WLS Double Tap 197 – Saddle Holster



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Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 196 Where we answer your questions, talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.


Our cast for tonight is Shawn Herrin, Nick Lynch, Aaron Krieger, and Jermey

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John W

After the recent question about country music, I completely agree with Jeremy, turnpike troubadors, nitty gritty dirt band, johnny cash, are all amazing artists and I think a lot of modern country artists are glorified pop artists. Bluegrass is a great bastion of good music. I’d recommend Balsam Range as well since they are a quality group from my neck of the woods if you like artists like Trampled By Turtles. One of my questions is what the opinion is about artists like Tyler Childers, Colter Wall, and Sturgill Simpson as Jeremy seems well versed in the few modern country artists that are worth the time. For my second question, what are some good pocket carry guns for when the weather may be more suited for less clothing? I tried a Springfield 911 in 9mm, as well as a p32, is there a point where no matter how small the gun gets, its not worth the loss in power you would get with cartridges like .32 acp or .380, or would they do fine in the role they fill as a deep cover gun? Should the gold standard be a minimum 9×19 or will an LCP work in the event you want something controllable and extra tiny to work out of a dangerous situation? I currently carry a CZ P-07 suppressor ready but have worried a bit with printing as the seasons change and I move to a flannel-less attire with just t-shirt and shorts.

Thanks guys and love the show!

Hound Dog

I recently purchased a Radical Firearms Upper Assembly 7.5 inch 5.56. Any experience with these? I’ve seen some reviews that state they can have gas block issues. I am primarily going to be using this with a CMMG 22lr conversion bolt, but will on occasion run 556 through it. Is this worth tearing down and steaking the gas block? I am going to be using this on the same lower (that uses endomags) as my 9mm that has the heavier buffer. Will this impact how it runs at all? #HoundLife #3/26/21

Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls

# Not Guns

Remember the Muppets


All about the long range tonight

Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group (ask the guest about their state) and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255 or text a message to 741741

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