WLS Double Tap 170 – Luv El



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Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 170 Where we answer your questions, talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.


Our cast for tonight is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, and Jermey

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Hound Dog

Question for those with experience using EndoMags. I have a GunTech upper 9mm PCC using endo mags but when I eject the mag and pull the charging handle back the round in the chamber just stays on the bolt. It doesn’t actually eject the round. If the mag is in it works fine. Is this by design or is something not working correctly? It makes unloading annoying and potentially dangerous if the user doesn’t realize the round is on the bolt. #WLSISLIFE

Jack B

What’s the perfect disguise to get in anywhere? My buddies and I came up with a leaf blower. You walk around with a leaf blower like you belong, and nobody is going to question you. Even if they want to question you, all you have to do is avoid eye contact because they know you can’t hear them. If your skin is tanned, they won’t even expect you to speak english.

If you want to actually go inside, we figure all you need is a vacuum and a bottle of disinfectant.

Sydney M

Hey guys! I have a question and I’m going to try and provide you with all the information I can so that Jeremy won’t be triggered.

So, I have recently found a group that does 22lr bench rest shooting. They use ARA rules and I would like to stay in the factory class. I will be shooting my 10/22 with a bull barrel sitting in a magpul hunter X22 stock. But what I need is some good glass. We shoot out to 100 yards and I was using a Sightmark that my ex left when I kicked him out but it’s as shitty as he is.

Its between the swampfox patriot and the vortex diamondback tactical. Both are 6-25×50, FFP, MOA. I can find the vortex for $399 and the swampfox $429 (not counting the discount code) Whats your recommendation? They are both in my budget but if there’s another option you think may also work well for what I plan to use it for, let me know.

Francis K

My understanding is that every time y’all play “Taps” you get a copyright hit. And that it’s because someone was recorded playing it. So I’m curious, why not have a cult member play it, and use that version? I doubt the actual Writer of the song is alive. Like using Beethoven music.

Austin S

I replaced my 43 with a 365xl this spring and am trying to sell my 43 now. Armslist is dead around me. What’s the next best way to sell a gun since my buddies don’t want to buy it?

Hound Dog

What ammo/bullet/grain would you recommend for the following situation? AR 9MM 7.5″ barrel with 8 oz. buffer; used to shoot Whitetail Deer out to 100 yards. Also when I dump a mag at a running deer at 60 yards the Deer doesn’t end up costing more than I can buy a cow for. Assuming a “normal” market and the ammo must be readily available. #WLSISLIFE

Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls

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Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group (ask the guest about their state) and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255 or text a message to 741741

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