Double Tap 355 – Bear Season

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Welcome to Double Tap, episode 355! your hosts tonight are Jeremy Pozderac, Aaron Krieger, Nick Lynch, and me Shawn Herrin, welcome to the show!

Tonight we’re going to talk about:

Policy and Powder


Zach G: What is the biggest bore caliber that he always has in stock but is bought the least? Thinking about this from a prepping perspective. Like if shit hit the fan I’d be able to easily find it if I picked up a firearm chambered in it now.

Tacos Blair: Not a question, but the Taco bell sauce for a cheesy Gordita crunch is called Baja sauce, you can get it will all the other taco stuff at Wal-Mart.

Also listening to taco Germy talk about phone etiquette is amusing to say the least – Baja Sauce link


Zeke L: I’m going Squatchin’ in early May this year and I will be packing my 10mm for bear protection. Do you take some hot hard cast rounds or the Underwood Extreme Penetrator? Love the sound of that! With 15 round mags, I thought of mixing the two types of ammo in the mags? Underwood Extreme Penetrator Ammo

Joe Spanky: 

I was just wondering if any of you have thought about 3D printing a fight lite scr style stock for something like mat 9 upper on a standard AR lower? link

Keith M: Hey y’all, love listening to the show. I have a “mid-1940’s” savage .22 bolt action and would like to put a suppressor on , As I don’t want to ruin the original historic value and have the tapered barrel threaded , Who makes a slip on screw down adapter for rifles like this ? Thank you all, except Aaron. link

HugMuffin Actual: Question: Heavy Safe vs Security Locker

Dear Esteemed Gentlemen. I”m considering in-house secured storage options for ten long-arms overflowing from my primary storage and would appreciate your insight.

The question: Is there any benefit in going for a heavier safe with alleged fire resistance versus a higher quality security locker such as the SecureIt Agile Pro 52?

Link to SecurIt option::

Some factors to consider:

-Budget is around $1000.

-The unit would be concealed in a wardrobe in a way blocking access to the safe’s top and sides.

-The Securit locker has no fire resistance, but I place little faith in this attribute of safes since the heat of a house fire is likely gonna ruin the contents regardless of any advertised fire resistance.

-Both the safe and the storage locker seem to offer the same (minimal) resilience to a determined thief armed with a $15 Harbor Freight cut-off tool.

-The location is on the second floor of a wood-framed house and would be bolted to the wall and floor.

-The house has a monitored security system and multiple dogs.

-The firearms are all insured.

I’d love your thoughts on whether the heavier safe is worth the extra effort in installing and whether it might be problematic on the second floor.

May the Sunshine of Happiness dapple your paths.




J Nasty: What’s your thoughts on 6mm max? solgw seems to believe it’s the next best thing. Does it fill a gap? Do you think it will be successful? link

Aaron J: Hey gang,

I have a Savage 24v combination gun that is chambered in .222 Remington over 20ga with a fixed full choke. The rifle currently has a pedestal front sight and a flip up rear and I have it outfitted with a weaver rail for mounting a scope, which is currently a cheaper Primary Arms 1-4 scope nestled in leverlok rings to allow the scope to be popped off for close up shots and storage.

My question for you all would be what scope setup would you run on such a setup? This is my predator gun as the 20ga with #4 is excellent for the close shots and the .222 would be perfect for the longer shots, say 250yds max. It somehow maintains zero after taking the scope on and off and with 3” 20ga buckshot loads but would like something a bit more rugged and tailored for the gun.



Zach G.


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Wrap up 


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