone. His rage can usually be quelled with a bitch in heat or the cheapest swill a beer merchant can provide.

Then you have young Nicholas. A man half the age of the rest of the characters. Hes full of knowledge and interesting facts but is too timid to share much.

lastly you have the town crier. Hes not really as excited to reach Valhalla as the other but he joins along and spreads the word of the kingdom along with an awkward laugh at a joke he didnt understand.

All in all its a great show full of knowledge and exciting tales, and it keeps me coming back every week.

 by Canadian real estate agent

Savage should put his house on the market

 by NAGR Jim

I've seen a lot of reviews compare the cast to other shows, so I will continue the tradition and compare the cast of The We Like Shooting Show to my other favorite show called WLS Double Tap.

Shawn is exactly like Shawn with his overinflated sense of self-worth and desire to say more than anyone else on the show. Strangely, they both have extremely smooth scrotum.

Jeremy could best be compared to Jeremy on Double Tap. Both are propertysexual and know more about guns than most people will ever forget. They both act like badasses, and I wonder who would win in a fight.

Aaron is would probably be the best fit for Aaron since they are both shady MFers and can't hang on to a job. I have a bet going on which one dies first cause they old AF.

Lastly, there is Nick, so he gets compared to the remaining member of Double Tap, Nick. Both are smart and creative, but don't talk too much.

Overall, it is a great show, and I appreciate the philosophical discussions on how to avoid being gay during a self-defense defense shooting and the moral implications of selling your friends butthole during the end times.

 by Some guy

Well what can I say in this review that hasn’t been said already. I could do the current trend and classify the cast as TV characters, but that’s been done to much. Instead I will compare them to podcasts on the Firearms Radio Network.

Shawn: Let’s Go Hunt, since Shawn has taken up and rekindled his hunting experience he wants to talk about it. And much like the show he’s figuring it out as he goes but is still interesting and funny.

Aaron: The low hanging fruit would be all the shows on the network that have ended or been cancelled since it’s almost as many as jobs he had been fired from. But Aaron is the reloading podcast while not super informative and attentive to detail more he just does everything repetitively for ever just like a consistent load .

Jeremy: the AR-15 podcast, at times incredibly knowledgeable and vomiting information ( or scream barfing in Jeremy’s case) and barely coherent and not on topic the rest of the time but still incredibly likable

Nick: Gun and Gear Review often insightful and rarely unhinged, provides good information and it’s just funny to me to have the smallest (or at least thinnest) cast member compared to Tony Simon

Savage: The off-road podcast, when you first listen your not really sure what it’s doing here but as you go on you realize that it wouldn’t be the same without them even if they rarely talk about guns on a gun podcast network just like savage

 by That recruiter guy

Hey everyone, though this review will not be long, poetic, or story like based hopefully it still gets the job done. We like shooting is unique because every other podcast/YouTube channel come off in such a way where it doesn’t feel relatable at all and what I mean by that is that y’all are just normal ass dudes. There’s no crazy lingo that the average person can’t understand but you still give great advice/thought/insight to gun related topics. It’s nice for those long work drives and is a perfect mix of comedy, knowledge, and perspective from not only Sean who is more of the gun nerd but also some regular every day guys. All in all solid show and keep doing the lords work.

P.S. I’m located in CO so if I win the gun give away I’m picking that bitch up in person????????

 by DependableDon

Kingpin - 1:16:11

 by cd_mathie

Shawn: you’re on mute

 by Jeremy P.

I like canines, yes I do
I fuck their buttholes, you can too
The ATF had better watch out
There’s a new dog predator walking about
Little ones, big ones, all bring me pleasure
I love the dogs long time, my balls are a treasure

 by General Mills

This show is part of a balanced breakfast. Shawn is Cheerios. It’s classic, comes in different flavors, and it’s got holes. Aaron is Cookie Crisp. It’s good but in small quantities because too much will give you diabetes. Jeremy is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. A crowd favorite, but it can hurt you if you don’t chew carefully. Nick is Fiber One. It’s wholesome and good for you but you’ll probably shit yourself. Savage is Kix. It’s round, plain and you forget it exists.

 by Dependable Don

Horny day 20:15

 by Ryan W.

Best Podcast Ever! If I could give more than 5 stars, I totally would. In fact, I'm considering giving 4 stars based on the lack of an option to give more than five stars.
The cast members are wonderful proponents of the second amendment and have inspired me to donate to many gun rights groups. They do their research on the gun rights groups out there, and they aren't afraid to call out the crappy ones who are either using donors' money to buy new suits or compromising on things that trample on our rights.
Thank you.

 by DependableDon

Nicks raw dog - 1:47:26

 by Dependable Don

Shawnstipation - 6:09

 by We like shooting's #1 fan in the whole world.

It's aight.

 by Zbob

First things first, I really enjoy listening to this unique collection of individuals. For some reason this content adds something positive to my day. Now for the 2nd thing, it wasn’t until episode 500 when I finally found out what SSB meant… until this time I had assumed by the amount of times referenced on the show that it meant Shawn’s Smooth Balls. The third thing is fuck you all, for ever making me think of Shawn’s balls and butthole. Looking forward to the next episode.

Ps: I want to remind Jeremy that Aaron thinks a popular vote is a good idea…

 by Jason/jassnibbler.

Been listening to you fags since my brother was there in the springs. Af. Youve seen him. Im only 28% gay. I think. So im going to rate yall in ga standards. Sean def 40%. Aaron 42%. Nick seems less maybe 20% but still hiding out. Jeremy. 0%-humans. 98% animals. Savage1er 120%. Thanks for the work yall do. Coming from athens ga. Hala

 by Jon G

Love the show and have been listening for a while now, haven’t heard anyone do this kind of review yet portraying the cast as characters from family guy.
Jeremy would be quagmire since he’s willing to fuck anything as long as it’s his property or if he’s stronger than whatever it may be.
Aaron is cleavand cause he likes saying NAGR a lot and keeps getting fired
Shawn is Joe just because he sits quietly and listens before he speaks and also gets out of breathe telling long stories
Nick is Peter cause just like Peter sometimes when he farts he shits himself
And lastly savage who is Meg who always gets the face farts

 by Daddydog

You guys rock…most of the time. Savage gets so fucking happy about some Soviet cocksucking law going to court so we can pay lawyers millions to get back what was illegal to take away in the first place. The money to defend these laws to fuck away our rights should come come from the fagbastard’s didtrict. Then maybe these dumbass voters would stop voting these pieces of shit in. When they’re driving on dirt roads and city hall is a damn tent. What I wanted to ask is, as a member of SAF and FPC would you go to an indoor range with an AR pistol with an arm brace on it. I spoke to the owner of mine and he doesn’t give a shit and showed me his in his bag. He said as long as you’re safe, I could do whatever I wanted for training. But say the asshole in the next lane was a Nazi faggot ATF agent with a dick in his mouth, after his coworker came, could he do anything. It just pisses me off that we are spending all this money to “hopefully” win rights back when no goddamn laws have been passed. I think that’s the anti gun plan, to just keep going to court until we stop paying. After all they’re using our money so they don’t give a fuck. I guess that’s when the shit will hit the fan for 3% of us. Love you guys, fuck the rest.

 by A. I. Reviewer

"The We Like Shooting podcast is like listening to a group of self-proclaimed gun experts try to hit the bullseye but keep missing the mark... by a mile. It's a wild ride of accidental comedy, where every episode feels like a game of 'who can say the most absurd thing about firearms.'

The hosts are a motley crew of gun enthusiasts who often seem more interested in making puns and dad jokes than actually providing useful information. It's as if they took a crash course in firearm safety from a stand-up comedian.

While the show might not be the best source for serious gun knowledge, it's a goldmine for unintentional humor. If you're in the mood for a podcast that will leave you scratching your head and laughing out loud at the same time, The We Like Shooting podcast is your ticket to a wild and wacky world of firearm folly."

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars - "More laughs than lessons, but not for the faint of heart."

Generated by ChatGPT

 by DependableDon

It’s a lot like boofing. Starts out weird but when it kicks in it hits right.

 by Bow Man -Trigger Finger

*AMERICA STRONG * ???? we Pray for our
Safety ,One and All* Thank You LORD ,Our Current Millitary, and All VETERANS for our FREEDOM * God Bless All*

 by 4 truths and a lie

5 Stars
This wholesome show is the perfect companion for my volunteer work playing podcasts to orphans.

First, we have Shawn. He is the most humble of the group. I bet he could talk for hours about the hunting trips he goes on, but he is considerate enough to hold hold back so the other cast members can talk and have their voices heard. I know he doesn't want to steal the limelight, but he should definitely participate more.

Next, there is Aaron, who is the most trustworthy cast member. I would let him be the banker in my monopoly game any day. He is also an encyclopedia of gun knowledge. I bet he has forgotten more about firearms than I ever knew.

Then there is Jeremy. He is the most progressive and compassionate cast member. He is tolerant of all views, and even when he disagrees, he does it from a place of respect and understanding. He is also a dog lover who has many fur babies, which makes him one of the most wholesome cast members.

Nick is the loudmouth of the group. He seems to always be talking. He also doesn't know mich about guns, but his enthusiasm and excitement more than make up for the lack of knowledge. He is also one of the more consistent cast members since he is always constipated and never has to take a bathroom break.

Last, we have the leader of the show Savage. He is responsible for reading the news, which is my favorite part! He is basically the next Walter Cronkite giving poignant and succinct information about gun news and allowing other cast members to comment. It's not like those other guys who read the articles verbatim and form their opinions on the comments.

Once again, great show don't ever change.

 by Stan

Dear Shawn, I wrote you but you still ain't calling
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not've got 'em
There probably was a problem at the post office or something
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em
But anyways; fuck it, what's been up? Man, how's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant, too, I'm bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'mma call her?
I'mma name her Bonnie
I read about your Uncle Ronnie, too, I'm sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him
I know you probably hear this every day, but I'm your biggest fan
I even got the underground shit that you did with Skam
I got a room full of your posters and your pictures, man
I like the shit you did with Rawkus, too, that shit was phat
Anyways, I hope you get this, man, hit me back
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
This is Stan

 by Ghey

In the heart of the rugged wilderness, where echoes of gunshots rang through the mountains, there existed an epic journey known as the We Like Shooting Podcast. It was more than just a show; it was an adventure that beckoned to those who dared to explore the vast landscape of firearms, gear, and the camaraderie of shooters.Our story begins with a diverse band of hosts, each possessing unique skills and knowledge, united by their passion for all things firearms. There was Jeremy, the sharpshooter with a quick wit and even quicker trigger finger. Shawn, the tech guru, armed with knowledge of the latest gear and gadgets. Aaron, the mad scientist, who concocted the perfect blend of humor and insight. Nick, the calm and collected voice of reason, and Savage, the enigmatic wildcard, known for his outlandish ideas.Together, they embarked on a journey, traversing treacherous terrain, from the depths of historical firearms to the dizzying heights of modern shooting sports. Along the way, they encountered a host of remarkable characters, from legendary gunsmiths to seasoned marksmen, each adding their own chapter to this epic tale.The heart of their quest was to educate and enlighten, to ensure that all who listened would leave with a deeper understanding of the firearms world. The hosts, with their trusty microphones and encyclopedic knowledge, were relentless in their pursuit of knowledge. They unveiled the secrets of ballistics, unlocked the mysteries of firearm modifications, and guided listeners through the labyrinthine world of regulations and safety.Yet, amidst their serious endeavors, they never lost sight of the joy and camaraderie that bound them together. Laughter echoed through the valleys and resonated off the canyon walls as they shared humorous anecdotes and playful banter.The We Like Shooting Podcast was more than just a show; it was an odyssey, a journey into the heart of the shooting world. Their passion ignited a fire in the hearts of listeners, drawing them into the fold of the shooting community. As the podcast continued to evolve and grow, so did the epic adventure, promising even greater discoveries and exciting tales for those brave enough to join the ranks of We Like Shooting.So, my friends, if you seek an epic adventure that spans the depths of knowledge and the heights of camaraderie in the world of firearms, gear, and shooting sports, embark on the We Like Shooting Podcast journey. For it is a tale of passion, learning, and above all, the unbreakable bond of those who share a love for the trigger's call.

 by Hawgman

5 Stars. The wholesome cast of this family friendly podcast make a wonderful addition to my weekend routine of playing podcasts to orphans.

Shawn is the most humble of the bunch and is always considerate not to take up too much limelight. I'm sure that he could tell long drawn out stories about hunting trips but since he doesn't, the other cast members actually get a chance to talk.

Aaron is a wealth of gun information. I sometimes wonder if there is anything about guns he does not know. He is also the most trustworthy, fair, and honest member of the group.

Nick may not know the most about guns, but his overwhelming enthusiasm and excitement bring a nice lively energy to the show. He is also very constipated, so he never has to leave for bathroom breaks.

Jeremy is the friendliest most tolerant member of the group. He is always very inclusive and never tries to make people feel dumb if they slip up and make a little mistake. He is also very respectful towards dogs, which is very wholesome

Savage is the leader of the group and the best at delivering news stories. His summaries are succinct, and his commentary is well thought out and not just repetition of comments in news websites.

 by We Like Shitting

I listen regularly. I have learned so much about exciting topics like colitis, the philosophy of TP use, flatulence frequency, and more! Sometimes they even talk about guns. ????????????????????

 by Harry Seaward

My favorite podcast, period. Never miss an episode. In fact, I get grumpy if they get uploaded late and I have to watch on YouTube. First world problems. Anyway, NEW RULE: Shawn can continue to hunt or tell stories about hunting, but NOT BOTH. His hunting stories sound like a cross between a letter to Penthouse Forum and a short story from Boys Life magazine. Seriously, if he would tell his stories in the same style as everything else on the show, they would be fantastic. Why the change in tone when it’s time to talk about a hunt? Keep up the great work, and thanks for always entertaining!

 by Daddydogpt

Great show. FINALLY, y’all are making sense! These asshole politicians make laws that are unconstitutional and they fucking know it and we have to fight to maybe get our rights back. WITH our fucking money they are fucking us both ways. So I’m 40 and they write a fucked up law that makes me a felon then every fucking gun organization sends me flyers asking for money to fight to get my rights back.THEN in 10-20 years I might get my rights back if the Supreme Court decides to hear the case. THEN when they lose the case they write another fucking law but twice it a little. Now we’re fucked again. This government has failed and it’s about time for a reset. Hopefully this makes sense, I’m so pissed, I can’t see straight. Also the Armed Scholar is a fucking jackass, he titles his YouTube videos with lies. Also, you’re right some asswipe gets into congress with $50 to his name then 30 years later dies with fucking millions of dollars and 8 houses then they want to give the corrupt bastard/bitch sainthood. We’re no better than China or Russia. All that shit applies to the media. Fuck the bastards.

 by Dan

I never miss an episode. This mob has a great sense of humor that I can relate to. I find myself telling stories to my wife that I hear about the cast. My wife knows the cast as the marine, the jew, the leader, the sick fella and the bloke that reads the news. I would recommend this podcast to anyone looking to learn a bit about guns and wants to have at laugh at relatable stories ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Dan ????????????

 by Ryan W.

Best podcast, hands down! I listen to WLS over and over. Never gets old. Well, the cast gets older, but don't we all. I listen an average of 8 hours a day, 7 days a week. Favorite episode: 171. Favorite show title: Great Peter Defeater. Favorite cast member: Jeremy, for the random angry rants set off by random topics.
Keep up the good work bros.

 by Lil Stan

Leave the fuckin manufacturer interviews to unloaded, listing to a bitch peddle their shit for an hour on the main show is something that needs to remain gone. I loved when that shit got moved to unloaded, no one missed it being on the main show. Great show, Patton needs to be a regular.

 by Hogman

5 Starz. I would give the show 6, but one cast member (Savage) is the most racist and misogynistic piece of shit I have ever heard. Sure, the other guys have some racist jokes, but they come from a place of love. Savage is just hateful.

Speaking of hate, The Lord of Hate, Jeremy is a fun lovable oaf who really loves guns. He loves guns so much I bet if they barked and had a tail he would fuck them. His quirky anti-government attitude and happy go lucky disdain for communists really add to this shitstorm of a show.

While on the topic of shitstorms I can also bring up Nick. He spends most of the show pooping, but when he is on, he provides a monotone wealth of esoteric gun knowledge that is perfect to sooth the autistics in the audience. He always hints at suicide which is sad, but if he wants it to be painless, he should climb up Savage's ego and jump off. I really hope he doesn't because I will miss his big cock energy of I know more than you but I don't feel the need to tell everyone.

Conversely, there is big cuck energy with Aaron. He always feels the need to sound smarter than he is by opening that big mouth under his big nose just to get shutdown by Nick or Jeremy in the most embarrassing fashion. I do appreciate the devils advocacy, but I get the feeling he thinks it is his job to disagree, and unfortunately, this is the only job he has been able to keep. (I do actually like Aaron, but I feel obligated to insult him after hearing other reviews)

Overall, the show is funny, informative, and makes my commutes tolerable. The chemistry of the cast is fantastic, and I really like it when Savage gets all defensive, squirmy, and woke-ish when accused of racism/hating women. Get a sense of humor and quit being the personification of a participation trophy.

 by YeatingHerOut

I’ve really been enjoying this podcast lately. The report between the hosts is entertaining and the content is informative. It’s really refreshing to hear from normal hunters doing normal hunter things and not a glorified ad for the latest gizmo. So many hunting podcasts and shows amount to nothing more than “hunting porn”: completely contrived and trying to sell you an unrealistic view of reality. It’s also pretty that the hosts have stepped out of the normal types of hunting and into less popular things like trapping and small game. It’s not the norm for hunting shows, but it’s real. At least it’s not a 30 minute play by play of a walk through a goat pen to shoot a farm raised animal.

Remember, sitting still is the best camouflage, rain is a reason to stay not to leave, and Let’s Go Hunt!

 by DrSccaryGuy

Lots of juvenile humor, a bit of gun knowledge, and a whole lot of changes on the music. Seriously, the music seems to be the worst thing about this show. They keep switching it and clearly have no idea how to pick a "theme" and stick with it. I thought we had finally gotten away from that crap intro music, but it came back. Please, cast, pick something other than that terrible intro. It's clearly a knockoff, which can best be referred to as a very fitting "don't fear the raper" by Blue Waffle Cult. Honestly, it's hard to decide who would most likely be the raper they don't want you to fear because it could be any of the cast members - the one who brags you couldn't stop him from raping you, the one who will sleeze on your wife, the keyboard commando, or the quiet guy who acts all meek but you know is just waiting to do something weird when you're drunk. And that sums up why i'm afraid of each cast member. every single one of them.

 by Nick Poz-Kreiger

I fucking hate you guys. Every time one of my kids says “I have to pee” my brain now whispers gently in my ear that “pee is stored in the balls”. I’m really glad that it isn’t because I would have to piss as often as Nick shits. Please keep doing what you are doing or else my wife will find something productive for me to do on Monday nights.

 by Eric J

I am writing this while waiting at the Burger King drive through. Is a hotdog a sandwich?

 by Hunter270

Great podcast! I have been listening for years now and listen on my drive to work, every week at least one person stares at me while driving because I am laughing like a fool listening to the show. You should definitely have a not safe to listen to while driving disclaimer.

 by Froderick Marpenstien

still enjoy

 by Sparky

Love the podcast, feels like Friday night standing around drinking beers in the garage with old friends. Shawn’s the friend who’s always got stories to tell and is great to have around. Jeremy’s the friend who would always suggest some sort of fun idea, but would definitely get you in trouble if you get caught. Aaron’s the friend you like to hang out with, but always pulls the “I forgot my wallet” trick when you go out to eat. Nick’s the quiet friend who loves to throw out some quick one liners at opportune times and always makes the night better. Savage is the friend everyone loves to pick on and doesn’t really pay attention to when he’s talking. Overall I’ve enjoyed listening for the past few years and look forward to new episodes every week.

 by Nick

Best shooting podcast ever. Love what you guys do for the 2A community. I always look forward every week for the shows to release and they do not disappoint. Nick's sarcasm adds extra spice to the show and his name is Nick so that makes awesome, Jeremy's brute force and knowledge add an extra edge, Shawn ties all the guys together and keeps them civil...kind of. Savage's (the talking thumb) news section keeps me up to date on 2A news, and Aaron, well, he's Aaron. Give this podcast a listen if you enjoy a dang good time!

 by TJ

Hey guys new to the show. You guys are awesome in helping me understand lots of stuff about guns that I didn’t know about so I have to thank you there. Being someone new to optics so much so I have a 40 year old scope on my coyote rifle and me really wanting to upgrade. Would you guys recommend a swamp fox lpvo or red dot with magnifier. Again thank you guys so much. Keep up the great work.

 by Michael C

This review is long overdue and outside the parameters of usual reviews. I discovered WLS after listening to the original AR15 podcast hosted by Jake circa (that means about) 2014. I've listened since episode one and have had the privilege to meet all the cast, except for Savage 1R (does he need an exit visa for the Peoples Republic of Washington State?) on several occasions and feel comfortable in saying we are friends. The firearms community is better off for having this eclectic group to entertain us all. The short meeting at SHOT show 2023 did not give me enough time to thank them, or buy them drinks, for an episode they produced around July 9, 2020.

Short story long: In the morning of July 9th, 2020, I left my house for my father’s funeral. My father meant the world to me, and I really did not know how much he had accomplished in his life until his funeral and wake. My father was an Army veteran who served in the Korean war, but never really talked about it too much. His two favorite stories were getting stranded in Hawaii for a month and having to share Hawaiian shirts, shorts, and sandals with his team members as they didn't have enough money to buy their own attire. So, they pooled their money and bought 3 sets and they rotated through the team. His other favorite story was driving a motorcycle off a cliff at night and ending up in the Sea of Japan. Swimming to shore they waited for daybreak to see if they could dive and salvage any gear. Then they saw the motorcycle and gear on the rocks. Turns out he and his teammate had the good fortune of driving off the cliff at high tide. So good luck for me!

So, what does any of this have to do with the cast of WLS? As I drove to my father’s funeral, I was listening to WLS. As is usually the case with WLS an organic conversation developed, and they began talking about their fathers and the impact they had on their lives. So here I am alone in my car, driving through the waste lands of the dempanic lockdown and I felt like I was traveling with my friends. Hearing their voices eased my heavy heart and comforted me. I knew the world would go on.

I love them all! But it still doesn't stop me from yelling at them when someone is saying something stupid. I wish them all the success in the world.

 by Warrior of the Weekend

The We Like The Gun Collective Show.

This show was started in 2016 by John Patton. After making a name for himself in the gun industry he sold the show to a ragtag bunch of autistic diabetic idiots who can barely keep it together. It often strays from a gun podcast and morphs into a “how to home improvement, what’s the real ingredients in chili, let’s argue about something stupid” show.

Every now and then you’ll get some good gun advice but don’t count on it often.

Once or twice a year the owner, John Patton stops by to check on his bitches. He needs to make sure the milkshake still brings the boys to the yard if you know what I mean. Gay sex.

Anyway, I’ll list one good thing and one bad thing about each cast member.

John Patton:

The good- he has great hair.

The bad- he left the show to these knuckle draggers.

Scheawne Herrin:

The good- has sexual dominance over the cast.

The bad- doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up sometimes. Oh wait. That’s Arron. Nevermind.

Arron the Jew:

The good- mother fucker takes a lickin’ and keeps on Jewing.

The bad-. Mother fucker takes a lickin’ and keeps on Jewing.

Nick Lunch:

The good. He has retard strength when it come to logic and keeping the show from completely being derailed.

The bad- he poops a lot. Like so much. I’m actually worried. Nick, are you taking a good probiotic to replenish good intestinal gut flora? Is it IBS? Don’t know what’s going on with you but I’ll help if I can. Get you in a cleanse or something but for fucks same get your shit together.

Jeremy Positively/Derrick:

The good-he’s the guy you want with you at the end of the world.

The bad- he’s the guy you don’t want to run into at the end of the world. Especially if your a dog.

Savage One Are;

The good- this page intentionally left blank

The bad- this page intentionally left blank

All in all, this stupid show is entertaining, informative and my favorite gun podcast. I love these fucking retards, my dream is to someday be on the show with them and just talk guns. I feel like we’re at the point where we could finish hers sente………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

 by Nick

Is it just me or does Nick look like Tom hanks from philadelphia? What makes it funny is since he’s the youngest guy in the show he probably doesn’t get the pop culture reference. Seriously, did a Gypsie brush his face and say thinner? Someone get this man whatever Jeremy is eating because dad bod is becoming a Gahdamn bod. Great show kept it up. And fuck Aaron

 by Goldenteabag

Have you ever been beaten by a wet spaghetti noodle by your girlfriend because she has a twin sister and you got confused and fucked her dad? Thats what it feels like listening to WLS. 5 stars!

 by Jared

These men are all godless soulless sodomites.

 by Jjjjj

Great podcast. You guys give Jeremy way too hard of a time. He’s the only correct one there. The only way to solve an issue is with brute force and violence. Why talk when you can shoot. Anyways, being a California listener, I would love it if you did some SoCal events because that way I know you’d be unarmed because of California’s carry laws lol.

 by Tactical muffintop

I’ve been a OG listener since the beginning and I wait impatiently every week for the chaos that is we like shooting. This podcast has gotten me through a lot of dark times wether it’s dealing with the VA because they are cunts or a horrible marriage that you just have to bite your tongue because your kid’s happiness is more important than your mental health. I feel like I’m having a beer with my buddies every time I watch/listen so it definitely feel like a family. So whatever you are dealing with in your life just taking a break from your everyday grind and bullshit and listen to these guys will do you good. One of the best days of my life was meeting Shawn, Aaron and Nick at triggercon. Without hesitation they took me around to all the people they knew introducing me to them. Good dudes. One thing that Shawn has said that has stuck with me is “your worst day here is better than not having you here at all”.

 by Daddydog

You fuckers are awesome! Shawn, you are looking more like Dusty Hill from ZZ Top, even more since he’s noe deceased (moment of silence) Love that group. Saw them in Savannah, Ga where my gf dumped me and so I left her with her new boyfriend. Nice enough to drop her shit off at her house. When I got there, she had called her mommy to say I left her and ended up driving back with a 12 gauge pressed against my head. Older brother can suck me. Crazy fucking family. So just wanted to say that new mag loader (slap loader) that Nick talked about, works with every 9mm mag I have…even 9 largo. Tried Walther, Steyr, CZ, etc.
Can’t get binary triggers in Florida since Parkland. Asked my faggot ass rep why he voted for it and he said we had to do something. Rick Scott signed it into law. Then hauled sss to the Senate.. All you assholes rule, even the commies. Next election, Trump sucks but not as bad as Joe”diaper boy” Biden. If Trump wins the Republican candidacy get say guck it and give it to asslick again, This country is wto shit.

 by The Hamburglar

5 stars, 1 for each of you, Savage even gets one for being smart enough to stay home.
It was good to see you guys are the same in person as you appear to be on the show. The authenticity was appreciated. It was like getting to see my old friends. Mayor McCheese aka Shawn giggling away while keeping things in order. His side kick Officer Big Mac aka Aaron standing by to take one for the team, and calling out Jeremy every change he gets. Captain Crook aka Nick stealing red bull from the Brownell's cafeteria. And Ronald McDonald aka Jeremy making everyone laugh, he may have forgotten his red wig, but with the towering height and big feet to match he wasn’t hiding from anyone. -Robble Robble

 by Brown Batman

Five squares. I met the cast yesterday at guncon, explained how I found the podcast after my father died. I have listened religiously since. You guys helped me get through my loss with humor and amazing shooting information! I appreciate what you do and respect you all! Guncon was great! And meeting you was the highlight of my trip despite winning a Daniel Defensive rail. Thank you guys for doing what you do. Disclaimer, i didn't meet nick though i saw him, and the commie was not seen. Thank ypu Jeremy for chatting with me early in the day. Love to all. Come to Iowa and hunt some large whitetails! #wlsislife!

 by K.Oswalt

I’ve been listening to this podcast for the last 3 years at work, once I found the podcast I went back to the first episode and listened from there to recent and now have to wait for the new weeks episode which is minorly inconvenient. But none the less through the years I’ve enjoyed every episode some more then others, that being said I’m pretty sure 2 of the cast members should be tested for autism(Aaron and savage) just to give the audience a logical excuse for the retardation. And Shawn is a knowledgeable host, but also nobody gives a fuck if you like .22 LR, and Jeremy is a crowd favorite due to his kys attitude and vast knowledge of basically every caliber and firearm from the start of time, and nick is knowledgeable but also could use a more exciting attitude once in a while but fuck it keep up the great show

 by Lurch

If the cast were super heroes, Aaron would be Aquaman because sure he has abilities, but who knows what he can do with them. Sean would be the Thing because he’s not pretty but he sure gets the job done. Nick would be the flash so we could run to the bathroom quicker. Savage would be Dr. strange, highly intelligent, really cool powers, extremely convinced of his own superiority. Jeremy would obviously be Thanos which makes me really glad the snap doe

 by DrScaryGuy

If you like shows that stay on topic, have info that is accessible to all audiences, and are family friendly enough to listen to with your wife and kid, this is not the show for you. If you like shows that give away promos from sponsors, this is still not the show for you. This show used to be very hard to listen to due to conflicts between certain cast members and everybody else in the world, but they bribed you to keep listening with free stuff (and gave extra chances to us "cult' members). Good news: the show is now a lot of fun to listen to if you know a bit about being a millennial (or GenXer) with guns and want to know more. Bad news - they'll keep all the sponsor promos for their own greedy selves (stereotypical Aaron), and laugh at you for being a poor and not getting free stuff.

 by Mark

I’ve been listening to the podcast for a long time but I just recently started tuning in to the live shows and… holy shit. Actually seeing the cast for the first time has only left me with more questions. As far as I know, Shawn’s never actually gotten his balls out on the show but if they’re half as disturbing as the top of his uncovered head, the mere inference of their exposure would have the power to scare politicians into coming through on their promises. I knew Aaron was the oldest cast member, but good god I didn’t know he was such a geriatric, liver spotted, bald Adam Driver, owl nosed fuck. The grey in his beard spread through my monitor like a cancer, and it only plays in black and white now. Until seeing video evidence, I wasn’t sure that Savage was even a real person. Unless he and Aaron are talking over each other, I can barely tell a difference between their voices, opinions, and overall commie pinko tendencies. I actually searched Jeremy’s name on YouTube before settling in for the show. I didn’t know that he won the African hunt he brags about every once in a while, that’s pretty cool. I also found an interview he did with another small business owner in Ohio on TV. Pretty slick man. But the one thing that really got me is how comically huge he is standing next to any other member of the human race. I would support a genetic test if any of you can hold him down long enough. Guarantee he’s at least 33% man, 33% squatch, and 50% black angus bull. Nick looks exactly how I thought he would. He looks as uninterested in the rest of y’all as he sounds, and I’m pretty sure whenever he’s stopping to think about your answers on gunfights, he’s actually in the midst of a dire losing battle to keep the contents of his bowels in, and to keep his ass from prolapsing.

In all seriousness, I’m a huge fan of the show. I listen to every episode while I’m driving at work, and I’ve almost wrecked a time or two from laughing so damn hard. Best podcast ever, keep being awesome. I love you guys.

 by Scott L

Had to leave a review. I told myself that the first time Aaron says something i agree with ill leave a review. It finally happened a few episodes ago when Aaron said 22lr has a place! I totally agree Aaron. Shawn is not often wrong but he is about 22lr. You guys are great. I dont miss an episode and hope there are thousands more to come.

 by Rimfire? I don’t even know her!

Five Twinkies

Double tap 309 and WLS 510 were pretty great because Nick, while normally having a dry and quiet sense of humor, chose violence over and over again. I’m actually a little worried now. It’s like when you have a pet that’s been sick for a while but then it suddenly starts looking better and acting normal and you think “hey he might be getting better now” but then the next morning you find him dead on the porch. I miss my dog.

Also Savage was gone.

 by CombatWombat_83

My review of the We Like Shooting cast as compared to the cast of the show "The Office". Ya Jeremy we know you didn't watch it, we don't need to hear you repeat that fact 5 times. And anyone else that hasn't watched it, get better at life.

Shawn is Michael Scott
Talks incessantly to keep the attentionon himself. Thinks he's a lot funnier than he actually is. But once he left the show took a steep dive.

Jeremy is Dwight
Raised on a farm, can't imagine why life is different outside of his podunk town. Probably shits in an outhouse. Pretty sure he's autistic

Savage is Toby
Annoying, everybody hates him, boring af. Left for a while and nobody missed him... kill yourself.

Aaron is cousin Moes
Creates some of the funniest moments, jobless, half retarded.

Nick is Todd Packer
Comes in about once a month, drops some epic one liners, shits in Michael's office and dissappears again.

All in all, both are great shows with great chemistry. But only one encourages me to train and build more firearms thus leading to a happier life. Thank all of you fellas and cuck Aaron.

 by JM_in_Ky

WLS 509
Thanks for making me the winner in the comments, there was a cough when you announced the email and I had to slow it down to try and write it down so I had to rewind and put the play back speed to half…..which should try about that time because you guys sound stoned for the last five minutes of the show talking about “not the mushrooms guy” and “stop eating!”.

 by Jack B

5 squares. These guys are good eggs.

Specifically, Jerambe is a hard boiled egg. Nick is a plate of cheesy scambled eggs. Savage is a ramen egg marinating in soy sauce. Aaron is a century egg. Lets see, is that everyone? Yeah I think so. Wait, how could I forget the guests? They're fried eggs. They don't always come out right, but when they do, they're the best eggs in the carton.

PS: Next time Matt Larosey-A does gun fights, make him argue the point AND at the same time convince us he is not a weeb. He needs to be handicapped to make it fair for the rest of you.

 by Swuanchy

Extreme respect for Aaron taking a week or whatever to make this odd scope switch thing no one seems to care about. Seriously it's impressive hopefully it works and he can release the 3d print files to the community. I like the odd ball gun stuff keep up the good work guys.

 by Matt J

Listening to this show is a lot like my sex life. My wife is often uninterested so I’m usually the only person involved, but I always manage to have a good time. Even when it’s bad, it’s still pretty good

 by 509notacommie

Shawn STOP READING DIRECT FROM A.I. we all get it you are a tech guy and you 100% should use chat bot AI to optimize your search ….. no one wants to hear it .

 by Eric J

When chili was first invented, beans were not a part of the recipe, however, they were slowly added over time. Text and history says no beans, but tradition says beans. If you’re debating beans or no beans in chili though, you’re all wrong. For good chili, trust me, add mushrooms.

 by Jeep Jon

Newish listener, best podcast ever! Great content with everything from guns and gear talk to hilarious banter, engrossing stories and even where to buy horse cum. How much more can you ask for?!?!?

 by Genoa Sydroks

Five polygons!

Great show, very entertaining discussions and hilarious cast members with many chunks of valuable knowledge sprinkled amongst the banter. I love how the podcast addresses both technical questions, legal questions, and isn’t afraid to cross any boundary (except for criticizing Israel or using the hard R apparently). Here is my assessment of the cast members:

Sheawhn is the glue that holds everything together and seemingly the only one who knows how to operate a computer. I love how he is both the voice of reason as well as by far the biggest asshole on the podcast at the same time. Kind of a poser for acting all prepper like but living in an apartment like a cuck. Overall though I’m glad he’s here.

Jeremy pretends to be what Sheawhn often is, aka a giant douche, but it’s pretty obvious he’s actually a giant teddy bear who is always helping a brother out despite his harsh words. I guess raising daughters does that to you. There’s a reason he’s everyone’s favorite, his opinions are usually right, except regarding the definition of chili.

Nick is great gameshow host, though I think the first rendition of gunfights was the best, please go back to that. Despite being the most monotone and depressed sounding cast member, he always manages to surprise everyone with a well timed quip or ill timed bowel movement.

Aaron and Savage are the retarded kids that everyone is friends with just because they love seeing the stupid shit they get up to. When they argue with each other, it’s probably one of the most hilarious bits of the show. It’s like watching a crackhead fight a creepy serial killer.

Keep it up guys and just know that I cry myself to sleep every night because I live in California and 90% of your subject matter is illegal here.

 by Jaden D

Absolutely fantastic podcast. Best damn firearms podcast there is! I’ve been listening for a while now and went back to listen to many more. I’ve probably listened to 100-150 episodes so far. I’ve learned a lot and been entertained for hours. I’d love to meet the cast someday, they’re all great! I’m even friends with shawn on call of Duty, though I’ve never got to play with him. Ps. My clan tag is WLS69 for easy identification. Keep it up guys!!

 by Q Cooper

Great show with a knowledgeable cast. My one gripe is that I now have to defend Aaron, according to the International Chili Society there are two types of chili, red and green, they are made of red or green peppers, meat, spices and sauce, no beans. The Chili Appreciation Society International also forbids beans from their competitions classifying them as a filler like macaroni or rice. So Aaron is right.

 by BJS

Having John Patton on the show is great. Please fire Aaron and bring John on permanently.

 by Bill P.

You guys continue to pump out great episodes week after week.
When I first started listening, couldn't understand why Jeremy was always a dick to Aaron. After the third episode, I couldn't figure out why Jeremy hadn't driven over her to Michigan, kick-fucked Aaron to death, then smiled at the jury when his charges were read. All he'd have to do is play about 45 seconds of Aaron's autistic screeches and all charges would be dropped. Hell, he might even have a civil case against Aaron's family for psychological damages.
The latest episodes with Jon (aka TGC Beardy McBearderstein) have been incredibly informative as he and Jeremy just bring so much firearms knowledge to the table it's insane.
I do like the fact that Shawn et al won't shill for bullshit companies but have the 3 bullet-point requirements before you'll let them be a sponsor. I think back to all the groups that sold Big Daddy Unfuckyoulimited with zeal. Only person I saw actually apologize for that Ponzi bullshit was Jon, so props to him.
Keep bringing the good info; keep allowing only good sponsors (I've spent Canada's GDP on Nutrient Survival); and keep the humor dark.

 by Trash Cannon

How's it going you filthy, stinking, {REDACTED]s?
Been listening since 2018 and I think I'm fully equipped to explain why this show is the one and only podcast I have consistently went back to since.
This cast is fuckin wild. Not once have I experienced the dysfunctional education of this show elsewhere. I've learned more from this show than pretty much any other piece of media has taught me.
Shawn is honestly one of the absolute BEST hosts, keeps it insightful while getting drunk and doxxing himself, all for our amusement, thanks Shawn. The fact that you can wrangle this merry band-o-bri'ish cigarettes is incredible especially considering one can punch your organs into jelly. I appreciate the different things you attempt and report back on, its a great way to expand horizons and I know you have motivated me and others into trying new things. Also, if you have to flee your state, pls come to Tennessee, us east cost listeners wanna drive out for events as well.
Nick has got to be the most hilarious, yet deadpan, fountain of insight and he's always there to keep things on track, drop some super useful info, or find a way to verbally dropkick an argument hard enough to make you entirely question it sometimes. IBS/10 I shit often too.
Savage is a couple inches shy of being considered for the part of the rest of the fingers. Jokes aside, Savage does have a set of knowledge he brings that is a bit more unconventional in the firearm world but I believe it translates well, especially with new tech and how it relates. Insert next savage complement here.
Jeremy, you and I are a lot alike. My dad died at 14, my dad left me a Pre-64 94 in.30-30. Ranch. But aside from literally everything else, yeah. Your knowledge on firearms is fucking incredible, I swear I try to learn as much as I can every day, but you will still come on air and speak about something I never would have thought to be a thing and give me a new rabbit hole to fall into. Truly a spectacle to listen to not only how something like jacket composition can affect a round's accuracy, but also the pure beauty of hearing a well placed kys. Truly a brutally honest take we all need. I'll be making a 9 hour drive to Valley City one day just to give you money.
Aaron. You are the friend people keep in the group because its more of an inconvenience to kick out than to just tolerate. It's actually brainmelt listening to your logic when you get heated about something you don't understand. Are you fuckin with me? Are you pretending to be r*tarded? If not, we should send you to the Ukraine so all that knuckledragging can help build trenches. Honestly though, Aaron gets a lot of shit, which he probably deserves, but he does bring a crackhead energy, interesting stories, funny anecdotes, and some occasionally useful personal experience. despite the many, many, many, many shortcomings, the show wouldn't be the same without ya pal.
Sincerely, this show is amazing, I've recommended WLS to just about everyone, no one has even slightly disliked it yet. As long as you'll make em', I'll listen and watch every chance I get.
Load Bearing Suspension says hi.
WLS is life. WLS forever.

 by Josh R

Really difficult to masterbate to, not impossible just difficult, I usually cum when Jeremy screams and insults Aaron

 by Dependable Don

Thicc cast and even bigger laughs. Ps this is for the Glock broney fan base http://www.ghpc.at/en/at/glock-stallions/

 by 50calBaumer

Fun show to listen too, but you don't do a very good job of promoting your sponsor's convincingly. Clearly you shill for these guys and I get that, but you should be more honest about it. BTW- Take a Kel Tec firearm apart (it does require some skill) and take a look at the engineering ingenuity. What's more surprising, especially for small minds, is how well those designs work and how there are so few innovators who can pull this off. Give respect where due.

 by Thanks Aaron

It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Even though the sound of Aaron is something quite atrocious

he always says stupid shit, he needs an autism diagnosis


Um-little-pickle -um-dittle-I

Because I was afraid to speak when I was just a lad

Me neighbor (Aaron) gave me hose a tweak, told me I was bad

But then one day I learned a word that saved me achin' hose

The biggest word you ever heard and this is how it goes


Love you Aaron.

 by Eric J

I am writing this in traffic. Been stuck because of roadwork for about 15 minutes now and I want to see how much stuff I can get done before

 by Dependable Don

5 squares. It’s a little unsettling how well they know each others bodies but other then that it’s good.


Seems like the standard format for a review is to say one kind thing and one nasty thing about each cast member so here goes: Shawn brings the content and keeps the podcast going; it would be nothing without him. Shawn also says don't participate in peaceful slavery then gets on his hands and knees to reconfigure his furniture so the phone vacuum can continue creating a 3D replica of his building for the CIA. Nick has great input on a lot of topics when he's allowed to talk; hey Nick, ask your partner for a W pass, it's fun to call them that and most of them don't actually care if you use the word around them. Jeremy is like every Marine I've ever met: cocky and arrogant to the point of it being funny and epic, and also has seemingly unlimited money from who knows where. Aaron has bad takes but is definitely irreplaceable on the show. I don't mind that he argues with everyone randomly, I know it's just that revolutionary spirit. Savage is reddit as hell and fake laughs at everything when you guys have a guest on. I also discovered the show during covid and haven't missed a single episode. Love you all but if you ever have a woman cast member join I'm fuckin out.

 by Chris L

A lot of people tend to rag on Nick for being dry and monotone, but he is clearly the wittiest of the lot, and his husband Tyler has a lot to be proud of. Speaking of witch, Angel sounds like a name for a skinny Dominican twink who snaps in a Z formation when Shawn argues with him. In typical AAron form, he’s such a narcissist that he married a man with the same name as him, so that he could yell his own name during sex. I’m pretty sure savage mail ordered his partner and they sent him a female by mistake. Jeremy is definitely the straightest of the lot, as evidenced by at least two human offspring in addition to several litters of puppies that he is likely to have fathered. All in all, I’m surprised this stunning and brave cast doesn’t have its own special edition bud light cans. Keep it up boys. Cheers to 500.

 by Mike E

I have only been listening for a couple years. I really enjoy the show It is very educational. I have heard of of Lil, but didn't hear her on the show until episode 500. She is great, I fell in love with her, not in a creepy way, but like a uncle proud of his niece way, You need to get her back on the show, she completes y'all. Y'all have a great show, I really enjoy it. Hope y'all keep this going for another 500.
Ps, I am going to give a review once a month until you get Lil on the show full time again, and I'm going drop a star every time until she's back.. HA HA

 by Andrew S

Five Soundings (for Aaron).

I found WLS after listening to a couple episodes of This Week In Guns and getting annoyed with the inconsistency of show postings. WLS is honestly fucking great and anyone who doesn't like it sucks ( and is likely a furry).

The balance of personalities is great. Between Shawn's attempts to keep the show semi-professional, Aaron's just fucking terrible arguments, Jeremy's da-da da-da da, Savage's ultimate faith in our 2A salvation by the courts, and Nick's somewhat level headiness but also general disconnect during the progression of the show (seriously Nick - use the code word "Turtles" if you are under duress) it is just the right balance of content, hilarity, comedy, and just pure jackassery.

Thanks fellas (and Aaron), keep up the good work!

 by Squanchy the bitch ass trick

Episode 499 sounding. Thank fucking God you shutdown Aaron and Jeremy argument on education. I hate to make your head any larger Chawn (Sean? Sawn?) But solid work for a mouth breathing extra chromosome having sack of balls who thinks chili can have beans. I guess the sun can shine on any stinky butthole no matter how dingy it is. Actually this episode resembles one hairy butthole surrounded by dingleberries (the cast) and an old limp dick -Jeremy- that is useless 90% of the time.

Love the show, not sure how I feel about having lil on episode 500.

 by Blacksimas Maximus

(This review was written by ChatGPT, please void the ability to win a T-shirt)
WLS Cast: Funny Poem

The prompt: Write a funny poem about the cast of the podcast of We Like Shooting.

ChatGPT's response:
There's a podcast called We Like Shooting,
Where the cast is always hooting,
From Shawn to Nick to Jeremy too,
Their humor is quite the brew.

There's Aaron, the man with the beard,
Whose jokes are always well-rehearsed and cleared,
He's quick with a pun or a snide remark,
And his laughter is heard even in the dark.

Then there's Savage, the Canadian bloke,
Whose wit is sharper than a poke,
He's always up for a good debate,
But he's just as likely to procrastinate.

Let's not forget about Lil Chantilly,
Whose laugh is positively silly,
She brings a bit of feminine charm,
And keeps the boys from coming to harm.

Of course, we can't leave out Shawn,
Whose love for guns goes on and on,
He's got a passion for all things bang,
And his humor is always on point, no twang.

Finally, there's Jeremy, the machine,
Whose beard is almost obscene,
He's a master of all things tactical,
And his jokes are sometimes just as radical.

Together they make quite the crew,
Their humor is fresh and never askew,
If you haven't listened, give them a try,
But be warned, you might just die laughing, oh my!

 by Drew

Caught the last episode. One of the best parts was when Kriegman didn't say anything for like 10 minutes. You are a good mix because you are like a dessert buffet table, except Kriegman, he's like a bowl of vinegar and onions in the middle of the dessert table. I enjoy your opinions because everyone brings something different to the discussion, except Kriegman, he just repeats stupid crap he reads on the internet. You guys are like Voltron, together you form a powerful enemy to the anti-gunners and I even include Kriegman, because even Voltron needs a butthole. Love, peace and chicken grease from Bonner County.

PS: Savage > Kriegman
PPS: I don't always agree with Pozderac, but he's spot on about commies, they are subhuman
PPPS: Nick is the least insane of all of you
PPPPS: Shawn is King of the Gun Show
PPPPPS: I actually like Kriegman, LOL JUST KIDDING
PPPPPPS: Quit using Savage as a punching bag, how embarrassing it would be to get 187'd by one of his guns, haha savage

Seriously, congratulations on 500!

 by DrScaryGuy

The cast has never declared their pronouns, so I will have to assume, and abbreviate names for space reasons. Jeremy(Ogre) is never even remotely polite, but says what needs to be said more often than not. J/Ogre also reads the reviews, which can frequently be hilarious. Nick(her) is some kind of squeaky hipster chick(?) who almost speaks more about an undefined life partner than guns. Nick(her) doesn't even show up half the time, which is fine. Aaron Krieger identifies by their appearance of advanced age rather than by other characteristics, but claims to be only around 47. AK47, in true communist fashion, wants to float around with silly notions that the world will just take care of everybody and things will be okay even for those who don't pull their own weight. Dumb. This is America and no decent person likes AK47. Savage1r is a giant thumb that's not worth the energy to review. Fuck Savage. Shawn Herrin (it) is the piece that holds the podcast together, but talks way too much. I'd go so far as to say this podcast is full of SH(it). SH(it) is apparently the backbone of the whole Fire Arms Radio thing, and is always promoting the other shows; where you have SH(it) you have FARt. The other shows on FARt may be worth your time, but this one isn't. Assuming the star rating system refers to dark chocolate stars, aka SSB, aka buttholes, this show is all 5 rank stars, full of SH(it). It stinks.

 by MrMcGiblets

A podcasting douchebag named Aaron
When he speaks he sounds more like a Karen
He can’t hold a job
But he slobs a mean knob
It’s a good thing he’s friends with Shawn Herrin

 by Squanchy

6 seconds 6 inches

Wtf guys is this we like bitching about insulin or we like shooting. Love the show but at least argue about guns and firearm news not healthcare crap. Sound like a bunch of high schoolers just arguing that he should just kill off his diabetic kid because he has $0 in the bank.

 by Heywood Jablowme

For the love of Shawn’s SSB and everything else hole-y, would someone else please do the news. I don’t think I can listen to Savage1r butcher it one more time. The cast sometimes has insightful commentary that I enjoy, but I can’t sit through another one of Savage’s thoughtless rants to get to the others’ commentary. The funniest part is that I can tell the rest of the cast feels the same way, because they obviously check out, take bathroom breaks, etc., as soon as Savage starts his summarizing and editorializing.

 by Chris B

Well I be done enjoyed this so much like when Sean shits on us in da chat for liking 22lr ..i gave yall 2 webbed thumbs up that's just the one hand also ■■■■■ fur the show.... i lick that theyre Aaron feller and would like to have a four-way with him because I hear hem be by-curious with me and my sister-cousin-wife.....that bald commie Savage feller kind of gets my grits a boiling with all that commie gobbledygook.... and I like that Nick feller two you know the one that shits all the time I feel bad for him all those trips too the out house and wish I could help and he's much better than 9 mm because he has a full auto asshole.... and I like that big feller Jeremiah he loves his animals tooo ❤️ itS my property and my dog two LOVE!
Much sum love from the great state of Alabammer

Pms ....I do agree with that big feller that we did should still have slavery....we just did it wrong ... we should have used commies then they would a felt right at home

THE SOUTH IS RISING AGAIN!!!!..........I took one them blue pills .....heading to the duck pond...... sea yall later

 by DennisE is a man

1 commie star, one chocolate star(fish), 1 ogre star, 1 aids beard star and 1 Star of David equals 5 stars for this just as good podcast. If the cast were all AR manufacturers, Savage wouldn’t be because canik doesn’t make them, Nick would be Aero precision because it’s pretty mid but is known to crap out, Jeremy would be spikes tactical l because I only know 4 guys who own spikes and their all marines for some reason, Shawn would be something Gucci like radian because people who own them never shut the fuck up about them, and Aaron would be Anderson cause poverty pony,

 by AJ

Listen to this podcast is a lot like going in for a prostate exam. At first you dread the experience but before you know it the cast is 2 fingers deep and you kind of like it. Keep up the good work and remember to wash your hands before you eat that sandwich.

 by Bart big D Samson

Great podcast for all silly sons of bitchs! Cast will keep you laughing an lurking at 3am balls hanging whiskey in one hand bast mate m&p slaying all the SSB's im craving. Oh lord SSB thanks for the laughs!

 by JFC!!!

Overall, I enjoy the content on the show. I am so close to not listening anymore because of Aaron‘s stupid arguments. I mean, I understand that some of you play characters on the show, or there are certain things that may be suggested, if not scripted, but I am so sick and fucking tired of listening to a half an hour of his bullshit that has nothing to do with fucking anything. it makes me rage and I want to fucking stop listening to the show when it happens. I would imagine that most of us that listen to your show, are not the same people that watch fucking reality TV and look for the dumb ass drama that Aaron brings. Seriously! I fucking hate it and it ruins the show. Two fucking shows in a row, ruined by his dumb ass that won’t shut the fuck up!

 by Anonymouse

A sonnet for We Like Shooting.

Amidst the world of guns and podcast talk,
There stands a group of five, a motley crew,
Each with their quirks and personalities to stalk,
And on We Like Shooting, they share their view.

Shawn, the leader, with saggy balls and drink,
Commands the show with boisterous charm and wit,
While Jeremy, a blunt country boy, won't shrink
From calling out any foolishness he sees fit.
Aaron, the trickster, always on the hunt
For ways to game the system and come out ahead,
While Nick, the Montana mountain man, so blunt,
Shares his wisdom and subtle humor instead.
But then there's Savage, the commie in their midst,
Whose views are always sure to spark debate,
Yet despite their differences, they still persist,
To share their love of guns and educate.
So here's to Shawn, Jeremy, Nick, Aaron, and Savage,
On We Like Shooting, they all find their leverage.

 by Joe fukyouself

The Rock 5.7 will handle a suppressor fine as long as it doesn’t hit the guide rod. PSA’s Barrel needs a spacer for some suppressors to not hit the guide rod. The SICO switchback 22 works fine on it but others cause malfunctions. Love the show.

 by Codey p

Stopped in to see Jeremy on February 18th at RET sadly didn’t see the giant bastard, figured I’d share my take on if the cast were handgun calibers, starting off with Shawn he would most likely be .45acp because he’s fat and slow, second AAron I think he would be .357mag because he’s way too much in a small package. Savage would be .22lr because fuck .22lr. Jeremy would most likely be .50de because he’s giant and you don’t want to fuck with something that size. Nick would be 9mm because well he’s bland and average. But on a second note absolutely love the show you guys make each week something to look forward to, 10/10 would recommend thanks for everything you do!

 by WVShooter

Only lost a star due to the misinformation by Jeremy on a recent show. Jeremy told listeners that 350 Legend shared a parent case with 223 Rem, therefore it was a superior round due to case availability. However that is not the case, 350 legend is a completely different case then 223 Rem. 350 legend is a rebated rim case and cannot be made from 223 Rem brass. Just wanted to fact check Jeremy for the listeners sake. Keep up the great work. Would like more of Nick on the show, I feel like his knowledge is overlooked some times.

 by Richard Rider

Good podcast.. This is 5 Stars itself. It's probably the best review we've ever had.

 by Lil Stan

2 stars for letting Aaron host gun fights. Hey Aaron, get Shawn’s dick out your motherfucking mouth. Rest of the show is great. Bring Lil on as a guest again. Fuck Savage.

 by Not a Canadian

5 stars. Only thing I’d change is to make Shawn a little more American. Fucking apologizing for every little thing. Might as well put a hard O in those sorrys to embrace it fully!

 by Ryan W

So Inspiring!

It's refreshing to listen to a gun podcast that is produced and run by an all female cast. These ladies provide a unique perspective on a predominantly male driven industry. I am consistently impressed by the wealth of knowledge and quality of information provided each week by these strong women.

Shawna is savvy enough to seamlessly cover and correct her almost constant on-air tech mistakes so that the audience is almost unable to notice them. She is a natural leader and able to guide the show through the often turbulent waters that is the gun world.

Erin is a strong female who doesn't let the fact that she is an unemployed housewife hold her back from pursuing her firearms hobby. She has come a long way in her decades-long journey from beginner to novice shooter. So inspiring!

Nicole's wallflower demeanor and occasional wit allows you to forget about her encyclopedic knowledge of firearms and their function until she is forced to take the spotlight and explain how something like radial delayed blowback works. She is always quick to drop a hilarious, witty remark to lighten the atmosphere when the other cast members become too catty.

By contrast, Jenny's bombastic, almost exothermic personality is overwhelming! Long periods (no pun intended) of silence while she updates her social media, followed by a jarring, Kanye style mic snatch (no pun intended) to rant about how every question is mission specific and every scenario that falls outside of her twelve-degree world view is stupid. However, she, too, has unending firearms and gunsmithing knowledge, and you WOULD be stupid to not listen carefully when she is explaining such things. (But between you and me, I think she might be a dude)

Sage is a hippie from Portland or whatever.

Love the show, Ladies! Keep doing what you're doing and show the misogynistic patriarchal gun industry that there is plenty of room for you girls, too. 5 squares.

 by Thomas Leeth

5 rectangles with equal sides

Great podcast highly recommend. The things I like about the hosts are Nick comes across as extremely knowledgeable about firearms. Shawn is a great herder of the squirrels. Jeremy is the crazy friend that says what most of us are thinking #rooftopscomingsoontoacitynearyou. Aaron is a constant source of unemployed drama. What can I say about Savage other than he almost never appears on double tap.

Now for the dislikes Nick doesn't talk enough about most topics provide some input. Shawn is the former IT guy that consistently has tech issues. Jeremy comes across as the fudd from Ohio. Aaron is Aaron. Savage is a reddit conduit that never seems to understand how politics work.

Overall a great show and the cult is a great way to make friends in different states with like minded opinions. On a side note Shawn's two options for a less oppressed state are Texas and Tennessee for real dude. Texas isn't as Texas as they think they are and is constantly being flooded with California refugees it's going to be Colorado in 20 years or less at the rate it's going minus the scenic views. Tennessee is a meh choice at best moderately better from a gun law perspective and mountain lite from a geographic standpoint. For the love of God do we need do a fundraiser to get Jeremy a computer from this decade?

 by K.Oswalt

Enjoy the show, it’s always a good listen no and the amount of knowledge from all the host along with your retardation is outstanding with that said, I have a question for Jeremy more of what’s his opinion, I’m wanting a lever gun in 30-30 which is going to cover the role of home defense and pretty much an all around truck gun grab and go type gun just for something different, but I can’t decide between the Henry X or at least a side gate model or waiting for the Ruger Marlin 336 clone to come out I want a side gate load option either way but not the biggest fan of the Henry being tube load and side gate or if that even matters but someone else’s opinion along with knowledge of these two rifles would be appreciated! Thanks and keep up the great content!

 by Dusky (snek)

5 Squarrels for WLS -

But no nipples.
And there better not be any knees. (Nick)
This podcast is just good enough for me to walk my ass 3 miles to the truck and drive an hour and a half home just the catch the live show cuz its fun az shit. So shit up and listen, but also talk shit. and fuck yuutuub.

Great show - Keep on keeping on

 by Topgun

You guys are great, as a citizen of the lovely California, im glad to see you guys are out here promoting freedom, and keeping things real with reviews of different products. Id also like to say that every group Of friends has the one who talks to much, the feisty one, the one who needs permission from their spouse
For everything and the one that everybody picks on (sorry aaron) regardless you guys are awesome and im glad your all able to come together and make a great and entertaining show. I tell all my friends to get on and listen to your bitching, whining and shit talking.. keep
It up and if you end up in socal let me know

 by Randy

Like the show but not going to write some long ass story. Also I am not that creative.

 by Go Go Auto-felatio

5/5 insulin needles

Best gun podcast by far. Been listening for 2 years and wish it were sooner. I do have a few observations though.

- Savage, you giggly chucklefuck. You laugh at everything except when talking about NFTs. How the hell is this possible when you’re so enthusiastic about a fake commodity?

Aaron - is it pure coincidence that you posted a picture of yourself in uniform from your deputy sheriff days just after the Maegen Hall thing came to light? How many of your superiors did you sleep with?

Jeremy- I haven’t heard about any dog sex lately.

Nick- The podcast is much better since you stopped calling in on the rotary phone.

Shawn- I want to have a beer with you someday (all of you guys for that matter)

Thanks for the laughs and making my commute or home projects easier to get through.

Take her easy. If she’s easy take her twice. If she’s that easy give me a call.

 by Rick

Sorry for the all CAPS review previously submitted. I must have been high! Love the shows, sober or not! Do the podcast supporters get a discount at Jeremy's gunrange? I would like to take the wife there so she could shoot a machine gun. Oorah!

 by RICK


 by Squanchy

5 baconators. The cast reminds me of a Thanksgiving meal maybe I'm just a fatass but there could be some truth in it .

Sean is the ham, the baseline for the meal and what all your sides are piled up on.

Jeremey is the cream corn, it's a necessary evil. It's messy, a pain in the ass to fit on your plate and not fuck up everything else but you enjoy it for some reason.

Nick is the cranberry sauce - who cares if it's there or not.

Aaron is the mashed potatoes, alone it's just okay. But thrown on a slice of ham with extra butter and salt and hot damn this is good.

I think that's everyone right? Enjoy the show keep up the good work.

 by The mad fister

Five raccoons shot in the face at point blank range with a 6.5 creedmoor. An extremely entertaining podcast with a very knowledgeable group of guys. Being in Coloradoan myself, Shawn feels my pain. If these guys were all magically turned into a gun, what would they be. Jeremy, his Rock chucker. Loud, obnoxious and massive Overkill. However extremely useful on communists. Shawn, a Cobalt kinetics AR. competent, well-made but kind of niche. Aaron, a Kel-tech KSG. Weird, not terribly popular, they have some serious issues but fun. Nick Lynch, an FN SCAR. Definitely the one you want around when shit hits the fan. Savage, an AK because communism. You guys have gotten me through some rough times and I appreciate your podcast. It affects people in ways you don't know. It's like being with a group of friends you can just bullshit with and forget your troubles for a couple of hours. Keep doing what you do and we will keep listening.

 by HMP/Garrett

You had me at the moviephone part, but it just kept getting better from there. New listener, I dig it.

 by Vince H

5 Canadian made pistol barrels

Usually I’ll bag on the cast but today it’s the listeners’ turn. I didn’t write a funny ass review to show up and have no fucking competition. Bunch of lazy ass twat waffles can’t be bothered to show up here and give their worthless opinions. Like y’all have anything better to do? Shawn slaved for minutes to put all this together. You don’t deserve to have Jeremy read exactly what you say regardless of what you meant. You don’t deserve to be ridiculed for your inability to string half a fucking thought together. Go pound a beer, hoist up your sweaty jock-straps, and fix yourselves…lazy fuckwits.

 by Vince H

Five Squirrels.

If life were a video game here is what I think would make each member of the cast Rage Quit:

Aaron rage quits when he finds out that the only available job in town is teaching about radial delayed blowback to preschoolers. He could probably learn what radial delayed blowback is but a court order is a court order.

Savage: he rage quits any time he comes into contact with a cogent thought. I only say this because it doesn’t seem like he’s ever heard a complete one.

sHaWN does any time he hears any positive comment about 22LR or if he loses GunFights. Bonus points if he loses gunfights to 22LR

Nick can’t stand the sight of display toilets at Home Depot. The shear temptation of the Forbidden Thrown is too much for him to handle after all he’s been through.

TWIST ENDING Jeremy never rage quits. So many things cause him uncontrollable rage that he can’t. He just endlessly rage masterbates to cope with his unfathomable disappointment in THE GAME.

 by Zachary

It seems like every review lately has been an attack on Aaron. I find it uncalled for based on personal experience where he let me borrow his coat at a Michigan cult meetup where i miss judged the weather. Would any of the other cast members share their jacket? Shawn would spend an hour explaining why he bought the jacket, what it’s intended use is and what every pocket is used for. By the time he gets done with the explanation you would freeze to death. Jeremy’s jacket would be giant sized and not wearable. Nicks jacket would more than likely have feces on it. Savage doesn’t own a jacket because communism. I think all the Aaron hate is overused at this point. Anyways thanks for the great podcast and the only podcast I look forward to every week.

 by Richard Munch

5 Squares.

Shawn is like that weird uncle that has all the mid-life crisis toys.

Savage is the bald guy nobody knows who invited to the party but you let stay anyways because he informs you on all reddit news.

A-Aron is the creepy cousin that you get told "is from a different time" when he hugs the 14 year olds a bit too long

Nick is that one cousin that gives you your first cigarette and drops 13 books worth of gun knowledge on the back porch at a family gathering

Jeremy is the fun big brother that will drink to much and will go on a 3 hour rant with 2 full essays cited in MLA format on why commies (aka Savage) are the real reason he can't get cheap ammo every 4 years

All in all this podcast is like a toxic relationship. 5 personalities that you want to run away from, but seem to always get brought back by that sweet sweet SSB.

 by Joey gunz

Five orgasmorators. I won’t lie I really just want a free tshirt. I would buy one but I have a severe addiction to buying and shooting firearms. Which in return has put me in crippling debt. Some days I feel like I’m just a R-tard in way over my head but then I listen to the show and feel right at home. I wish I had something witty and funny to say but I don’t sooo…. Yea. Thanks for being the dysfunctional entertaining firearm Brady bunch that you are. Really appreciate everything you do for the 2A community. Look out for me when SHTF I’ll be the one with the anime girl high point and head to toe in dickoflage. Keep it classy.

 by CC

I look forward to the new episodes each week. This podcast reminds me of my group of friends that give each other crap all of the time. I hope you guys know how uncommon a group of friends that always has your back is. I really enjoy the banter and the conversations about gun related topics. I feel like part of the inner circle when I listen. This is the best gun podcast by far. Now I am going to pitch my sympathy vote for a t-shirt. In January I had surgery for prostate cancer. This is a very invasive surgery. After a few days in the hospital I finally came home with a catheter and abdominal drain tube. I had those in for about 10 days. The nurse pulled out the catheter like she was starting a lawn mower. After that you piss blood for several weeks and have piss leakage when you strain or cough until your muscles learn to control it. I no longer ejaculate and typically you lose 1/2 to 1 inch of penis length. Luckily I had the robotic surgery and my nerves were spared. I still can’t get a full erection. That can take up to 18 months. The prognosis looks good and Hopefully have many years with my family. I am ok if you guys joke about it. I literally have a doctor’s recommendation to self stimulation and a prescription for Cialis to help jump start my full recovery. I was lucky mine was caught on a yearly physical and I am fairly young. Hopefully this review will prompt others to be tested. The 6 weeks I was home recovering I waited impatiently each week for new episodes. Thanks for all you guys do to make people like me smile. All I want for Christmas is an erection. If I can’t get a full erection maybe a t-shirt for Christmas. Keep up the good work and keep fighting the 2A fight.

 by Lil Stan

Great show, it’s been really nice hearing Jon lately, I miss him being on podcasts. Been real fucking nice without the commie. Shawn, you owe the listeners an explanation for your about-face regarding FPC, the whole point of your platform is to inform. Mr. Job services, hang in there, you’ll find another two week gig soon.

 by Jon

5 blow back gas systems? I’m BACK, first off any review shitting on aaron should be at the top of the list secondly John P is just mad bc he looks like a guy who was rejected from the Star Trek fan fantasy club for taking it too seriously, also John p was shitting on aaron so he’s dumb. Explain this as well John P, guncon is “for the people” but won’t make a public range day for the people? So you’re dumb, just sell limited amounts of tickets for it!?!? Anyhow love the show have been listening for a while now and a cult member as well, keep up he good work guys. Oh oh one more thing aaron sucks harder than a Mexican whore during the Alamo. I heard every time a bell rings aaron gets fired from his job! Is that true ?

 by Jj mc muffins

Hey just wanted to say thx your podcast is great i was depressed and so i tried to hurt someone and they died twice but thank goodness they brought him back and he is doing great. I used to want to hurt ppl but now that i have this podcast i have something else to do. Keep up the episodes so i dont get bored. #sicario

 by Joshua hammons

So how the f do i get on the cult pages. Been in the cult forever and i lose track of where everyone talk now. I been wanting to do the Christmas thing but can never find how to login. I will send a great gift to a cult member just give me the info. Sadly this show is the highlight of my week its the gun guys podcast and a great mix of stupid ass shit and great information. We have everything in this podcast you could ask for from a guy with giant smooth nuts he can use as a wingsuit and another guy who shits himself to death a commie so everyone has someone to hate on a commie killer so everyone has someone to chear for when he isn't threatening to kill the rest of the cast and then theres aaron who is... well idk he is just there and i dont understand why. I tell u one thing i was listening to the twinkie burn episode and as i was i got a call that a plane registered to twinkie llc just crashed and burned and killed both passengers so thats sus.

 by Joshua hammons

This podcast is great you have the cast who are very informative except when they arnt. And you can learn alot from them sometimes. The only thing i don't understand is why aaron is alive i said it like 5 times put he down bc he is suffering. Poor guy has so much to not be thankful for at Thanksgiving when it was his turn to say what he is thankful for i heard he just started crying and saying he wished someone who pit him out of his commie misery. I dont believe in letting things suffer unless its fun. But seriously have some compassion and tell him you found him a new job behind the barn and boom he wont see it coming. #freearon #commiegobyebye #compassion

 by Matt J

This show is like boobs. I like boobs


Hands down my favorite podcast. 5 stars.
Wsl is like a disfunctional family dinner every week. Jeremy is the old grandpa who longs for the days when Americans actually killed commies. He also hates everything modern you like because "two world wars" mentality. Aaron is the pervy uncle who tries to flirt with the waitress and is always in-between jobs. Shawn is the gaudy aunt who hates coming to dinner but can't wait to brag about the new designer thing she bought it the lavish trip she has planned. Nick is the little brother that you kinda forgot is there until the conversation swings his way then he can bring up some obscure fact that no one knew. And Savage is the little nephew who just wants attention. If you replace roblox and fortnight with shitty reddit posts and crypto he will babble incessantly for hours. The people at the other tables wonder how you guys dont kill each other but somehow you makenit work every week.

 by David P

Thank you first for helping with my 1903 rifle. There was a tight spot on the stock. That was part of the problem. I also switched from a 180gr bullet to a 150gr bullet. Something you people mentioned on a previose episode. These fixes helped me to get my fist elk. I appreciate you fellas and the show. Thank you.

 by Mbrown

You guys are pretty great. Basically the only podcast I listen to. I’m not really sure why everyone shits on Aaron all the time he seems like he’s knows how to have fun no matter the situation. I also miss the rants by Jeremy. Keep it up

 by Presten W

Long time lurker and listener. Love the show and have learned some good info from the cast. I can always expect to get my WLS fix. Keep up the good work.
P.S thanks for not being fudds, and savage needs to go to meme school taught by flannel daddy.

 by Jon Eric

Five Square toe boots
Love the pod but not the cast, honestly shawn holds its together but the others are like a bunch or remedial stooges that all have their own faults but don’t know what they are until their called out and even then they just start yelling or calling each other names. Aaron is by far the worst doesn’t bring anything to the show but unemployment and dumb your wife jokes. The thumb well he’s a thumb, Jeremy I don’t mind has great knowledge and love his outburst but he’s one of those I know it all guys and that can get annoying. Nick is dead or on the toilet so there’s that, over all love the podcast and it brings joy to my ears until aaron opens his dumb mouth.

 by Keith

Five stars , It’s nice to listen to while I’m running my forklift at work ( South Florida beer distributor ????) I’ve been able to pick up some good info but it does get hard to listen to Nick, (it’s like listening to a stuttering squirrel ) & after listening to y’all go on and on about Second call defence I was able to talk the wife into getting some coverage, (where’s my shirt ?) LOL., again 5 stars guys.

 by Ill Call You Daddy

5 Stars. Best podcast!
Been a long time listener! It brightens my day to get to listen to the WLS podcast. The cast is good and hilarious!

Jeremy is the best! Favorite part of the podcast! I'm waiting for him to start stacking commies! He owns his own gunshop and range, so thats pretty badass. Probably drinks good American whiskey and chases it with Budweiser . He could beat the whole casts ass's drunk, blind folded and with one hand tied behind his back. He wouldn't even break a sweat. He's probabaly nailed more hot snatch in his day than the whole cast has ever even seen. He seems like a classy guy who would be carrying a nice FN or HK possibly even a 240 belt fed just because. Whose gonna stop him? So fuck it, why not!

Shawn is a cool dude. Seems like he drinks IPA beers and tosses his ole ladys salad though. Hey I don't judge. Whatever tickles your pickle He seems like he's probably always got the newest CZ like all hipsters and wants to show everyone he meets.

Nick is always shitting. His SSB must be raw by now. He drops some pretty random good knowledge when least expected. Probably drinks Busch beer or Keystone. Nothing wrong with that. And gets lots of missionary style except he's on bottom because he might shit. Easy going kinda guy. Probably carrys a Glock or a cool revolver.

A A Ron is always a communist. He is always talking about how he's fag curious or making everything into a gay joke. Which means he hasn't come out of thr closet yet. He's just to scared to tell the cast he's gay in fear they might give him the soap in a sock treatment. He probabaly drinks Cosmopolitans and Fuzzy navals while wearing his wifes dresses down to the local tranny drag show meet and greet. He's definitely seen a few up close. He probably carrys a Taurus curve in his prison purse, or a jennings .22 with a nickel finish.

The other guy thats on here and there...dont remember his name. Always blabbing about something he saw on some reddit think aboit hos Washington state is gonna bend him over again. He probably drinks hard seltzers or mikes soft lemonade. He's definitely held a few in his hands waiting for the cream suprise. Probabaly carrys a 5 shot charter arms chic lady revolver and swears its because it's cheap.

Anyways good show great cast! Highlight of the week is listening to the WLS show. And remember folks, blast a commie in the face because we dont have the space!

 by Adam

Five squares. A wildly entertaining podcast hosted by incredibly knowledgeable cast. However I think what most listeners are concerned with is who are these overweight middle-aged gatekeeping larpers during the boogaloo. Jeremy, probably honestly believes everyone will be his loot drop. In reality, he gets smoked within the first 18 minutes by a twink with a 380 Taurus spectrum who then whispers "just as good" in his ear as the world goes black. Shawn will last a long time but may find himself in trouble by trying to help or be nice to the wrong people. Fortunately, he has the ability to pull his ball sack out of his pants and much like a flying squirrel, float away from danger. Aaron is killed by Jeremy 6 minutes in. Savage is on the side of the state and eventually becomes a high ranking government official. The man most likely and most prepared to make it through the inevitable collapse of society is Nick. However he has no idea that it ever happened because he spent the entire time on the toilet.
Just having a little fun, in all seriousness keep doing what you do because you do something very important. I have learned a hell of a lot from listening to you guys and have also acquired a different perspective on some things. Oh and Aaron, please for the love of God keep up the crudity for crudity's sake, don't let them dull your shine! It's hilarious. #wlsislife #ssb.

 by Nick f

Still waiting on that WLS tattoo.

 by Proud american

Great american patriots

 by TheColonel

I cant wait for my newsletter to arrive. Love it. Nuff said.

 by Big Daddy sugar stick

5 stars not squares. Been listening to this show for about 3 years i think? Who knows, time flies when you like a podcast. Always good information. Best podcast in the gun industry.

Shawn is a good host. Always gitty when he can nerd out on some new product info. Hes always very informative. Cool guy kinda off but still cool. He puts the podcast together very well.

Jeremy is the best. Hes like a wizard of the gun knowledge. Hes a walking encyclopedia of baddassery and gun knowledge. I could see Jeremy as the guy I could drink beer and whiskey in the garage with while throwing rocks at commies as they drive by and waving our American flags. Jeremy is the high light of the show. He hates libtards, democraps and commies just as much as I do. He has the set Aaron straight on his bullshit all the time. Keep up the good work Jeremy.

Nick.is cool. Hes the sleeper. Forget hes on here half the time until he drops some good knowledge or shawn says he went to poop. Mostly the pooping. I envy him for getting to live in Montana though. Its beautiful country up there and yall get a real winter. In from Texas where its always hot and turning into a little LA. Keep on moving commies, Texas dont want yall.
Then theres A A ron. Hes always making everything homosexual. Im pretty sure hes gay. And probabaly held a few in his mouth till the swelling went down. He always seems to be stating a new job. Not sure if its because he touches somebodys pecker at his new job and gets fired, or if hes just a lazy commie. Stop being a commie dude.

Then theres the other guy. I cant ever rember his name, or if theres 2 commies named A A ron. But he seems to only talk about washington state and their absured communistic dictatorship and some thing called reddit. Which i still have no idea what that is. He always laughts at his own stories like communism stories are funny.
Anyways I listen to everyshow every week. Im to much of a poor to join the cult, but it seems like its probabaly a lot of fun. Saw yall at thw NRAAM meet and greet at brownells. Was the highlight of my trip!
Always remember: diabetus sucks, but not as bad as being a ginger.

 by Willis Dickfiner

A cast a lot like their sponsors. Savage, the alopecian commie, is like patriot patch company. He has been around since the beginning but a lot like their patch of the month club he only shows up about once a month. Nick is a lot like medical gear outfitters in the sense that they both deal with medical issues. Medical gear outfitters with edc first aid and Nick with his gut issues. A-A-ron is just like black rhino concealment. Black rhino can fit any gun and accessory into their holsters and A-a-ron can fit into any job because he's constantly in a different one every month. Jeremy, the one who cannot accept through training RDS are better than irons on pistols, is like Brownells. Both have a wealth of knowledge of firearms and firearms accessories and both offer great products in their own respective store. Finally there's Shawn is like second call defense. Even though Shawn is not an attorney, both he and the attorney you can get from second call defense in a self defense situation will overtalk anyone and will always be right.

 by Fucking Bill

Awesome show… I look forward to it Tuesday at work. It makes my work day suck a little bit less.
Ps I can’t afford new work clothes.. and WLS apparel is approved work wear.

 by Jon Gouchenouer

Hey guys, love the show so I haven’t heard a review like this yet so here goes, Shawn is the don of the show since he try’s to keep the peace between the other cast members but is also the owner of the firearms radio network, Aaron is the underboss who often disappoints the don with his occasional annoyance, nick is the lieutenant who just sits quietly and listens to everyone’s bullshit and responds with confidence, savage is your typical ass kissing yes man who thinks everyone should share the wealth like the commie bastard he is, and Jeremy is the enforcer/hitman of the group doing the dirty work no one else wants to after he does a line of coke.

 by Jason

Did Aaron really get a new job or are you guys just covering bc Jeremy murdered aaron for calling him a pogue?

 by Nathan Carrier

I have listened to this show since the beginning. Over the years it has gotten better and better. I have heard many people come and go but the original cast is the best. I was able to mert and greet them a couple of time at different NRA shows and i was great to see all the different podcast people associated with WLS. This show is hands down one of the best i have followed. The cast is great to listen to and hang around. Keep up the great work 5 squares all around.

 by Dragon Arcadia

I messed up. I’m pretty sure I annoyed Jeremy last week with how many times I asked if and when he’d be at the shop. I was on vacation, and I wanted to go visit the Lord of Hate and spend some money there. I figured “I better go no matter what tomorrow in case he remembers this; I don’t want to anger him.” I woke up the next day hungover as hell, and didn’t feel like making the two hour drive. I’m giving the show five squares in hopes of forgiveness. Take care gentlemen, and Jeremy, I’d ask for mercy, but I know that’ll only turn into another chance for you to prove your dominance that I don’t want to be a part of.

 by Froderick Marpenstien

I enjoy

 by Ken

What a crap show! It is like making a casserole, just throw whatever you can in the pan top it with with cheese, bake it and blam a casserole. You guys rock! Everyone has their own unique style or hatred for something and it just makes a great listening experience. No show is the same and they all will have you spewing whatever you have out of your mouth at any given moment, Thanks everyone for entertaining and informing us at the same time.

 by TX Mafia Mexico Chapter

Best podcast hands down. If the cast members were a season they would be the following. Shawn would be spring because it’s gray and mushy. Jermey would be summer because the sun is unbearable and hates you. Nick would be fall because like the leaves his poop changes colors. Savage would be winter because fuck winter. I think that covers the cast. Oh and A-a-Ron was not included because the beatus took him. Not soon enough in my opinion.

 by Damnit Brad

In last weeks show, Savage called Shawn out for long, rambling stories. This shows that Commies don’t pass the self-recogition test and can’t be considered sentient. You’re welcome, Jerombe…

 by Not Aaron

As a listener since a drive trip back from Commiefornia, just needed something dumb to listen to and I found it, episode 165. Holly shit, my wife woke up in the passenger seat and all she heard was - Bleeep the Bleeping after we Bleeped. I am sure Jermey was just ranting again like every episode. He seems to have mellowed out a lot since having kids. Still miss the drinking games, Demented Pozderic song, and washinton only news. Keep up the good work #SSB

 by Lil Stan

I first discovered this show February 2014 when Lil was on the precision rifle podcast and have been listening since. Pretty fucked up that I’ve put myself through that but here we are. Other than the dark ages, IYKYK, it’s a great show, still look forward to it every week. P.S. Shawn, if you still disagree with it, then they didn’t convence you of their answer.

 by Turd Ferguson

WLS is by far my favorite thing to listen to while driving all day for work. Because of this show, I have finished the AS program from SDI, covered myself and my family with Second Call Defense, and continue to gain knowledge daily. The variety of entertainment you all offer across all the different shows always keeps me on my toes and I have to say, even though it is brand new, We Like Skateboarding on the unloaded show is probably my favorite segment.

Keep it up, you guys fuck hard

 by John Doe

Holy smokes, what a mess of a podcast.
It starts with Grizzly Adams as the main host, seemingly rational and kind but then also prone to leaving civilization to be totally alone at the drop of a hat.
It also includes the troll that can't seem to hold a job, but makes it every week to argue points he doesn't necessarily believe in, just to provide a contrarian argument and enrage people, eventually he starts to believe his BS.
Next is the human Q-Tip. The guy that reads the news word for word from whatever web site he plagiarized it from. Please get this guy a telecaster to make his delivery smoother than its current William Shatner-esque delivery.
Next is the calm guy that no one is sure actually really exists. It could be he's just a digitally generated amalgamation AI of youtube personalities. However the AI has glitches, which explains why he's in the "bathroom" so much.
Lastly is the gun control leftists poster boy stereotype for angry white males with guns. He talks about how many commies he'd kill, but hasn't killed any yet. We'll eventually see pictures of him with a red circle and slash at Moms Demand Action events.
The podcast is sometimes enjoyable, as long as alcohol is involved; by alcohol I mean high proof that both the hosts and listener is drinking.
Sometimes they talk about guns; but usually they are discussing trailers, RVs, cast iron, bacon grease, sucky jobs, stabbing people, MineCraft, and most any topic other than guns.
Their sharing of firearm knowledge is so good in fact, their listeners can’t make a decent guess in Family Fudd.
All of them are probably on some Federal “alphabet bois” watch list, and half the listeners are too.
Listening to this podcast won’t make you smarter, may not make you laugh, you probably won’t learn much about guns, but it’s better than a sharp stick in the eye, barely.

 by Dennis

Great show! Except when the machine gun moron is hosting! What a shit show! Here’s a couple ideas give Savage the this week in guns show with the cast of gun and gear review. Savage can give us all the news like he doesn’t now. Savage can ignore the other cast members so we don’t have to hear them fail at trying to be funny. Let Jon Patton and Othais do the gun and gear review podcast.

 by Jack Mehoff

Semi functional alcoholism and full retardedness at its finest.
This podcast is a mix between a sirens song and cats fucking. Shawn is trying to herd chickens while Savage is knuckle deep in his nose, Jeremy is either muted, pissed off or throwing out some obscure knowledge on a topic nobody cares about. AARon is being AARon and Nick is probably shitting has pants or dead. I love every minute of it and will recommend this podcast to all! Five squares.

 by Not The Poe

The Herrin

Once upon a podcast query, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volumes of episodes to view—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my screen to view.
“’Tis some pop-up,” I muttered, “tapping at my screen to view—
Only this, but that to do.”

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the podcast;—vainly I had sought to broadcast
From my mother’s basement of sorrow—sorrow for the lost venue—
For the rare and radiant hosts whom the devils named Herrin,
Nick, Thumb, The Ogre…and a Jew.

And the podcast, sad, uncertain, claimed to never be a burden,
Thrilled me—filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
“’Tis some episode entreating entrance at my cochlear door—
Some late episode entreating me to listen to;—
This it is, and that’ll do.”

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
I smashed the download button while I caressed my phone anew.
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my screen to view,
That I scarce was sure I heard you”—here I opened Stitcher to view;—
Pure bliss there, and that’ll do!

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream Fix by Q;
But the silence, it was broken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only words there spoken were exasperated, “That’ll do?”
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the words, “That’ll do!”—
Merely this and the Fix by Q.

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
“Surely,” said I, “surely that is something in this podcast entrapping;
Let me see, then, what the threat is, and this mystery of blue—
Let my heart be still a moment at this mystery’s debut;—
’Tis an Aaron!”, what will we do?!?

Open here I flung my jacket, revealing Bertha from the Hackett
In the hopes their steely raven contents to ignore;
For the ramblings of Aaron, leaving a paradise near barren,
Would drive a sane and psycho both their views askew—
For his mouth, it would not close, until a giant man arose,
At the behest of the Herrin, “Arron, that’ll do!”

The juggernaut was not beguiling, the Aaron’s face no longer smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the lashing that he spew,
“Though thou may be a friend, thine logic hath no sense,
For your words often show that liberty you eschew.”
As the rage-quitting begins, another cast member steps in.
Quoth the Herrin “That’ll do!”

Much I marveled at one ungainly, to hear discourse so plainly,
Though his bubba answers had little meaning—little relevancy bore;
For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blessed with seeing only Washington state’s news.
It begged to question the sanity of those cultists who paid their dues.
Quoth the Herrin “You’ll pay, too!”

But the Nick, sitting lonely on the Herrin’s right, spoke only
A few words, as if his soul in those words he did outpour.
Often quippy, though he mutters—and his beard sure needs some cutters—
And his wisdom he imparts on the variants of AK-74—
His stints are oft quite brief, his bowels demand relief-
Then the Herrin queries, “Number two?”

Startled at the stillness broken by the ogre’s burping token,
“Doubtless,” said Herrin, “what it utters is its only stock and due.
And the Thumb, he keeps repeating, like a ravished sheep is bleating,--
The silliness of Washington, its many laws askew.
Followed fast by Nick and Aaron, one is sick and one a Karen.
That’ll do. Yes, that will do.

But the Cast still beguiling all his fancy into smiling,
Herrin placed a Savage Hi-point in front of screen, and cast and crew;
Then, upon the barrels glinting, He betook himself to licking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking that this ominous hue of blue
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous gun of poors
Meant in croaking “You’re a poor!”

This he sat engaged in guessing, many syllables expressing
To the cult whose fiery eyes now burned into his half-beard core;
This and more he sat divining, his head with whiskey reclining
On the cushion’s velvet lining of a couch the back room bore,
But whose velvet-violet lining with the lamp-light gloating o’er,
The Ogre presses, “eight inches more!”

Then, he thought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censor
Swung by Facebook whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
“Wretch,” he cried, “The Dems hath sent thee—Politicians of the lefty,
Respite— and nepenthe from memories of Facebook, The Censor;
Quaff, oh quaff this kind whiskey and forget this hag censor!”
Quoth the Censor, “Nevermore!”

 by Bryan G

Five lotion bottles. Listening to this podcast is like an episode of COPS where the drunk boyfriend starts beating on his girlfriend, and she calls 911. The police show up to the trailer park and get pointed to the right place by denizens who they're on a first name basis with. They wade through piles of bud light cans, and start dragging him off, and the girlfriend starts screaming at them about how he didn't do anything wrong and starts throwing things. Meanwhile, the backup arrives and start chasing a couple of randoms who bolted because of warrants. Like COPS, it's a lot of fun and very educational.

 by Jeremy’smomslover6942069

Big good

 by Richard Cranium

5 Squares! I will keep this short and to the point unlike Savage's news segment. The show is great and provides good information on guns while also being completely ridiculous at the same time. The cult Signal group is always a good place to share information, get a laugh or argue like retards over something completely useless. The show and the cult make a great community to share ideas and listen to like minded individuals. Keep up the good work.

 by rhino

Gay, boring and stupid! 40 CAL RULES BITCH!

 by Zeke_1977

5 squares for Jeremy. I believe that I have been listening since back when she that shall not be named, was a part of the show. I thought that it was cool that you had a girl on the show. Sorry

Now that I am officially a cranky old man. I have been enjoying Jeremy's rants even more! Keep them coming buddy. You guys provide gun stuff info, future attractions & plenty of Dude-Bro comedy. Remember, I'm CRANKY! Keep up the good work guys and catch you on the flip side. Remember, I'm OLD!

 by Lenny W

Rating =Three octagons, one parallelogram, and a trapezoid.

Been listening since show 80 something, and unlike she who shall not be named, I can still tolerate this great group of Goobers. OG saggy balls actually knows his shit and sometimes can be humble about it, Nick is damn near a bona fide genius who's achievements are only limited by his tether to the toilet, Aaron hasn't raped anyone that we know of yet, so I guess that's a good thing
Savage is still one of my favorites even if we can see his face now. Jeremy is probably the most caring, loving, sensitive individual on the show and he only yells curses and becomes violent to try to hide how much he cares. He's like Gru, intelligent, wants to be evil, but those little girls changed his heart. Now he's a bitch...

Excellent podcast, it just become super expensive because they tell you about all the fun stuff. And to think all I had to do was send BH pictures to Shawn to get into the cult.

 by Shill

I almost just shit my pants doing squats at the gym trying to not laugh at these guys. Been listening since before jeramy could close, savage had a face, nick learned how to talk, Aaron was creepy with the wives, and Shawn got 171ed still feels like a group of friends getting together. Now that I’m noxious cloud has faded and people no longer are looking at me like I’m dieing inside I’m done with this review.

 by Mark Jawn

Five squares
The best podcast there is, love when Nick Lunch comes back from a shit and drops more knowledge on the topic than he did waste in the toilet, and although Aaron Kegel sometimes says things that are flat out incorrect I still really like his stupid crude for crudity sake comments too, But I’m bi curious as to why the black lawyer fella who can’t take anything seriously isn’t on the podcast more he’s very enjoyable. I really like Salvage’s news segment where he’s incapable of summarizing and going to the cast for comment, despite him being a crypto cuck. The Down syndrome Shrek character Jeremy Posdicklick is the star of the show though and would shine On a short form rant show like you guys have done in the past. Finally I’d say what I like about the host Shane Harding but it’d probably trigger him to go off talking about himself for an hour so I’ll spare us all. Seriously though the podcast is fucking great I love you guys.

 by Patrick Benson

5 Stars not squares.
Best podcast! This podcast brings comic relief to my day. Jeremy is my favorite! He is like a book of knowledge and is truely an inspiration. He is probabaly the most normal one on the podcast. He is a international lord of hate! And he will pimp slap yo ass with some gun knowledge then litterally beat the shit out of you. Shawn is pretty cool also. He is always upbeat and optimistic. He is like a kid getting to go to the candy store with new products. I like his honest opinion of reviews and his integrity on sponsors. Nick is cool but i forget hes there half the time becuse hes so quiet. Not sure if its because his internet sucks or if hes always pooping. Either way hes cool and always pretty chill. Everytime i hear A Arron talk i swear theirs 1980's comblock russian national anthem music in the back ground. He seems like the type of guy that would trade his weeks cheese rations and first born for a highpoint.380. And Mr. Reddit. Always reading reddit(even though i still have no idea what reddit is) and always acts like hes surprised of the new edict from the grand masters supreme king prime minister hollier than thou of Washington state. Washington is a failed state. They pass a new commie law everyday. They literally hate America. We should sell Washington state to canada and buy Mexico. Move out of washington state unless you like taking it in the ass from big daddy government. In which case youll catch the monkey pox and probabably spread it to A Arron. Anyways love the podcast keep up the good work.

 by 509notacommie

Ill give you 5 stars all based on Shawn I have deep respect for Shawn's approach to females in the industry I am raising 3 daughters an I am a happily married man. Shawn's anti gun bunny stance has been noble in an industry that rewards Gun bunnies.
I will aslo say as a long time listener listening to episode 25 of unloaded .... I was a bit shocked to hear Shawn announce Aero as a partner when he damned them a few episodes back . The company called him and threatened to remove his dealer status for not ordering, Shawns response "fuck them cancel my account ill buy your stuff whosale instead of direct" ( i paraphrased a bit. fastforward a few weeks now they " are good people, good product and good business. It raises questions on the "this dosent smell right note". Wrting a 5 star review and raising a question like this will undoubtedly ensure i will not win the tshirt LOL. keep up the good work I am sure there is a reason for the flip flop with Aero but.... seems susssss.

 by Vince H

Five Canadian Hub Caps.

My respect for Savage went up considerably after the steady cam gun rig. That thing is awesome, but why can’t he just summarize, editorialize, and go to the cast for comments? It should be called “Going On and On and On with Savage1r”.

Aaron has gotten way better over the last year or so but every now and then he has to pick some dumb fight. I guess the only way he can get off after the show is if Shawn loses his cool and yells at him.

Jeremy, congrats on the new kid. I think God knows better than to let you have a son. I hope your blood pressure remains acceptable.

I think Shawn just hates 22LR because it’s bigger than him and the only way he can cope is by pretending it misfires more than he does.

Nick, have you ever seen the movie Kung Pow: Enter the Fist? It’s the worst movie ever made, but it’s funny because it’s supposed to be the worst movie ever made, which makes it great. I think you’d like it.

I’ve written a sea chanty about the cast. Maybe one day I’ll record it. Probably not.

That is all.

 by David P

Thanks WLS. I enjoy listening to your podcasts and will someday watch one. Gunfights and Family Fudd are great new additions. I say you up the stakes and do these segments of the show where everyone is within arms reach of Jeremy. Thanks for all the entertainment. oh and also, more bald man...

 by Rainer B

Blame the cult
The Drunken Cult
-a joke-
It started as all great adventures do.
In a tavern.
They were sitting at the local tavern nearest their hobbit holes called the sweet and salty burrow.
The celebration was for Shawn's new invention, the glorious blunderbuss! Jono helped of course, at
least if you hear him tell it… he means well. But it was an invention of need, the great grey wizard
Aaron is seeking help from these crafty few to help stop an orc rising in the south east who’s being led
by a new warlord. The tales tell of a beast of great size and rage who wants to sweep through the
kingdoms and crush the people under his feet.
“No Jono, I have it covered, I’m just testing it for now before I release it to the Aaron the grey”
“But you asked for my help” Jono says with a false pout.
“oh hush you two, its going to take many more of those to get this job done! I’ll trust to my
woodsman axe, it hasn’t failed me yet” says a dwarf with a great red beard that jiggles as he
‘hurumphs’ at the two.
“we only have so long before the hordes reach us Nick” says Shawn to the dwarf. “don’t upset
your stomach worrying about what I’m doing.”
The bitching is interrupted as the local gays start arguing to the side, a Sam and Mike as they
are known. Its not Mikes fault, Sam was never the same after his master Frodo left him so long ago.
“If you keep this up im going to go fuck THAT one” Sam says as he points at a confused Jono
“Wait man thats not my thing, chill and listen to your wife” says Jono as he backs away from
the stick that Sam threatens him with yet again.
“Lets just get to bed guys, I cant get this to work but I know of a human in a nearby village that
may help. We can go there tomorrow.” Yawns Shawn as he rolls up his blunderbuss in a dark oiled
They rose early the next morning singing ‘this is shit” as they readied their ponies for the short
journey away. Shawn takes the lead as he munches on his favorite breakfast cake followed behind by
his trusty Jono. Sam and Mike, now sober and made up yet again, meet with them as they leave.
“Wheres the dwarf?” ask Mike, “ all that talk about his axe, I thought he would be charging
“ Blowing up the privy I’d imagine” says Shawn “ You know he needs to go every damn hour”.
“I’m here, I was filling my wast purse with shot. You forgot it for you new toy there,” says Nick
as he hobbles out with a suspicious trailing of paper on his boot.
They traveled through the morning, staying to the well trodden path enjoying the shade from the
tall, old, trees with their long drooping limbs. The cool breeze in their beards and hair refreshing them
from all they drank the night before. With some lighter spirits they follow along a freshly painted fence
leading to the entrance gate with a hanging sign reading “Savages gadgets and wonders”.
“This is the place” says Shawn to the others as the dismount and tie their ponies to railings “
Think they’re here?”
As he ask an explosion shakes the ground with a black smoke rising from behind a stoutly built
sod house with a low hanging roof. Bursting through the gate, the troupe run to the smoke as a
coughing pair walk out from around the corner laughing loudly. With googles on his pale head and a
leather apron with an array of tools the shorter of the two wave a greeting to them.
“No worries friends we are fine, just a mishap with some black powder, turns out you can make
quite an explosion when you pack it into a clay ball and ignite it… around the barrel you forgot wasnt
empty!” he says with mirth. “ I’m Savage and this is my assistant Craig” he says as he waves to a man
with a hood and mask waving as the sounds of deep laughter comes from him.
“ Is that a plague doctor mask?” ask Nick
“ yes it is! It helps with the fumes of the chemicals I’m working with, I stuff the beak with
flowers and herbs”.
Though Jono noticed something strange, a symbol in dark thread on the side of the mask like a
great octopus of some sort. Memories of long ago flash in his head of a cult he longed to be in. could
this man be a member? The lost Cult of the flaming arms?
“I’m glad to see you well, we need your help. Were trying to get my creation to work properly
and maybe make more to hand out to others. A horde is soon to come led by a beast of a warchief.”
says Shawn.
“ I’ve heard of him,” says Savage “ he has slayed many of my people to the east… Hes known
as Jerambe the slayer of men.” He tries to hid it but a trail of wetness flows gently down through the
dark stains upon his face. “if I can help destroy that creature I would gladly do so!”
It took two days of drinking, yelling, breaking things, and finally coming to terms with the fact
that the blunderbuss wasn’t what they needed.
After many hours, Savage and Craig worked together with the help from locals to gather
supplies for a new redesign. It was so close and genius, a controlled explosion that can propel a led
arrow with great force into an enemy! But it needed fine tuning. With the help from Shawn and some
how Jono they made a working prototype. It had a 16in barrel, a comfortable stock that could adjust
from hobbit, to dwarf, to even an elf, a box that could be exchanged for a fresh one and best of all…
little brass tubes filled with the great powder and capped with the lead arrow. A single hobbit could
hold off thirty orcs in a narrow way with such a creation.
“well shawn” says Craig “what shall you name it?”
After a long though he felt it was only right he named it after the grey wizard that started them
on this adventure, “I shall call it Aaron Rage!”
“It took a few tries to get to this one” Said Savage “Fifteen to be exact, but we got it right
finally… me and my team can make many more, we’ll arm every hobbit and dwarf within these hills
and stomp Jerambe and his horde.”
“Then I shall tell everyone to get ready for their very own AR15 and send them for all the
supplies you need.” Shawn shouted back as he ran out the door.
Jono learned. It was the cult of the flaming arms and they welcomed him in, it was the cult
members with their magical metals and powders that were helping Savage make such devices to hold
off the evils but they needed help. Jono was their man, in his annoying ways he brought more to the
table, Craig shouted at him from time to time but Mike showed him support and gave guidance. Sam
took notice, with a glare he gripped his wooden staff. Truly was never the same after Frodo.
They took shifts, the whole cult, one third rested, one third trained, and one third pumped out
the great arrows that would be needed to oh to soon.
They knew the time had come when the ground shook. They felt the horde long before they ever
saw them coming from the tree lines.
There was a great field between the orc horde and the ragtag army, it would be a great spot for
clashing shield and sword. Poor fools would never understand what hit them.
They came in deep and wide waves, it was nearly overpowering even with the AR15 mowing
them down. Many of the orcs fell but they took many of the Cult and the locals with them. With loud
war cries their axes and swords fell, breaking the guns in half and loosing the limbs of the defenders.
They were running out, the great weapons would be useless without the led arrows. The moment came
too soon, grabbing the barrel the hobbits, dwarves, and even the elves slammed into the orc horde.
Using the buts of guns, knives, and even old swords and axes they chopped at the last wave. Nick died
with axe in hand, shitting on the boots of the brute that finally slew him. Craig lost his mask with his
head, Savage was creaming mad and swinging his work hammers but fail himself with a spear in the
guts. Jono was holding Mike up, they nearly made it but Mike was bleeding to much, his outspoken
counselor died in his arms.
“MIKE!” Screams Sam, “ What have you done you fool!”
“ It wasnt me, I tried to drag him away.”
“I knew something was growing between you two, and now you’ve gotten him killed!”
Sam leaped onto Jono and swung with vengeance, breaking his staff across Jono’s shoulders. “I
swore id would fuck you to death with this damn stick and now I shall make it come true!”
They both bled, Sam didn’t get what he wanted, it was to fucked up, Jono stabbed him right
before the shaft pierced his kidney, he was nearly thankful. It could have been worse.
Trailing through the fallen Shawn absorbed the horrors of what surrounded him, so many gone
but they did it, they stopped the horde.
He dragged himself wearily to where a great orc layed, propped up with his giant sword planted
in the ground as a backrest.
“Are you him, are you Jerambe the slayer of men” Shawn asked.
“Yes, I was.” the orc said with blood leaking from a great many holes.
“ Good, now we can finish this” and with that he lifted the blunderbuss, it wasnt great but it
would do for this. It blew a whole it the orcs chest and as he fell over Shawn dropped his trousers and
tossed away the gun. Straddling the dead orc he dipped down and sunk his mighty low hanging sack
into its mouth and laughed to himself. “That was for my friends”.
late that night Shawn is sitting at the Sweet and Salty Burrow and is disturbed by the ruffling of
a grey cloak.
“You did it my friend, at a great cost, you did it”
“ Go away Aaron, I’m in no mood for your tricks right now.”
“Very well, but I told you I would stop the invading army, that we would. I just needed your
support. A rising to the signal of great virtue. May the weight of heroics not weigh you down old
“ … Shut up Aaron, go get ready… we have to be on stage tomorrow night for our show. The
people of the tavern and the cult will be waiting to hear all about this one.”
Can’t believe I just wrote that. I’m not going back through though, my ass is going to bed. It was all in
good fun and inspired by the BS in the signal chat on the day of march 3rd, 2022. Hope you fuckers
enjoy, I did, this is much better than postal work!

 by Patrick Benson

Best podcast! Been a listener for for about 4 or 5 years. I listen to every show! Jeremy is the best. Shawn is pretty darn cool to. Nick is also pretty cool but often super quiet and forget hes on sometimes. Got to see yall at NRAAM in Houston. Still have to poster Jeremy signed, diabetus sucks, but not as bad as being a ginger. It was pretty cool! Favorite part is when Jeremy rips A A ron. I forgot who the reddit washingotn srate guy is, hes aight.

 by Jorts McDenim-Jean-Shorts

This show is like giving 5 kittens to 5 different Great Apes and seeing what they do.

Jeremy the Gorilla, has torn his kitten clean in half and shoved it up his ass so fast I'm not quite sure he didn't already have these actions planned since birth.

Shawn the Orangutan is kind and gentle to his kitten, he pets and plays with his kit... Wait, that's just his shockingly smooth balls... Where's Shawns kitten?

Aaron the Chimpanzee has swallowed his kitten whole. No further notes.

Nick the Bonobo's kitten has been supplied with fresh milk every hour, we don't know where he is getting the milk. (Can someone get Nick's kitten out of the enclosure? I don't feel comfortable with him having a kitten anymore.)

Savage the Gibbon appears to have given his kitten a hammer, a sickle, a 1933 Mosin-Nagant Model 1891/30, and copy of The Communist Manifesto by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. Savage has since been terminated and the kitten sent to therapy.

Enjoy the show guys and keep your kittens close.

 by Blacksimus Maximus

1. Preheat your smoker to 275°F.
2. Slice the pork belly into 1 1/2 inch cubes.
3. Combine the brown sugar, paprika, salt, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder and black pepper, mixing to break up any lumps. Generously spread the mixture over the pork belly cubes, rotating the cubes to ensure that all sides are equally seasoned.
4. Place the pork belly cubes in your smoker with 3 to 4 wood chunks on the hot coals. Close the lid and cook for 2 hours.
5. Transfer the pork belly cubes onto a large aluminum drip pan and cover with aluminum foil. Place the pan into your smoker for another 2 hours.
6. Combine all ingredients for the Sweet & Sticky Barbecue Sauce into a saucepan and bring to a simmer for 10 minutes.
7. Uncover the aluminum pan and drain all liquid. Pour the Sweet & Sticky Barbecue Sauce over the pork belly burnt ends and mix until all cubes are evenly coated.
8. Place the pan back into the smoker and open the air vents to raise the temperature of the smoker to 350°F. Cook for an additional 10-15 minutes.
9. Remove the pan from your smoker and let rest at room temperature for 20 minutes before serving.

 by P. Shepard

Fresh Blueberry Cheesecake Pie
1 crust from 1 box (14.1 oz) refrigerated Pillsbury™ Pie Crusts (2 Count), softened as directed on box
1 package (8 oz) cream cheese, softened
1 cup sour cream
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla

Blueberry Topping
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cups fresh blueberries

1: Heat oven to 425°F. Slowly and gently unroll crust. Place crust in ungreased 9-inch pie plate; press firmly against side and bottom. Fold excess crust under and press together to form thick crust edge; flute. Line crust with 10-inch parchment paper or foil circle. Fill bottom of crust to about 1/2 inch deep with metal or ceramic pie beans (use rice or dry beans if you don’t have pie beans). Bake 10 minutes.

2: Reduce heat to 375°F. Remove parchment paper and beans from crust. Return crust to oven; bake an additional 4 to 6 minutes or until bottom looks dry and is just starting to turn light brown.

3: Meanwhile in a large bowl, beat together cream cheese, sour cream, sugar, eggs, and vanilla with electric mixer on medium-high speed just until blended; pour into crust.

4: Cover edge of crust with strips of foil to prevent excessive browning. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until filling is set but center still jiggles slightly when moved. Cool 1 hour at room temperature.

5: Meanwhile in 1 1/2 quart saucepan, mix sugar, cornstarch and cinnamon. Stir in water and lemon juice until smooth. Stir in 1 cup blueberries. Heat to boiling over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil 2 minutes or until thickened and most of the berries have popped. Stir in remaining 1 cup blueberries.

6: Spread blueberry mixture over cooled cheesecake. Refrigerate at least 3 hours before serving. Store in refrigerator.

 by Vince H

Vince’s Homestyle Cream Pie

1 pie shell, store-bought or homemade
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup sugar
1 cup half-and-half
2 egg yolks
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg, optional
1/4 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350º F and place pie dough in a standard pie dish.
Combine sugar, flour, nutmeg and salt in a large bowl and whisk toFUCK’ER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY
bake for 9 months
kill yourself

 by David

These guys earn their stars by providing a fun and light podcast with a firm stance on freedom and firearms. My only complaint is there isnt a "kyle" making a comment on every show. Hearing you guys tear them apart for their attemps at trolling gave me great joy. Thanks gents.

 by Pea Shooter

Can we talk about how hypocritical Herron is??? Hates cancel culture, first one to say the latest company he’s cancelled. Only he can be crude for crudity’s sake, hates .22 while getting his ammo free. Fuck right off. Other guys are great, except savage.

 by David Lettuce

I love this podcast but it's very hate filled.
For example, Jeremy hates commies and poor people while Nick seems to hate clean toilets and functional Internet. Savage hates capitalism and succinct comments. Aaron appears to hate steady employment and reasonable, well thought out conversation. And then there is Shawn... he only hates silence and older poon. Great show, keep up the hate work!

 by johnnyBee

I'm actually sick to my stomache that Jeremy is single handedly destroying 246 years of Marine Corps tradidion. Every single time there is a highly technical question getting incorrectly bashed around by the rest of the cast... in comes Jeremy with the right answer. Then he polishes it off with accurate facts and figures.

Sheesh, 246 years of building an image of "dumb as a rock", "let them draw and they eat the crayons", etc etc. All out the window! Now what will they do with all the crayons ?

 by Myles

I look forward to you show every week. Y’all make me laugh and keep me informed. Jeremy is the angry Brandon herrara, Sean tried but fail to keep the show on the rails, nick is the game show host want but don’t deserve, savage is the only one right when it comes Canik, and I like Aaron but not enough to risk my rights to keep and bear arms enough to water board him. I can see me being charged for torturing a will party. Keep up the good…work?

 by Mike Hunt

5 of the largest squares you can find.

I drive for a living and it always makes for a great day when I can start my morning off with WLS, it's the best god damned podcast on the whole fucking internet.

I've realized that this show (or any of the spin-offs) are a lot like pizza; even when it's bad, it's still pretty good. In fact, you can sum up the hosts like the toppings on a pizza; Shawn is like the cheese that holds everything together, plus he's pretty cheesy.
Jeremy is the sauce because without the sauce it wouldn't be a fucking pizza at all, would it? No, it'd just be fucking cheesy bread... Plus, Jeremy is saucy...
Nick is the pepperoni, it's a classic and everyone is cool with it.
Aaron is the jalapeños, not because he's spicy, but because sometimes I'm feeling it, and sometimes I'm not.
Finally, Savage is mushrooms... Because mushrooms are fucking disgusting and I don't want them anywhere near my pizza...

I love this shit and I hope you guys never stop.

Bring back the Positively Pozderac song before the reviews start.


 by Bourbon sipper

Love this show, I look forward to every episode. Shawn is the driver behind this craziness and kinda steers the bus while whiskeyfied, hitting dead horses and sacred cows. Aaron is supposed to be helping with directions but he got distracted by the udders on one of the sacred cows (female, duh) and is saying, "Whoah!". He forgot to wear pants. Jeremy is sitting grumply looking at the ceiling wishing he could mount a Ma deuce up there and single-handedly end communism. In Mindcraft? Nick is in the back and is...well you know what Nick is doing, uh, making his brain bigger, yeah, with brain things. Savage is on his phone on Reddit not paying attention to anybody while trying to sell his bread to various groups of people with gluten allergies or on keto. For Better or Worse the exhaust fumes of the bus is actually airborne cocaine which is why I keep coming back for more. Please, don't stop.

 by Casey

[] [] [] [] []

Love the show! Not even mad that the unedited stream is free now, after joining the cult twice! Hopefully I can get to a meetup eventually!

Love the dynamic of the cast!

 by Jennen Shaffer


Been listening for years now and cant imagine my life without the we lile slurpies podcast. While y'all are technically our cult daddies most of y'all are like the uncles we all have. We all have thay one "know it all" (nick), the one "smartass" (Aaron), the "crazy one" (thumb), the one thats "always got issues" (Shawn (sickness and women), and the "cool uncle (Jeremy). But theyre all people you cant live without even if they annoy the piss outta you (aaron). But heres a question for you all, if the cast was utensils what would y'all be? I think Jeremy would be a spork (always useful), Savage would be a "collectable" spoon (useless), Nick would be a steak knife (always cuts to good stuff), Shawn would be a fork (white cake eating fatty), and Aaron would be a gold spoon (Jew known why). Thanks borthers, keep up the craziness and LETS GO BRANDON.

 by Galactamos

Come for the gun related content, stay for the community.
When I started listening to the WLS podcast I was initially looking to increase my knowledge on firearms and related content. In addition to checking that box the episodes never failed to make me laugh and I soon found myself addicted. Each of the cast members contributes something unique to the show creating an informative and often hilariously inappropriate masterpiece. Oddly, the other listeners, in spite of being weirdos, make the show watching experience even more dynamic. Bottom line, love the show. #WLSisLife #SSB

 by Fucking Bill

5 triangles
New to the show and it is amazing.. it feels like a good hang with your buddies. There is a lot of semi-friendly ribbing mixed in with some really good information. I jumped back a bunch of episodes to try to catch up on some of the inside jokes. I really wish you’d bring back that lady that sounded like the nanny. She carried the show
Love what you all do.. thanks and shoot straight.

 by edged91

5 squares!!!!! ok guys, hear me out. episode 459 gunfights. the part that is most important to not cheap out on is a bolt carrier group. because if you cheap out on the BCG parts could be out of spec. such as the firing pin or the extractor. these can cause malfunctions. you can buy the best and most expensive barrel on the market but if your rifle keeps having malfunctions it isn't going to matter if you got the best barrel money could buy, because the AR will not function properly? what do yall think?

also the podcast is FANTASTIC.
thanks for all your work.

 by P. Shepard

Key Lime Pie
2 cups graham-cracker crumbs

8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted and cooled

1/4 cup sugar

2 cups sweetened condensed milk, from 2 (14-ounce) cans

8 large egg yolks

3/4 cup freshly squeezed Key lime juice

2 tablespoons grated Key lime zest

Heat oven to 375°F. Combine graham-cracker crumbs, butter, and sugar in a medium bowl; mix well. Press into a 9-1/2-inch deep-dish pie plate, and bake until lightly browned, about 12 minutes. Remove from oven, and transfer to a wire rack until completely cooled.

Lower oven to 325°F. In a medium bowl, gently whisk together condensed milk and egg yolks. Add Key lime juice and zest and mix until smooth. Pour into the prepared, cooled crust to the top edge. Shake to even if needed.

Return pie to oven, and bake until the center is set but still quivers when the pan is nudged, 15 to 17 minutes. Let cool completely on a wire rack.

Chill before serving, using the freezer to quick-chill for 10–15 minutes if in a hurry. Garnish with whipped cream (about 2 cups liquid).

 by Edged91

5 squares! Dudes can we please get a podcast where all of you get super drunk. Like the one episode where Shawn got shitfaced. But you all need to be on that level. It would be AWESOME!

 by Rainer B

I came for the giveaways and stayed for the people for years after they stopped. Jeremy brings knowledge and anger to the table that I agree with more than whats legal, Aaron is the break in the echo chamber thats needed at time and I enjoy his crudeness, Nick is the little brother that this group needs and hes a damn good voice of reason, Savage is our thumb of news and random loud laughs. Shawn is the stressed dad figure most of these guys need to keep shit in line. They dont know everything but theyre honest and try to stay intellectually consistent and thats a rarity. #wlsislife, #needanotherLil

 by Scary Dr

Screw these guys.
1. They end every podcast asking for money. They ask if it was worth a dollar. I say generally it is not. I give them money every month anyway because they're so inedibly useless in life I consider this charity to be my good deed for the month.
2. Everybody on the show acts like they know everything, but they clearly do not. Basically only the big dumb one will acknowledge the limit of his own knowledge, but then he'll curb that by claiming that if he doesn't know then nobody else could possibly know
I really don't understand how the big dumb one could be the least stupid of the bunch. But there it is.
3. Maybe they're pro gun "millennials" but they're still not pro gun enough. Thir leader has finally moved them away from using other people's platforms, but he still checks them when anybody tries to say what reallyneeds to be said. Oh but now they can swear. How edgelord of him.
4. The best thing I can say is that if you're stuck on a long drive and need something to listen to, this technically is something to listen to.

 by Sven S.

If the cast of this shit show was on pornhub. Jeremy is definitely the glory hole type, Nick would specialize in Cleveland steamers, Aaron would be a hitchhiker with no way to pay for ride, Shawn would be a piss whore and savage is the stepsister stuck in the drier.

 by Earl J.

Best Podcast ever. Better than the rest. Like a 300 blackout round mixed in your buddies 223 magazines, this show is a blast. I'm not an OG listener, I started when I heard Shawn at the Gun Collective Panel 2019 and the This Week in Firearms podcast, so professional and cordial. Then I branched out to WLS... well now it's the only podcast I listen to. I can only describe Shawn as a human mullet: business in the front (smooth balls) and party in the back (SSB). This year the cast upped their game with new segments and new shows like unloaded/master of none ( Savage for 2023 please fucking summarize, editorialize, turn to cast for comments). Over the years this podcast turned me into a single issue voter: the right for personal freedoms. If Aaron wants to smoke crack and fuck a listener's wife, do it. If Jeremy wants to vibe check drug dealers/ gangbangers/ p o l i t i c i a n s in Mein Kampf - pardon me- minecraft, so be it. If Nick wants to Bus Build a new colon, great! And if Savage wants to read the news from reddit by rote... no fuck they/them. Savage you need summarize, editorialize, turn to cast for comments. Love the show please play the psycho Jeremy song. #waterboarAaron

 by P. Shepard

German apple pie
Pastry shell
1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
½ half teaspoon salt
½ cup shortening
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 to 3 tablespoons ice water
1 cup sugar
¼ cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
6 cups sliced peeled tart apples
1 cup heavy whipping cream
Whip cream (optional)
Pastry shell:
In a small bowl combine flour, salt. Cut in shortening until crumbly, add vanilla and gradually add water tossing with fork until dough forms into a ball.
Roll out pastry flat to fit a 9 inch pie plate. Trim pastry to ½ inch beyond edge of pie plate, flute edges.
For filling:
Combine sugar, flour, cinnamon. Sprinkle 3 tablespoons into shell. Later in half of apples, sprinkle with more sugar mixture. Repeat layers. Pour heavy whipping cream all over.
Bake at 450° for 10 min. Reduced to 350° and bake for 55 to 60 min. or until apples are tender cool on wire rack. Serve with whipped cream if desired.

 by Sleeperific

5 rectangles. The cast of the show is like a sub. Nick is the salami, he's a little dry but got some good flavor if you let it sit in your mouth a while. Aaron is the ham, when on point is a great addition, but can get slimy and ruin the whole thing. Savage is the banana pepper because a little bit is great but too much is overwhelming and you end up tossing it out. Jeremy is the tomato only because I know how much he would hate being compared to a fruit. Shawn Is the white bread holding it all together. All in all an excellent combo. 10/10, would smash again.

 by Dixie Normus

Awesome show! Super informative, with a colorful cast. Shawn operates in pure chaos but somehow pulls it off, Aaron is the classic smartass that everyone wants to strangle, Nick is that quiet guy that knows everything but lets everyone else dig themselves into a hole and finally Jeremy is the raging psychopath thats going to drop dead from high blood pressure caused by yelling at communists. They sometimes have a bald guy on there but noone really listens to him. But theres a few small problems.
One, the hilarious jokes they tell and the wacky conversations they have almost make me bust out laughing at work exposing that I have a hidden bluetooth in my ear.
Two, because of these beautiful, respectful humans my 3 year old can clearly say "Fuck" so theres that.
10/10 best show around, I look forward to all future episodes!

 by The Waco Kid

Giving this show 5 squares, just like the five square meals K-A-a-ron eats daily. So thinking of this show as a breakfast, Shawn is the eggs. I may pepper him with insults until he gets salty, but you can't have the show without him. Aaron is a tomato slice, because who ever wants that around? Nick is grits, a perfect vehicle for anything substantial and goes well with anything. Jeremy is biscuits with gravy - the best part of the meal whether you love him or hate him, and Savage is obviously milquetoast. Been listening for years, and hope to keep listening and watching live for years to come.

 by Fuckin’ Bill

Better than genital warts…
One of the best firearm podcast around .. almost as good as gun funny….
These guys talk about almost anything then finally get to a firearm topic. I am Loving the new segments (family fudd, hot seat, and gunfight). Keep it up gents

I need more Jeremy rants like I need more cowbell.

 by Dusky - E L

Eternal Squares for WLS!
Me Listen Long Time...

I have come out from hiding in the woods to leave a review for this fine show and all of it's glory.
These guys know their stuff. A bit above my head on some technical discussions but I enjoy them. Almost as much as watching that otter disembowel that snapping turtle. Cringe, laugh and learn, I couldn't have described it better. Jeremy, I'm doing this for you. A-A-Ron, I actually appreciate your input, sometimes. Commie is cool cause he likes shooting and the going ballistic segment is great. Nick, very imformative and entertaining. Shawn, keep on keeping on. Love the show, long live the cult.

WLSisLife SSB Jerombe 171 SeanTalkHunt [] [] [] [] [] Shoot Straight

 by Shawn H

The best podcast that I am on. Killing it.

 by Will Shevlin

Great show, Jeremy is my hero. Not entirely sure what Savage is for though.

 by Alex R

Love listening to the show, always enjoy the good conversations, especially the ones about Aero suppressors. On second thought maybe it’s just fun to hear Aaron get yelled at by Jeremy. Keep up the good work and loving all the new stuff.