WLS Double Tap 087 – Hot Yellow Sauce

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This episode of We Like Shooting –  Double Tap is brought to you by Black Rhino Concealment Neo Mag and Rubber Dummies.

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Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 87, Where we answer your questions, talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.


Our cast for tonight is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, Jeremy Pozderac, Nick Lynch, Savage AF

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#Tech news


#Dear WLS

Frank C
What is the difference between a long stroke piston action and a short stroke piston action? Also is there any gun range you are aware of in northern Ohio that is a gay singles hot spot? Asking for a friend.

Collin C
Hi my name is Collin, I’m a staffer for the AP (the enemy) I was just wondering if Aaron still shooting on his property, if so I’d like to get a few details straight so I can write a report if anything ever happens. Shawn, Nick and gang any quotes? Did you ever see this coming? What do you think about Aarons condition? Also how big is the crater going to be? I like to write reports for potential things that might happen. Looks good if I am early and great practice.

Hot Yellow Sauce
First off, thank you for answering my last question (sarcasm; you didn’t) but no worries. WLS is legitimately my absolute favorite podcast, and I’m a huge fan of the Joe Rogan Experience. This, being a gun centric show, revolves a lot around the self defense mindset. We all talk about gear and various training we undergo and that’s all fine and good. So why are you all so out of shape? Yes, Jeremy, being big and strong like your Grindr buddy Odin doesn’t make you a physical specimen. Can any of you run a sub 10 minute mile? You may be good shots, but that might not help you in an “ultimate survival” situation. I know being a fat slobbish oaf is a running joke around Shawn, A-Aron and now Nick but, isn’t this something you should really take seriously? Your shot placement ain’t gon’ be shit if you have to sprint a few foosball fields to take down an assailant.
P.S: Jeremy, on the latest episode with Scott Jedlinski, he mentioned he was 6’2” tall, you started to go on your usual tangent about NORMAL people compared to your freakish size, but you refrained. Everyone knows how much you need to tell everyone how tall you are, but you displayed excellent self control. Congratulations, you inbred midwest mongrel.
P.P.S: You’re BAE, Jerambe. (This message exempts Comrade1R, he’s lookin’ cut as fuck these days, the bread line diet must be good for you).
Thank you.

Wade W
If each of the cast members asem/built an AR chambered in .458 socom. What barrel length would each cast member choose and why would they choose that length?

Kyle A
I’m looking into getting a walther p99. Is this a good reliable gun? Have not held or shot one yet.

K Alger
I have a ruger precision in 6.5 creedmoore. I’m looking for a scope around the 600$ area. I want to reach out to 600 plus yards easily. What would be the best choice?

Kirk L
Can you please help me find an NRA Certified Rifle Instructor in/near Lewistown, PA needed to assist with youth High School air rifle team.
I have a friend who has managed to convince his PA high school to start an Air Rifle team. They’ve put him in charge of it, even given him a budget for equipment. But he needs an NRA certified rifle instructor. Maybe an RSO too, I don’t know yet.
I’m asking you to put the word out and help find someone in the area. He would be willing to get certified himself, in fact, would like to, but that’s not in the budget so if a local-ish Training Counselor would donate a class that would be great also. If you agree to help, you filter the responses and forward them to this email or just “publish” the email and remove yourself as the middle man. My email isn’t a secret so I’m not worried about that.
This is one time we actually CAN say, “do it for the children!” 😉

Heath L
Can you please tell the Local Communist to read the stories before he talks about them on the show. It’s for the people dammit so read. Almost every show he talks about a story but doesn’t know what’s in it. Kinda like the moron that reads the headline then freaks out. Sorry, Savage. Also, what’s your experience with Daniel Defense Rifles? I’ve got the DDM4V11 Pro in 5.56 and the DD5 Ambush in 308. I heard Jeremy say that DD is just “eh” and can kinda agree on most of their models besides their competition rifles and 18-inch 308’s. American Defense Manufacturing seems to have rifles with more features and nice upgrades compared to DD. Thanks, love the show.
P.S. Quit calling Jeremy gay so often. Was listening to you guys in the vehicle when you called him gay. Girlfriend was in the car and gave me the side look since my first name is Jeremy. Thanks………

Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls

Bowers group

# Not Guns
FROM A LISTENER (Josh) What stupid superpowers would your fellow castmates have?


Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group (ask the guest about their state) and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255 or text a message to 741741

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