WLS Double Tap 167 – Boogaloo Bingo



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Welcome to We Like Shooting’s Double Tap, Episode 167 Where we answer your questions, talk about new tech in the gun world, and touch base on gun industry news.


Our cast for tonight is Shawn Herrin, Aaron Krieger, and Jermey

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Dr Seriously a doctor

So. I ordered the brn 180s in 223 Wilde. I’m stoked to put my silencer on omega on it for now(The only rifle can I own)But plan on a new can in the future just for this pistol. I plan on this being a home defense Gun. I’ve always been an LVPO person for my ARs. But I think 10.5 is too short for that. Suggestions for a red dot/ holographic sight?. I think I like eotech, but I’ve only ever shot with one. I have several holosuns, but want something a little more heavy duty. This is going to be a 0-300 yard ish gun. What are your recommendations?

John R

Hey Yall! Which do you prefer on your IWB hoslter, Clips or Loops? Pros and Cons? Also any of yall find yourselves in Texarkana drinks are on me. Keep up the great work! #wlsislife #fucksavage #hashtag #AKmasterrace. #whyamistillmakinghashtags

Connor H

Hey guys,

I was listening to Gun Talk Radio and he mentioned that some other podcast claimed to be the oldest firearms podcast. He said that show only had 160 episodes. It clicked in my mind he was talking about WLS! He obviously doesn’t know about double tap but now it’s time to settle the scores. Did you guys start your podcast before Gun Talk?

Anyways, I like your podcast better anyways just thought I’d make some good smack talking topics

Kaleb K

Experience/opinions on the Polymer80’s complete pistols?

Is it a good option for someone who wants to take advantage of the Glock aftermarket without having to purchase an actual Glock?

Finally, does being a complete gun remove any “concerns” in regards to legal aftermath previously discussed with carrying a Polymer80 kit that the buyer finished?

Blake D

This is for all of y’all. It’s a survey showing how you side politically. It takes about 5 minutes to fill out. I think it would bring up some good discussions. Lol.


Hound Dog

I have a follow up to my question in episode 161 about lasers. First lasers work great for hunting at night in the woods. You can tell if there are any small samplings between you and your target. This might be the only good use for them but I’ll tell you for the hunting I do (and it’s legal) I wouldn’t use anything else. They make shooting Raccoons out of trees so easy. That being said I went with a Crimson Trace CRM-206. What are your thoughts on this laser if you cared? #WLSISLIFE

Submit your questions to welikeshooting.com/dearwls

Bowers group

# Not Guns

Name a movie that the sequel was better than the original.


Just a reminder to join a gun related advocacy group (ask the guest about their state) and we always give out the Suicide prevention line, that number is 1 (800) 273-8255 or text a message to 741741

We’re here live every week on Monday and Weds. and on demand every damn day. Go to welikeshooting.com/show to subscribe!

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