WLS 144 – Return to zero

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This episode of the We Like Shooting show is brought to you by Second Call Defense, Manticore Arms, DEZ Tactical Arms, the Sonoran Desert Institute and JC Arms and Ammunition!

Check out our Shootout challenge! Targets, rules and swag available here!

Welcome to the We Like Shooting show, Episode 144 – tonight we’ll talk about Microsoft hololens, Garmin Fenix 3 Sapphire, Sig Scorpion Evo E3, Kinetic Development Group, Shit savage found on Reddit and more!

Our Guest is Nate Murr from Kinetic Development Group

Director of Business Development for Kinetic Development Group, Inventor of the Gripstop and other Firearms centric products.

You can find more about Nate Murr here


Our cast for episode 144 is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, Savage1r, Lil Chantilly, Jeremy Pozderac!

Second Call Defense

If you carry or use a gun to protect yourself an/or your family then you need Second Call Defense. They handle what comes after the trigger is pulled. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get Second Call Defense today!

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Lil’s Livefire Lounge with Lil Chantilly

The lovely Lil Chantilly talks about gear and issues for women in the gun world.

Manticore Arms

Reality based accessories that solve problems! Manticore Arms makes parts for your fighting rifles, whether it’s an AK, AR-15, AUG, Tavor, CZ Scorpion Evo or even something else!

Get 10% off at Manticore Arms with code WLS10!

Gear Chat

Brought to you by DEZ Tactical Arms

Where we talk about the stuff we have, the stuff that we want and the stuff that we need!

DEZ Tactical Arms

Rifles and accessories for the AR-15 lover! Whether you need a full rifle or just parts to build one DEZ has your back. High quality, match grade and most parts are made in house.

Get 10% off at DEZ Tactical Arms with code WLSPATRON!

Positively Pozderac with Jeremy Pozderac

Brought to you by We Like Shooting’s Shut the FU CUP Coffee!

Our angry Marine tells us what’s grinding his gears.

“Informative YouTube videos”

JC Arms and Ammunition

The absolute best ammo we’ve shot! Match grade primers, match grade powder, virgin brass and top quality projectiles, at range ammo prices. You have got to see it to believe it!

Get $5 off at JC Arms and Ammunition with code WLS5OFF!

Going Ballistic with Savage1r

Brought to you by JC Arms & Ammunition

Savage1r goes over the news of the day relating to guns, rights and more!

  • My personal hero, Steven Stamboulieh has filed a lawsuit against the US Government for failing to approve appeals on denials. In the wake of increased gun sales which require more background checks, the FBI has re-assigned all examiners in charge of approving appeals to work on the hightened number of NICS checks. The FBI is required by  28 C.F.R. § 25.10 which says the FBI has an obligation to verify the record correction with the originating agency and take all necessary steps to correct the record in NICS. This is not a discretionary duty. And 18 U.S.C. § 925(a) provides Any person denied a firearm pursuant to subsection (s) or (t) of section 922— (1) due to the provision of erroneous information relating to the person by any State or political subdivision thereof, or by the national instant criminal background check system established under section 103 of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act; or (2) who was not prohibited from receipt of a firearm pursuant to subsection (g) or (n) of section 922, may bring an action against the State or political subdivision responsible for providing the erroneous information, or responsible for denying the transfer, or against the United States, as the case may be, for an order directing that the erroneous information be corrected or that the transfer be approved, as the case may be. In any action under this section, the court, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing party a reasonable attorney’s fee as part of the costs.Reddit thread of the Plaintiff
  • In other Nolo News, Steven has filed another a FOIA request for the ATF to provide their correspondence between the ATF and the NFACTA, a trade organization that has been advising the ATF on rule changes such as the recent 41P revisions. The NFACTA is also behind the 29P suppressor marking locations change which would require markings only on the outer tube.Explanation here. This was hatched by a number of members by the NFACTA, but specifically John Brown, who is a former ATF agent and likely participated in some seriously illegal shitwith the ATF and that evidence was covered up BY the ATF. Other members of the NFACTA include HK’s very own Wayne Weber, Ohio Ordinance Works Robert Landies, and Robert Segel from Small Arms Review.


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iTunes Reviews

Please leave us reviews in iTunes! It makes all the difference!

Find me at the NRA show for your money

by I don’t use nick names on May 08, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

The show is a hoot. I sometimes get something valuable out of it beyond laughing my #%# offI would and have suggested it to othersThanks for your work all of you Sean I have emailed you twice and offered money but you have not respondedI am not much of a joiner so being a patron is off my list but I think your worth some money for information and entertainment you have provided me.I will be the handsome guy with the hot blond wife wondering the show with a $100 bill in my pocket of you guysI will keep an eye out for your out of specification Former Marine if I spot him I will know where to find you.Aaron! don’t let these guys screw with you to much your my favorite person on the showThe worlds most interesting manThe Dos Equis guy is a fake

Dr. Pepper?

by Piratefour20 on May 04, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

I pictured Aaron for a Mt. Dew guy for sure.

Not just because

by OngoingFreedom on May 02, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

I started listening around episode 90 and have been hooked ever since. It’s my favorite podcast and not just because I won a Redleg tactical holster from WLS. The personal chemistry is the part I like best.

Great show

by Tomaidhmor on May 02, 2016
RATING: ★★★★★

This is a great podcast. Every week is full of entertainment and education. Weekly Lil’s sexy voice flows through our speakers while Aaron looses or breaks things spewing diabetes everywhere. All in all its a great show to go against the liberal mindset.


This weeks winners!

  • Grizzly Brass: Charlie Bass
  • JC Arms & Ammunition: Robert Cartwright
  • Redleg Tactical: John Eyermann

Didn’t win? Enter here!

We’re here live every week on Monday nights and on demand every Thursday. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!