Fat Gunners and In the Waist Belt Holsters

Discriminate? No, we love all people of all sizes.

OK, I admit it: I am fat. Not plump, not snuggle bear big. As my son says, Dad, you’re fat, and while his honesty is admiring it earned him a timeout.

Sometimes being on the larger side means my holsters just don’t fit correctly, or when I pull out my gun it means pushing through an extra layer of me. I went to the well of knowledge known as Reddit to find out what other plus-size models are wearing for concealment holsters, and this is what I found.

Simple and molded IWB slip-in holsters design like the one pictured above seems to get the least amount of love. This is what I currently carry and to be honest it’s like an unskilled laborer, it ain’t pretty, but it gets the job done.

While they do hold a variety of arms, they tend to hide themselves deeper in the waistband which puts the handle lower into the manly region I like to refer to as the spare tire. While this location tends to help with the concealment, when it comes to retrieval it may take a few precious extra seconds to pull through that manhood I have worked so hard to create with cake and my wife’s cooking.

While the pocket holster was considered as an option and should not be ruled out I was specifically looking for the IWB holsters. Also I personally do not have a lot of room in my pockets, because I carry a lot of candy and small sandwiches in there.

While the key to a good holster is how well it is constructed, the great key to a holster for men of considerable size is one that is a shielded double phalanx. The shielded double phalanx holster is one that has flaps on either side of the actual holster not just a portion that the gun will go into. No matter what brand you choose this is a need, not a want. The double phalanx portion of the holster acts as a dam to keep your body away from where your hands need to be. It also is nice at how much higher the gun will sit in your pants allowing more exposure to the handle. This kind of holster works great no matter what shape you are in.

There are many different brand makers of shielded double phalanx holsters and on Reddit a lot of brands where tossed out like the Kydex Universal holster from Fist Inc to Galco King Tuck. However the brand that kept popping up was Crossbreed (Kholster has a similar model at a cheaper price). It seems that the Crossbreed holster will allow you to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner, daily, and give you access to your firearm without too big of an issue (no pun intended).

While we were impressed with the suggestion of both duct tape and going to the gym, those options seemed meh at best and wha-wha at the least.