WLS Double Tap 153 – Cool Boss



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This episode of We Like Shooting –  Double Tap is brought to you by Black Rhino Concealment Neo Mag and Rubber Dummies.

Check out our Shootout challenge! Targets, rules and swag available here!

Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 153 Where we answer your questions, talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.


Our cast for tonight is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, and Jermey

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#Weapons Platforms  (where we weigh the pros and cons of types of weapons)

Ballistic Knife


Mike H

Shawn, when are you going to open up your storefront?

Caleb R

Hey I have a few questions for y’all.

So I heard on one of y’alls podcasts it sounded like y’all were speaking against an individual building an AR15 instead of having it professionally built, did I miss understand? What are pros and cons to doing a home built AR?

I’m in the market for some new guns, $5000 budget 3 guns. Pistol (9mm preferred) short to mid range rifle and long range rifle (800 yard capability) what would yall get/suggest?

Thanks for your help, great podcast!


Charlie M

WLS crew! Thank you for helping us stay *almost* sane during the CHINESE – virus pandemic meltdown.

My questions are: I’m on the verge of putting red dots on my pistols and AR. Problem is I’m a poor and can’t put a red dot on every gun simultaneously. Do you have any thoughts on where to start? Maybe rifle first, pistols later? Vice versa?

Any thoughts on adjusting from using irons (and a cheap scope) to using red dots as primary sights?

Aarin, worked at the UPS for several years as a union worker then as a part time supervisor. Have you done the same thing as me and betrayed the union? Losing friends and acquaintances in the process?

Finally, I was visiting Colorado Springs in early March and looked up you’re guys address (Sean and Nick) for the WLS shop wanting to pop in and say hi. I used the address on Facebook and ended up and a dinky office building where a certain Gun Bunny’s office is currently at.. What’s up with that??? Thanks a lot for the wasted trip!

#wlsislife #hashtagsarelife #SSB

PS I accidentlly submitted this questionare halfway through so please disregard the previous question from me.

Bilbo Saget

Can you explain one stage vs two stage triggers? I 100% know what DA and SA are.

Arone Criger

Do you think air soft fights(like on the YouTube channel Dutch the Hooligan) is good practice/training or just fun? Thnx

Wes From Utah

Hey guys I had a thought about the ‘registration equals confiscation’ debate. Don’t get me wrong I do not support registration, but isn’t social media a type of registration? Posting pics of your guns or shooting online makes it pretty damn easy to track down who has guns and who to take them from when it comes time. I am afraid to post pictures on Instagram due to the thought of it being tracked back to me. Of course I’m already on lists having a suppressor and a concealed permit, so I guess it’s not too different other than red flag concerns. But what is your take on the social media, I apologize if this has been asked already. Thanks for the input.



I am still hoping to get my FFL and become an SOT in order to help legally sell guns to good Americans. With that said, due to zoning issues, I cannot open my small business in my county in West Virginia. (I don’t want to rent a commercial spot). I called my mommy and she said I could use her home in Maryland as my FFL base (im only about 45 mins from her). Assuming this is legal, how would y’all feel about living in a super free state, but running an FFL in a communist state like Maryland? Which laws would I have to follow? Who could I sell pistols to? Marylanders or Hillbillies? Just to help understand, MD is similar to Hawaii and NJ with ridiculous red flag laws, HBAR, 10 round limits, 7 day waits, etc etc. Literally why I left MD and moved to WV. TASTE THE FREEDOM. Thanks guys. And to everyone listening, SEND IN QUESTIONS! it’s our submissions that help this show keep going! And join the Cult.


Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls

Bowers group

# Not Guns

You went all Boog because someone said it was minecraft time, now you are on deathrow, what is your last meal?


Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group (ask the guest about their state) and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255 or text a message to 741741

We’re here live every week on Monday and Weds. and on demand every damn day. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!

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