WLS Double Tap 147 – Fluxin on the Poors



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This episode of We Like Shooting –  Double Tap is brought to you by Black Rhino Concealment Neo Mag and Rubber Dummies.

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Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 147 Where we answer your questions, talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.


Our cast for tonight is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, and Jermey

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Look down the barrel of a gun, or have you wife/GF see your unredacted internet history 



I constantly see headlines reading, “man breaks into woman’s house, woman holds burglar at gunpoint until police arrive.” or some form of that story. While I 100% agree with what they’re doing, I often wonder: what is the legality of that? You’re allowed to protect your life from from death or serious bodily injury, but aren’t you technically kidnapping someone if you hold them at gunpoint? I’d like y’all’s legal opinion. And please be quick, my arm is getting tired from holding my gun… Thanks! #JoinTheCult #ItsOnlyAFuckingDollarYouPussies


Bit of a long one here guys. What are your thoughts on the single or 1.5 stack pistols like the P365 XL or G43X with the Shield arms 15 round mag breaking into the “duty pistol” space? Seems to me that reliability and this arbitrary 15 round capacity were the two biggest factors in duty pistol spaces. Your top dogs tend to be G19s, S&W MP9 and CZP10c. If you are an average sized person with average sized hands, does a P365(XL) with a 15 round mag break into duty pistol territory? Now that Holosun is making a dedicated narrow slide optic and reliability of these pistols is steadily increasing, are we going too see a shift to these pistols as everyone’s go to? Dare we say G19 killer?

Jeff H

Which would the cast choose the Fightlite Raider in 300 black out, or the Solo 300 bolt action pistol? Neither one is practical so don’t argue for ten minutes about practicality.

Nick T

What type of storage do you use for ammo? Do you try to keep a minimum amount of rounds per caliber on hand? Jermey don’t say get what you can afford. I’m thinking long term. The slow build up if funds are low if someone is a poor. Let me be clear I’m no poor! Plus I have my FFL so I can get ammo for a decent deal. So what’s a good rule of thumb to aim for?

Eric J

I know you’ve talked about it many times before, but Jeremy, can you go over how to silver solder a muzzle break onto a barrel again? I need to solder a Lantac Dragon onto a 14.5 Faxon pencil barrel, I want to make sure I get this right.

Steve S

Hi guys. Love the show. I’ve been listening for about 6 months.

My question is about polymer pistols. I have a few polymer pistols I have bought in the past few years that eventually I will leave to my kids when the time comes. I’m i. My early 40s so it’ll be a while hopefully. I was wondering if you have ever heard of polymers breaking down or becoming brittle and cracking after time? Say like 25+ years. Or even reacting with gun oils or even foam that would be in hard gun cases? Also are there any pistols that have been known to have been made out of inferior polymers in the past? I’ve really never heard anything on this since polymers havent been around that long. Not like steel and wood guns.


I have a couple old guns that the previous owners decided to engrave their names in. Is there a way to fill-in the engraving?

Jack B

I have an answer to your question for how you attract the fudds. I’ve been wrongly called a fudd a few times because I don’t care for ARs, so I speak from experience. First thing is stop insulting them. We gotta get rid of the divisive language. Show an interest in their guns, then show them yours and talk about how they’re the same. Aren’t most automatic pistols today 1911 derivatives? ARs can be a garand derivative.

On the ARs point out how you like the ergonomics better, odds are they prefer the ergonomics of the older style guns. Also mention how easy ARs are to work on. Say something like “We don’t have be nearly as smart as you guys to work on our guns”. Don’t forget to point out that since the guns operate on the same principal, once yours are gone, theirs are next. Often the only difference between an evil gun and a good gun is a stock. Recite that old quote “when they came for the jews I did not stand up because i wasn’t a jew. When they came for the tradesmen, I did not stand up because I wasn’t a tradesman. When they came for me there was no one left to stand up for me. (or whatever version you like, there are many out there. Even the original guy said it different ways)

People who don’t like new guns probably only don’t like them because they grew up on the old ones. I can list a half dozen reasons why I don’t like ARs but none of them make you a bad person for liking them. You’re only a bad person if you’re trying to force that ugly shit on me.


Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls

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# Not Guns
THIS WEEKS TOPIC:  Which Star wars movie was the best?


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