WLS Double Tap 204 – Bikini Box



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Welcome to Double Tap, Episode 204, your hosts tonight are Jeremy Pozderac, Nick Lynch, Aaron Krieger, My name is Shawn Herrin, welcome to the show!


Our cast for episode 204 is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, Jeremy Pozderac!, Nick Lynch

#WackyWeapons (where we weigh the pros and cons of types of weapons) 




Mike M 

Shawn and Aaron, what is going to be the first real meal you are going to have when the survival challenge is finished? 


Bobby D

Not a question, just some thoughts…

Sorry for the long read, just some thoughts I had after hearing today’s events.

I am reminded today about the judicial system as pondering about the verdict announced today in the Derrick Chavin trial. The opinion of ours whether we think the right or wrong verdict can be debated among us for a long time.

The point of this letter is not about the verdict, but to remind us about the judicial system if we were ever in a situation that we would need to defend ourselves. In that situation, we also will face a trial of jurors to prove our guilt or innocence, mostly on how it relates to self-defense.

In the case of self-defense, our lawyer must satisfy 5 elements. The first is innocence where they will judge whether we were the original aggressor to the situation (we must try to de-escalate). The second is imminence of if the threat posed an imminent or reasonable risk of death or grave bodily harm to us or others that that justifies a lethal force. The third is reasonableness/appropriate force in that if the force we responded with could have been less lethal; the force we faced was a 100-pound 18-year-old kid or a 250-pound semi-professional wrestler. Fourth is avoidance, could we have gotten ourselves and our loved ones out of the situation before the threat escalated.

Last is proportionality, the response to match the level of the threat to stop it, not exceed it.

These are the elements that would be presented in the trial and judged by a jury of our peers to decide guilty or innocent. Also, this should remind us that a lawyer will be presenting the case. It is important to have a lawyer that can present the evidence backing the elements. Thus it is important to remember to have a lawyer trained in these aspects and be part of an organization like Texas Law Shield, USCCA, Second Call Defense, etc…


Brian E

 Well just listened to you guy attempting to answer a question about steel armor and how to not use it if your able to. What body armor company would you suggest than? The rifle rated safe life defense stuff is so expensive for someone who is trying to be cost effective. Is there any good options for a set of rifle rated plates that is sub $600? Also maybe a dumb question but I am asking you “geniuses” thoughts on running one steel plate on your back and the non-steel in front to save on cost.


Hound Dog

 I would like to suggest that Shawn print out all of the Double Tap questions and individually send them to Jeremy, who then does a marathon video reading and answering them. Then every time Jeremy hate breathes into the mic Savage reaches into the screen and slaps him. If Jeremy makes it all the way through the backlog without killing Savage he gets paid with an SSB. #HoundLife


Dolph N. Rape

 Do you think jujubes are really unicorn nipples? Do you think you could make a functional bullet from jujubes?

Love the fuddcast.


P.S. It hurts when I pee.

P.P.S. Shawn, do you have a P.O. Box? I’d like to send you something. It’s a portrait of you. I made it with my hair. I used toenail clippings for the teeth because I wanted them to be yellow like yours are.


Tacitus Kilgore

 Hey guys, went to go take a piss the other day, and coughed, as I coughed I felt it in the top of my dick, it was almost like a pinch, I’m 25 and thats never happened before, any of you guys experience this #ieatass #ssb


 Not Sure

 In my opinion, there are few if any justifiable reasons for jumping through the hoops and expenses of owning a 40mm launcher. But at the same time, is it worth spending the few hundred bucks to get a 37mm for the occasional fun shoot or (Minecraft) use or are they just flat out tacticool?


Skyler D

 Anyone ever heard of this app? https://www.gotyour6app.com/

Is this a trap to get on a list or is it legit? There are several groups backing out that I trust. What are your thoughts on it?

Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls


# Not Guns
Would you prefer to live in the DC universe or Marvel




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